Program Closures

The following is a list of program closures and their effective closure years. These programs are in teach-out as of the fall of the closure year noted. These programs are not accepting any new students, per the university teach-out policy.

Program Closure Year
Undergraduate Programs
Applied Physics, B.S. 2024
Biblical Ministries, B.S. 2023
Communication, B.S. 2023
Communication Studies, B.A. 2023
Early Childhood, B.S. 2023
Intercultural Studies, B.A. 2023
Intercultural Studies Minor 2024
Interdisciplinary Studies, B.A. 2023
Interdisciplinary Studies, B.S. 2023
International and Community Development Minor 2024
Islamic Studies Minor 2024
Journalism and Integrated Media, B.A. 2023
Missions Minor 2024
Organizational Leadership, B.S. 2023
Peace, Justice, and Intercultural Conflict Transformation Minor 2024
Public Relations and Digital Media Management, B.S. 2023
Public Relations and Strategic Communication, B.A. 2023
Science and Theology Minor 2024
TESOL Minor 2024
Graduate Programs
Leadership and Innovation, M.A. 2025
Master of Public Health in Epidemiology 2025
Multiple Subject Preliminary Credential (Graduate) 2025
Nonprofit Organizations, MM 2024
Single Subject Preliminary Credential (Graduate) 2025
Special Education, M.S.Sp.Ed. (Non-Credential) 2024
TESOL Certificate – Graduate 2024
TESOL, M.A. 2024
TESOL, M.A. (Elementary ESL/EFL) 2024
TESOL, M.A. (Young Learners) 2024

The following are the curriculum requirements of closed programs as of their closure year. Additional details on each program may be found on their program pages in the archived catalogs.

Applied Physics, B.S.

As of Fall 2024, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Applied Physics majors automatically meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 6 credits of science and mathematics. The foreign language requirement is met by two years in high school or 4 credits of college foreign language.
Program Courses (57 credits plus 6 program elective credits)
CHEM 105General Chemistry I4
CHEM 106General Chemistry II4
MATH 150Calculus I4
MATH 151Calculus II4
MATH 250Calculus III4
MATH 291Linear Algebra3
MATH 335Ordinary Differential Equations3
PHSC 124Data Analysis and Presentation1
PHSC 132General Physics I: Mechanics and Heat3
PHSC 134General Physics I Laboratory1
PHSC 233General Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism3
PHSC 237General Physics II Laboratory1
PHSC 234General Physics III: Waves, Optics and Modern Physics4
PHSC 311Computer Techniques in Science and Engineering3
PHSC 321Circuits and Instrumentation I5
PHSC 322Circuits and Instrumentation II3
PHSC 336Mathematical Methods in Physics3
PHSC 460Capstone Seminar1
PHSC 480Advanced Physics Laboratory3
Select a minimum of 6 upper-division credits from the following: 16
Mechanics of Materials
Classical Mechanics
Fundamentals of Materials Science
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Special Topics in Physical Science
Organic Chemistry I
Laboratory in Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Laboratory in Organic Chemistry II
Complex Variables
Program Course Requirements: 63 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements61
Total Credits124

Depending on the electives chosen, the elective count could be higher than 6 credits, thus increasing the program total credit count.

Biblical Ministries, B.S.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
The Core Curriculum requirement for Kinesiology and Health Science has been waived for this major.
Bible Requirement
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Theology I
Theology II
Early Christian History - Acts
Gospel of John
Lukan Writings
Synoptic Gospels
Gospel, Kingdom, and Culture (Methods of Bible Study) 1
Integration Seminar (Christian Ministries) 2
Select a 3-credit BBST 300/400 approved elective
Program Courses
CEED 150Foundations of Ministry3
CEED 254Leadership Development3
CEED 255Foundations of Spiritual Formation3
CEED 312Christian Ministry Skills3
CEED 313Christian Ministry Discipleship3
CEED 326Counseling Methods3
CEED 330Biblical Interpretation and Teaching3
CEED 415Organization and Administration of Christian Ministries3
CEED 445Ministry Field Work3
Select 6 credits of upper-division BBST or CEED elective courses6
Total Credits33

BBST 365 is a course with a variety of different sections. Biblical Ministries majors are required to take the specific section entitled "Methods of Bible Study."


BBST 465 is a course offered in partnerships with various departments with a variety of different sections. Those with the Biblical Ministries major are required to take the specific section entitled "Christian Ministries."

Communication, B.S.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
The Core Curriculum requirement for Kinesiology and Health Science has been waived for this major.
The Rhetorical Act (required Communication Core Curriculum course for the Communication Studies Department) 1
Bible Requirement
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Christian Theology
Early Christian History - Acts
BBST Integrative course (taken as COMM 390)
BBST Integrative course (taken as COMM 392)
BBST Integrative course (taken as COMM 490)
BBST Integrative course (taken as COMM 492)
Program Courses
COMM 100Introduction to Public Communication3
COMM 235Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 254Communication Theories3
COMM 272History of Communication3
COMM 387Organizational Communication3
COMM 390Jesus the Rhetor3
COMM 392Engaging Perspectives3
COMM 432Rhetorical Theories3
COMM 473Communication and Diversity3
COMM 490Conflict and the Christian3
COMM 492Authentic Communication3
Select 9 credits of COMM electives 29
Total Credits42

If students have already fulfilled the Communication Core Curriculum requirement, COMM 200 may be taken as a lower-division COMM elective.


See department for advising on elective selection.

Communication Studies, B.A.

As of September 1, 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
The required Communication Core Curriculum course for the Communication Studies Department is:
The Rhetorical Act 1
Program Courses
The following program courses are requirements for all concentrations.
COMM 235Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 254Communication Theories3
COMM 272History of Communication3
COMM 368Methods of Communication Research3
COMM 387Organizational Communication3
COMM 432Rhetorical Theories3
COMM 473Communication and Diversity3
COMM 495Advanced Methods of Research 23
Program Course Requirements: 24 credits
Select a Concentration detailed below22-24
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120-122

If students have already fulfilled the COMM Core Curriculum requirement, COMM 200 may be taken as a lower-division COMM elective.


Either COMM 465 or COMM 496 may be taken as an alternative to COMM 495.


Dramatic Arts

Concentration-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Introduction to Philosophy and Aesthetics (Recommended)
Theatre Appreciation (Recommended)
Concentration Courses
Dramatic Arts students must take the following courses once:
THTR 109Production Practicum1
THTR 209Production Practicum II1
THTR 309Production Practicum III1
THTR 409Production Practicum IV1
Elective Courses17
Select 17 credits from the following: 1, 2
Introduction to Public Communication
The Rhetorical Act 3
Small Group Communication
Oral Interpretation
Intercollegiate Forensics
Intercollegiate Forensics
Advanced Public Communication
Forms of Public Communication
Communication Internship (by arrangement) 4
Teaching Assistant (by arrangement) 1
Communication Practicum (by arrangement) 1
Intercultural Communication
Communication and Diversity
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior
Directed Research (by arrangement)
History of Cinema
Cinema and Media Arts Practicum
Cinema and Media Arts Seminar
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing
Soc Media, SEO, and Digital Strategy
Voice and Speech for the Actor
Introduction to Acting
Makeup for Stage and Screen
Costume Study and Construction
Intro to Technical Theatre
Lighting and Sound for Theatre
Stage Managing and Directing Theatre
Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Playwriting for Performance
Advanced Acting Workshop
Drama for Christian Ministry
London Theatre Study Tour
Total Credits21

Students may count a maximum of 9 credits of THTR 109; THTR 409; COMM 440; COMM 445; COMM 450 towards the major.


The University has an upper-division major policy of a minimum of 24 credits. Students must choose at least 7 upper-division credits from this list.


If students have already fulfilled the COMM Core Curriculum requirement, COMM 200 may be taken as a lower-division COMM elective.


Students may not count more than 6 credits of COMM 440 toward the major.

Organizational Communication

Concentration Courses
COMM 470Communication Seminar (Communication & Calling Required)3
Select 9 credits from the following:9
Communication in the Workplace
Small Group Communication
Forms of Public Communication
Organizational Rhetoric
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior
Select one of the following courses: 11-3
Communication Internship (by arrangement)
Teaching Assistant (by arrangement)
Communication Practicum (by arrangement)
Elective Courses9
Select 9 credits from the following:
History of Cinema
Cinema and Media Arts Practicum
Cinema and Media Arts Seminar 2
Introduction to Public Communication
The Rhetorical Act 3
Oral Interpretation
Argumentation and Debate
Advanced Public Communication
Rhetoric of Media Studies
Forms of Public Communication 2
Communication Internship
Teaching Assistant
Communication Practicum
Rhetorical Criticism
Communication Seminar 2
Intercultural Communication
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior 2
Directed Research (by arrangement)
Media Career Readiness Practicum
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing
Media Law
Advanced Journalism Seminar
Introduction to Public Relations
Writing for Public Relations
Soc Media, SEO, and Digital Strategy
Public Relations Management, Philosophy and Ethics
Principles of Advertising
Beginning Acting
Intermediate Acting
Advanced Acting Workshop
Drama for Christian Ministry
London Theatre Study Tour
Total Credits22-24

Students may count a maximum of 9 total credits (no more than 6 credits of any one) of COMM 440; COMM 445; COMM 450 toward the major.  


May be repeated with different topics.


If students have already fulfilled the COMM Core Curriculum requirement, COMM 200 may be taken as a lower-division COMM elective.

Relational Communication

Concentration Courses12
Select 12 credits from the following:
Small Group Communication
Forms of Public Communication
Communication Seminar
Intercultural Communication
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior
Select one of the following courses: 11-3
Communication Internship (by arrangement)
Teaching Assistant (by arrangement)
Communication Practicum (by arrangement)
Elective Courses9
Select 9 credits from the following:
History of Cinema
Cinema and Media Arts Practicum
Cinema and Media Arts Seminar 2
Introduction to Public Communication
The Rhetorical Act 3
Communication in the Workplace
Oral Interpretation
Argumentation and Debate
Advanced Public Communication
Rhetoric of Media Studies
Forms of Public Communication 2
Organizational Rhetoric
Communication Internship
Teaching Assistant
Communication Practicum
Rhetorical Criticism
Communication Seminar 2
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior 2
Directed Research (by arrangement)
Media Career Readiness Practicum
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing
Media Law
Advanced Journalism Seminar
Introduction to Public Relations
Writing for Public Relations
Soc Media, SEO, and Digital Strategy
Public Relations Management, Philosophy and Ethics
Principles of Advertising
Beginning Acting
Intermediate Acting
Advanced Acting Workshop
Drama for Christian Ministry
London Theatre Study Tour
Total Credits22-24

Students may count a maximum of 9 total credits (no more than 6 credits of any one) of COMM 440; COMM 445; COMM 450 toward the major.


May be repeated with different topics.


If students have already fulfilled the COMM Core Curriculum requirement, COMM 200 may be taken as a lower-division COMM elective.

Rhetorical Studies

Concentration Courses12
Select 12 credits from the following:
Argumentation and Debate
Advanced Public Communication
Persuasive Communication
Forms of Public Communication
Rhetorical Theories
Rhetorical Criticism
Rhetoric of Media Studies
Communication Seminar
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior
Select one of the following courses: 11-3
Communication Internship (by arrangement)
Teaching Assistant (by arrangement)
Communication Practicum (by arrangement)
Elective Courses9
Select 9 credits from the following:
History of Cinema
Cinema and Media Arts Practicum
Cinema and Media Arts Seminar
Introduction to Public Communication
Small Group Communication
The Rhetorical Act 2
Communication in the Workplace
Oral Interpretation
Forms of Public Communication 3
Organizational Rhetoric
Communication Internship
Teaching Assistant
Communication Practicum
Communication Seminar 3
Intercultural Communication
Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior 3
Directed Research (by arrangement)
Media Career Readiness Practicum
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing
Media Law
Advanced Journalism Seminar
Introduction to Public Relations
Writing for Public Relations
Soc Media, SEO, and Digital Strategy
Public Relations Management, Philosophy and Ethics
Principles of Advertising
Beginning Acting
Intermediate Acting
Advanced Acting Workshop
Drama for Christian Ministry
London Theatre Study Tour
Total Credits22-24

Students may count a maximum of 9 total credits (no more than 6 credits of any one) of COMM 440; COMM 445; COMM 450 toward the major.


If students have already fulfilled the COMM Core Curriculum requirement, COMM 200 may be taken as a lower-division COMM elective.


May be repeated with different topics.

Early Childhood, B.S.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
The Core Curriculum requirement for Kinesiology and Health Science has been waived for this major.
Introduction to Psychology
Bible/Theology Requirement
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Christian Theology
Early Christian History - Acts
Integration Seminar (taken as Christian Philosophy of Education)
BBST Integrative course (taken as LEDU 342)
BBST Integrative course (taken as LEDU 389)
BBST Integrative course (taken as APSY 425)
Program Courses
All students must take the following program courses:
APSY 425Psychology of Marriage and Family Life3
LEDU 301Introduction to Teaching3
LEDU 335Child Development: Birth through Adolescence3
LEDU 342Introduction to Spiritual Formation for Educators3
LEDU 356Early Childhood Curriculum3
LEDU 357School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings3
LEDU 358Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings3
LEDU 359Observation and Assessment of Young Children3
LEDU 360Early Childhood Practicum3
LEDU 370Language, Literacy and Biliteracy in Early Childhood3
LEDU 371Developing and Administering Early Care and Education Programs3
LEDU 389Spiritual Formation for Young Children3
LEDU (Education) Elective3
Total Credits39

Intercultural Studies, B.A.

As of November 10, 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Students must complete the standard Core Curriculum requirements with specific courses fulfilling certain Core areas as noted below. If students have not completed their Core Science requirement prior to entering the program, it is strongly recommended they take ANTH 222.
Cultural Anthropology
Theology of Mission 1
Integration Seminar (taken as "Gospel and Culture") 1
Program Courses
INCS 231Intercultural Competence & Diversity in the Global Workplace3
INCS 233Introduction to World Missions3
INCS 322Intercultural Adjustment3
INCS 331Ethnicity and Diversity in America3
INCS 349Community-Based Research3
INCS 352Field Internship1
INCS 354Field Internship2
INCS 420Intercultural Communication3
INCS 451Evangelism & Discipleship3
INCS 456World Religions and Pluralism3
Select 6 credits of electives 2, 36
Program Course Requirements: 33 credits
Select a 9-credit concentration from the list below 29
Core Curriculum Requirements74
General Electives4
Total Credits120

Students in the Torrey Honors College or who have already taken 30 credits of Bible may need to take INCS 450 (Theology of Mission) and/or INCS 465 (Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture) instead of their BBST equivalents, and in those cases the number of INCS credits required may increase to 45 or 48 since the 42 INCS required program credits do not include these two BBST/INCS courses.


All INCS students must complete at least one 9-credit concentration and take a minimum of six elective credits. Students who decide to move from a concentration to a minor hosted by the INCS department will not be required to declare a concentration (and will also be exempted from taking six additional credits of INCS/ANTH electives). If a student's concentration is INDS, INTE, or INCL, they must choose INCS electives. The other INCS concentrations may choose electives in INCS, INTE, or ANTH. 


One concentration and one secondary emphasis (different from the selected concentration) may be taken using the 9-credit concentration requirement and the 6-credit elective requirement. As detailed below, emphases are available in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology; International and Community Development; Missions; and Peace and Justice. 

  • The Department of Undergraduate Intercultural Studies issues a digital badge in recognition of the achievements of students from outside the INCS major and minors who complete coursework equivalent to an emphasis with a "C+" or higher in both specified courses. Please contact the department for details. 
  • A digital badge in “Intercultural Competence” may be issued upon request to students from outside the INCS major and minors for completion of INCS 231 and INCS 420 with a "C+" or higher in both courses. Please contact the department for details. 


Cross-Cultural Healthcare

INCS 345Introduction to Development3
INCS 430Seminar: Topics in Intercultural Health Care (Global Health Perspectives)3
Select 3 credits from the following:3
Seminar: Topics in Intercultural Health Care (Global Health: Preparation for Living Overseas)
Seminar: Topics in Intercultural Health Care (Global Health Priorities)
Seminar: Topics in Intercultural Health Care (Global Health Communication)
Total Credits9

Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology

ANTH 310Linguistic Anthropology3
ANTH 403Economic Anthropology3
Select 3 credits from the following:3
Magic, Witchcraft and Religion
Colonization, Decolonization, & Postcolonialism
Topics in Anthropology
Total Credits9


INCS 371Profiles in Missionary Lives3
Select 3 credits from the following:3
World Christianity
History of the Expansion of Christianity
Select 3 credits from the following:3
Understanding Islam and Islamic Theology
Short-Term Mission Leadership
The Local Church and World Missions
Topics in Intercultural Studies 1
Total Credits9

Missiological topics only, with prior approval of the Missiology Concentration Coordinator; must be taken for 3 credits to meet the Concentration requirement.

Emphasis Options1

Students may select one of the four emphases below which reflect a variety of options in the discipline: Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology; International and Community Development; Missions; or Peace and Justice.


The Department of Undergraduate Intercultural Studies issues a digital badge in recognition of the achievements of students from outside the INCS major and minors who complete coursework equivalent to an emphasis with a C+ or higher in both specified courses. A digital badge in “Intercultural Competence” may be issued upon request to students from outside the INCS major and minors for completion of INCS 231 and INCS 420 with a C+ or higher in both courses. Please contact the department for details. 

ANTH 310Linguistic Anthropology3
Select one of the following:3
Magic, Witchcraft and Religion
Colonization, Decolonization, & Postcolonialism
Topics in Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Total Credits6
INCS 345Introduction to Development3
INCS 433Community Development Models and Strategies3
Total Credits6
INCS 371Profiles in Missionary Lives3
Select one of the following:3
World Christianity
The Local Church and World Missions
History of the Expansion of Christianity
Total Credits6
ANTH 342Peace and Justice Advocacy3
ANTH 415Violence and Mediation3
Total Credits6

Intercultural Studies Minor

As of Fall 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
ANTH 200Cultural Anthropology3
All students completing a minor are required to take the following as a Bible or Intercultural Studies elective:
BBST 458Theology of Mission3
or INCS 450 Theology of Mission
Select 15 additional INCS credits 115
Total Credits21

12 credits must be upper-division.

Interdisciplinary Studies, B.A.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
ITDS 220Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies3
ITDS 250Integration Lab I1
ITDS 255Integration Lab II1
ITDS 360Interdisciplinary Topics3
ITDS 475Capstone for Interdisciplinary Studies3
Select two of the concentrations detailed below. The concentrations must be from different disciplines.24-32
Total Credits35-43


Art History

If chosen, the second concentration may not be Art History/Studio Art.

Recommended Core Curriculum Course
Art Appreciation
Concentration Courses
ARTS 116History of Western Art I: Prehistoric Through Renaissance3
ARTS 126History of Western Art II: Baroque Through Modernism3
Select two of the following:6
Modernity: Realism to Surrealism
Contemporary Art Trends
Seminar in Art History
Seminar in Art
Global Art Paradigms
Interdisciplinary Investigations
Art Theory and Criticism
Total Credits12

Art History/Studio Art

If chosen, the second concentration may not be Art History.

Concentration Courses
Select two of the following:6
Modernity: Realism to Surrealism
Contemporary Art Trends
Seminar in Art History
Seminar in Art
Global Art Paradigms
Interdisciplinary Investigations
Art Theory and Criticism
Select one of the following tracks:6
Drawing I (fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement for fine art)
Drawing II
Drawing III
Figure Studies
Figure Studies I (fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement for fine art)
Figure Studies II
Advanced Studio Practicum (taken as "Figure Studies")
Sculpture I (fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement for fine art)
Sculpture II
Sculpture III
Ceramics I (fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement for fine art)
Ceramics II
Advanced Studio Practicum (taken as "Ceramics")
Photography I-Introduction to Darkroom and Digital Processes (fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement for fine art)
Photography II-Studies in Color
Contemporary Photographic Practices
Painting I (fulfills the Core Curriculum requirement for fine art)
Painting II
Painting III
Total Credits12

Communication Studies

Concentration Courses
COMM 254Communication Theories3
COMM 386Forms of Public Communication3
COMM 470Communication Seminar1-3
COMM 473Communication and Diversity3
COMM 474Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior3
Total Credits13-15

Journalism Studies

Concentration Courses
JOUR 105Foundations of Journalism3
JOUR 415Religion, Culture and Media (program requirement was JOUR 315, which has been changed to JOUR 415)3
JOUR 442Visual Meaning3
JOUR 464Philosophy and Ethics of Media3
JOUR 120Writing Across Media3
or JOUR 125 Foundational Media Skills: Photography
or JOUR 236 Introduction to Broadcast Journalism
Total Credits15

Theatre: Acting

Concentration Courses
THTR 241Intro to Technical Theatre4
THTR 250Theatre History I3
THTR 264Beginning Acting3
THTR 360Screen Acting I3
THTR 369Intermediate Acting3
Total Credits16

Interdisciplinary Studies, B.S.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
The Core Curriculum requirement for Kinesiology and Health Science has been waived for this major. The following course is required to fulfill the Core Curriculum requirement Writing Competency:
Writing in the Disciplines
Bible Requirement
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Christian Theology
BBST Integrative course (taken as ITDS 365)
BBST Integrative course (taken as ITDS 477)
BBST Integrative course (see department for advising on available selections)
BBST Integrative course (see department for advising on available selections)
BBST Integrative Course (see department for advising on available selections)
Program Courses
ITDS 220Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies3
ITDS 365Interdisciplinary Topics and Research3
ITDS 477Interdisciplinary Capstone3
Select 30 credits for major 130
Total Credits39

Credit count will vary; minimum of 30 major credits required (18 of which must be upper-division) as designed by student with advisement and approved by Interdisciplinary Studies Committee.

International and Community Development Minor

As of Fall 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
ANTH 200Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 403Economic Anthropology3
INCS 345Introduction to Development3
INCS 347Micro Issues in Relief and Development 13
INCS 433Community Development Models and Strategies3
INCS 435Project Evaluation and Assessment 13
Students are required to complete 3 credits of specified Bible coursework through the completion of one of the following courses:3
Integration Seminar (taken as "Justice, Advocacy, and the Kingdom of God")
Theology of Mission
Theology of Mission
Total Credits21

With permission from the International and Community Development Minor Program Director, INCS 347 and/or INCS 435 may be substituted with one or more of the following courses: ANTH 342, ANTH 370, INCS 485.

Islamic Studies Minor

As of Fall 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Students are strongly encouraged to take ANTH 200 for Core Curriculum credit
Program Courses
INCS 233Introduction to World Missions3
or INCS 322 Intercultural Adjustment
INCS 324Understanding Islam and Islamic Theology3
INCS 325Popular and Folk Islam3
INCS 447Approaches to the Islamic World3
All students completing a minor are required to take the following as a Bible or Intercultural Studies elective:
BBST 458Theology of Mission3
or INCS 450 Theology of Mission
INCS Elective Courses6
Select at least one History course:
History of the Middle East and Islam I
History of the Middle East and Islam II
If only one History course is chosen, then choose one additional Islamic elective:
Islam in America and the West
Topics in Islamic Studies
Total Credits21

Journalism and Integrated Media, B.A.

As of September 1, 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Integration Seminar (taken as "Philosophy and Ethics of Media")
Writing in the Disciplines (see department for specific section)
Business Statistics (will count toward 3 required credits of Math)
Program Courses
JOUR 105Foundations of Journalism3
JOUR 107Introduction to Digital Skills for Media3
JOUR 120Writing Across Media3
JOUR 200Media Career Readiness Practicum3
JOUR 344Media Internship1
JOUR 390Media Law3
JOUR 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Media2
JOUR 488Media Capstone3
Program Course Requirements: 21 credits
Select a Concentration detailed below27-28
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits122-123



Concentration Courses
JOUR 135Foundational Media Skills: Videography3
JOUR 236Introduction to Broadcast Journalism3
JOUR 241
JOUR 243
JOUR 245
Audio Workshop
and TV Directing Workshop
and Video Workshop
JOUR 311Studio Production (Must be taken twice - total of 6 units)6
JOUR 442Visual Meaning3
Select three courses from the following:9
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media
Web Show Production
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing
Documentary and Investigative Journalism
Total Credits27

Cross-Cultural Media

Concentration Courses
JOUR 125Foundational Media Skills: Photography3
or JOUR 135 Foundational Media Skills: Videography
JOUR 232Multimedia Reporting3
or JOUR 236 Introduction to Broadcast Journalism
JOUR 387International Journalism3
JOUR 442Visual Meaning3
or JOUR 415 Religion, Culture and Media
Select two courses from either, Writing, Visual or Broadcast in consultation with advisor:6
Sports Media
Data Reporting and Visualization
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media
Studio Production
Editing and Digital Media Management
Magazine and Free-Lance Writing
Web Show Production
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing
Documentary and Investigative Journalism
Select two courses from the following (INCS classes must be consulted with advisor before selecting):6
Media Narrative Project
Introduction to World Missions
Intercultural Adjustment
Introduction to Development
Understanding the City
Intercultural Communication
Urban Research
Intercultural Communication in Spanish 1
Community Spanish
Spanish Study Tour
Hispanic Civilization and Culture
Language Preparation4
For the language preparation in the cross-cultural concentration, students are required to choose from the following options for an additional 4 credits of language study:
Spanish Language Preparation
Spanish Language and Culture I
Spanish Language and Culture II
Spanish Language and Culture III
Basic Spanish for the Heritage Learner
Advanced Spanish Communication I
Advanced Spanish Communication II
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners I
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners II
French Language Preparation
French Language and Culture I
French Language and Culture II
French Language and Culture III
Intermediate French II
French Conversation and Composition
Advanced Conversation and Composition
German Language Preparation
German Language and Culture I
German Language and Culture II
German Language and Culture III
Arabic Language Preparation
Arabic Language and Culture I
Arabic Language and Culture II
Arabic Language and Culture III
Other Language Options
Students may consult with their advisor and the Department of Modern Languages for arrangements to fulfill this requirement with any of the languages referenced below:
Biblical Hebrew or Russian are both currently offered at Biola and may be used to fulfill the language required for this concentration
Swahili, Modern Hebrew, Persian/Farsi, or Turkish; Korean; and Japanese may be taken for this requirement; however, they are not currently offered at Biola.
Total Credits28

May be taken as ARAB 205, FREN 205, GRMN 205, RUSS 205.

Digital Journalism

Concentration Courses
JOUR 125Foundational Media Skills: Photography3
or JOUR 135 Foundational Media Skills: Videography
JOUR 232Multimedia Reporting3
JOUR 241
JOUR 243
JOUR 245
Audio Workshop
and TV Directing Workshop
and Video Workshop
JOUR 250Digital Design Essentials3
JOUR 306Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media3
JOUR 420Advanced Digital Skills for Media3
JOUR 442Visual Meaning3
or JOUR 415 Religion, Culture and Media
Select two courses from the following:6
Data Reporting and Visualization
Studio Production
Editing and Digital Media Management
Total Credits27

Visual Media

Concentration Courses
JOUR 125Foundational Media Skills: Photography3
JOUR 232Multimedia Reporting3
JOUR 241
JOUR 243
JOUR 245
Audio Workshop
and TV Directing Workshop
and Video Workshop
JOUR 247Photo Communication3
JOUR 366Photojournalistic Storytelling and Visual Publication3
JOUR 442Visual Meaning3
Select three courses from the following:9
Sports Media
Data Reporting and Visualization
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media
Media Narrative Project
Total Credits27

Writing and Publishing

Concentration Courses
JOUR 125Foundational Media Skills: Photography3
or JOUR 135 Foundational Media Skills: Videography
JOUR 232Multimedia Reporting3
JOUR 305Data Reporting and Visualization3
JOUR 332Editing and Digital Media Management3
JOUR 415Religion, Culture and Media3
JOUR 486Media Narrative Project3
Select three courses from the following:9
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media
Magazine and Free-Lance Writing
International Journalism
Documentary and Investigative Journalism
Total Credits27

Missions Minor

As of Fall 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
ANTH 200Cultural Anthropology3
BBST 458Theology of Mission3
or INCS 450 Theology of Mission
INCS 233Introduction to World Missions3
INCS 371Profiles in Missionary Lives3
Choose one of the following:3
World Christianity
History of the Expansion of Christianity
Choose one of the following:3
Understanding Islam and Islamic Theology
Short-Term Mission Leadership
The Local Church and World Missions
Evangelism & Discipleship (only available to non-INCS Majors)
Total Credits18

Organizational Leadership, B.S.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
The Core Curriculum requirement for Kinesiology and Health Science has been waived for this major. The following course is required to fulfill the Core Curriculum requirement for Writing Competency:
Writing in the Disciplines (Business and Accounting section)
Bible Requirement
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Christian Theology
BBST Integrative course (taken as BUSN 319)
BBST Integrative course (taken as BUSN 320)
BBST Integrative course (taken as BUSN 376)
BBST Integrative course (taken as BUSN 422)
BBST Integrative Course (taken as BUSN 491)
Program Courses
BUSN 205Economic Principles3
BUSN 215Accounting and Finance for Business Leaders3
BUSN 230Introduction to Marketing3
BUSN 260Introduction to Leadership3
BUSN 319Organizational Ethics3
BUSN 320Human Capital Management3
BUSN 328Organizational Behavior3
or APSY 410 Psychology in the Workplace
BUSN 347Global Business Environment3
BUSN 361Business Law3
BUSN 376Business as Ministry and Mission3
BUSN 422High-Performance Leadership3
BUSN 424Data Driven Leadership3
BUSN 425Leading Diverse Organizations3
BUSN 491Capstone for Organizational Leadership3
COMM 387Organizational Communication3
Select 3 credits of BUSN elective courses3
Total Credits48

Peace, Justice, and Intercultural Conflict Transformation Minor

As of Fall 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
ANTH 342Peace and Justice Advocacy 13
ANTH 415Violence and Mediation3
ANTH 470Topics in Peace and Justice3
Select one of the following:3
Cultural Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Select one of the following: 23
Intercultural Competence & Diversity in the Global Workplace
Intercultural Communication
Select one of the following:3
Social Problems
Unequal Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Crime
Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender
Film, Television, and the Arts: Racial and Gender Issues
Total Credits18

It is recommended that students minoring in Peace, Justice, and Intercultural Conflict Transformation take ANTH 342 before taking any other courses in the minor.


Intercultural Studies majors are exempt from this requirement and will take an additional 3 credits under the ANTH or SOCI options.

Public Relations and Digital Media Management, B.S.

As of Fall 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Requirements
Bible Requirement
Biblical Interpretation and Spiritual Formation
Foundations of Christian Thought
Old Testament History and Literature
New Testament History and Literature
Theology I
Early Christian History - Acts
Theology II
BBST 300/400 Elective
BBST Integrative course (taken as PREL 320)
BBST Integrative course (taken as PREL 465)
Program Courses
PREL 104Media Ecology and Christian Perspective in Public Relations2
PREL 107Multimedia Channels1
PREL 110Public Relations Foundations3
PREL 231Strategic Writing for Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 307Soc Media, SEO, and Digital Strategy3
PREL 320PR Ethics3
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 350Crisis Communication & Reputation Management3
PREL 389Campaign Management & Public Relations Philosophy3
PREL 410PR Principles, Law, & Global Influence3
PREL 420Advanced Digital Management3
PREL 456Public Relations Research Standards & Practices3
PREL 462Leadership & Organizational Influence3
PREL 465Rhythm & Calling in Public Relations3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Total Credits39

Public Relations and Strategic Communication, B.A.

As of September 1, 2023, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
Business Statistics
Program Courses
PREL 104Media Ecology and Christian Perspective in Public Relations 12
or PREL 105 Public Relations: History & Foundations
PREL 107Multimedia Channels1
PREL 230Writing for Public Relations3
or PREL 231 Strategic Writing for Public Relations
PREL 249Media Design Essentials3
or PREL 250 Digital Design Essentials
PREL 307Soc Media, SEO, and Digital Strategy3
PREL 320PR Ethics3
PREL 350Crisis Communication & Reputation Management 1,23
or PREL 355 Media Relations
or PREL 420 Advanced Digital Management
PREL 388Public Relations Management, Philosophy and Ethics3
or PREL 389 Campaign Management & Public Relations Philosophy
PREL 410PR Principles, Law, & Global Influence3
PREL 456Public Relations Research Standards & Practices3
Program Course Requirements: 27 credits
Select a Concentration detailed below14
Core Curriculum Requirements74
General Electives5
Total Credits120

PREL 104 and PREL 350 are required of the Digital Management and Social Media concentration only. PREL 105 should be taken by students in the Agency and Corporate PR, Entertainment and Events PR, Media Relations, and Nonprofit and Ministry PR concentrations.


PREL 420 is required for the Advertising concentration. All other concentrations must take either PREL 350 or PREL 355.



PREL 111Introduction to Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 392Principles of Advertising3
PREL 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public Relations2
PREL 460Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign Analysis3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Total Credits14

Agency and Corporate PR

Concentration Courses
PREL 111Introduction to Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public Relations2
PREL 460Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign Analysis3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Marketing
Principles of Management
Persuasive Communication
Organizational Communication
Writing Across Media
Foundational Media Skills: Videography
Public Relations Seminar 1
Crisis Communication & Reputation Management
Paid Digital Media
Principles of Advertising
Advanced Digital Management
Advanced Public Relations Seminar 1
Total Credits14

PREL 105 is a prerequisite for this course, which students should choose as the option between PREL 104 or PREL 105 from the program courses listed above.

Digital Management and Social Media 

Concentration Courses
PREL 111Introduction to Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 420Advanced Digital Management3
PREL 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public Relations2
PREL 460Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign Analysis3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Total Credits14

Entertainment and Events PR

Concentration Courses
PREL 111Introduction to Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public Relations2
PREL 460Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign Analysis3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Select one of the following: 3
Introduction to Marketing
Entertainment Business
Understanding Representation
Writing Across Media
Foundational Media Skills: Photography
Foundational Media Skills: Videography
Introduction to Broadcast Journalism 1
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media 1
Public Relations Seminar 2
Crisis Communication & Reputation Management
Paid Digital Media
Principles of Advertising
Advanced Digital Management
Advanced Public Relations Seminar 2
Total Credits14

This course requires additional Journalism (JOUR) prerequisite courses. See Department for advising.


PREL 105 is a prerequisite for this course, which students should choose as the option between PREL 104 or PREL 105 from the program courses listed above.

Media Relations

Concentration Courses
PREL 111Introduction to Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public Relations2
PREL 460Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign Analysis3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Select one of the following:3
Persuasive Communication
Writing Across Media
Foundational Media Skills: Photography
Foundational Media Skills: Videography
Multimedia Reporting 1
Introduction to Broadcast Journalism 1
Photo Communication 1
Sports Media
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media 1
Editing and Digital Media Management 1
Producing and Writing for Broadcast News 1
Magazine and Free-Lance Writing
Publication, Web and Media Design 1
Cross-Cultural Storytelling Project 1
Broadcast Anchoring and Announcing 1
Visual Meaning 1
Media Narrative Project 1
Public Relations Seminar 2
Crisis Communication & Reputation Management
Paid Digital Media
Principles of Advertising
Advanced Digital Management
Advanced Public Relations Seminar 2
Total Credits14

This course requires additional Journalism (JOUR) prerequisite courses. See Department for advising.


PREL 105 is a prerequisite for this course, which students should choose as the option between PREL 104 or PREL 105 from the program courses listed above.

Nonprofit and Ministry PR

Concentration Courses
PREL 111Introduction to Public Relations3
PREL 267Public Relations Career Readiness1
PREL 344Public Relations Internship & Applied Experience1
PREL 444Advanced Internship and Career Preparation in Public Relations2
PREL 460Public Relations Leadership and Advanced Campaign Analysis3
PREL 490Portfolio and Certificate1
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Marketing
Principles of Management
Small Group Communication
Persuasive Communication
Organizational Communication
Introduction to Development
Writing Across Media
Foundational Media Skills: Photography
Foundational Media Skills: Videography
Introduction to Broadcast Journalism 1
Digital Technology and Social Strategies for Media 1
Publication, Web and Media Design 1
Cross-Cultural Storytelling Project 1
Media Narrative Project 1
Public Relations Seminar 2
Crisis Communication & Reputation Management
Paid Digital Media
Principles of Advertising
Advanced Digital Management
Advanced Public Relations Seminar 2
Total Credits14

This course requires additional Journalism (JOUR) prerequisite courses. See Department for advising.


PREL 105 is a prerequisite for this course, which students should choose as the option between PREL 104 or PREL 105 from the program courses listed above.

Science and Theology Minor

As of Fall 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program-Specific Core Curriculum Courses
World Civilizations II
Introduction to Philosophy
Bible Requirements
Integration Seminar (taken as "Christianity and the Natural Sciences")
Select at least one of the following courses, which also counts towards their Bible elective(s):
Biblical Backgrounds
Principles of Interpretation
Methods of Bible Study
Program Courses
A Science and Theology minor is available for non-science majors who take the following background science courses, in addition to the above:
BIOS 111Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology3
BIOS 113Fundamentals of Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory1
BIOS 112Fundamentals of Organismal Biology3
BIOS 114Fundamentals of Organismal Biology Laboratory1
PHSC 401History of Science3
PHSC 402Philosophy of Science3
CHEM 105General Chemistry I4
or CHEM 120 Principles of Organic and Biochemistry
Select one of the following:4
Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
General Physics I: Mechanics and Heat
and General Physics I Laboratory
Select one of the following:4-8
Physics II
and Physics II Laboratory
General Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
and General Physics II Laboratory
and General Physics III: Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Total Credits26-30


As of Summer 2024, this minor is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
INTE 309Grammar for English Teachers3
INTE 427Materials Evaluation and Preparation3
INTE 429English Language Teaching Methods3
or ENGL 353 Introduction to TESOL: Adult
INTE 433Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL Professionals3
INTE 485Topics in TESOL3
INTE 492Practicum in TESOL I3
Total Credits18

The following are the curriculum requirements of closed programs as of their closure year. Additional details on each program may be found on their program pages in the archived catalogs.

Leadership and Innovation, M.A.

As of Fall 2025, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Core Program
MBAD 611Management Theory and Practice3
MBAD 613Biblical Management and Ethics3
MBAD 621The Innovative Leader3
MBAD 622Theology of Leadership3
MBAD 623Sources of Innovation3
MBAD 625Organizational Change and Leadership3
MBAD 670Capstone for Leadership and Innovation3
TTTH 630Theology of Work3
Select 12 credits from the following: 112
Marketing from the Management Perspective
Accounting and Finance for Decision Makers
Organizational Financial Policy
Advanced Financial Management and Control
Marketing Strategy
Business Intelligence and Data Analysis 2
Social Entrepreneurship
Fundamentals of Financial Planning
Estate Planning
Retirement Planning
Tax and Insurance Planning
Current/Advanced Topics in Business (May be taken up to 2 times for credit)
Nonprofit Management
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Total Credits36

Not all classes are offered every trimester. Consult the Graduate Coordinator for academic advising. 


Students who choose to take MBAD 610 must meet the leveling requirement in Information Systems through previous undergraduate coursework or online content.

Master of Public Health in Epidemiology

As of Fall 2025, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Core Requirements
PHLT 505Principles of Epidemiology 13
PHLT 510Community and Global Health 13
PHLT 515Principles of Biostatistics 13
PHLT 520Health Behavior and Health Promotion3
PHLT 525Environmental Health3
PHLT 530Global Health Leadership3
PHLT 535Public Health Policy and Practice 13
PHLT 605Research Methods3
PHLT 610Public Health Integrative Experience2
PHLT 615Graduate Project4
PHLT 620Public Health Practicum3
Epidemiology Electives (Select 9 credits)9
Global Communicable Disease Control
Current Issues in Epidemiology
Molecular Epidemiology
Epidemiology of Chronic Disease
Outbreak and Emergency Preparedness
Cancer Epidemiology
Applied Methods in Epidemiology
Total Credits42

Public Health, B.S. MPH Grad Track students take PHLT 505, PHLT 510, PHLT 515, and PHLT 535 in their last undergraduate year.

Multiple Subject Preliminary Credential (Graduate)

As of Fall 2025, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Pre-Service Coursework
SEED 519Foundations of Education2
SEED 541Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students3
SEED 520Elementary Reading/Language Arts3
Teacher Preparation Coursework
SEED 526Psychological Foundations of Education3
SEED 538Elementary Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment3
Pedagogy Coursework
SEED 507Art Workshop for Elementary School Teaching1
SEED 508Music Workshop for Elementary School Teaching1
SEED 509Elementary Mathematics/Science Workshop2
SEED 516Elementary Physical Education Workshop1
SEED 536Elementary Health Curriculum and Methods1
SEED 537Elementary History - Social Science Curriculum and Methods1
SEED 549Studies in Children's Literature1
Clinical Practice Coursework
SEED 512Elementary Student Teaching I6
SEED 513Elementary Student Teaching II6
Total Credits34

Nonprofit Organizations, MM

As of Fall 2024, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
MBAD 506Marketing from the Management Perspective 13
MBAD 516Accounting and Finance for Decision Makers 13
MBAD 611Management Theory and Practice3
MBAD 613Biblical Management and Ethics3
MBAD 625Organizational Change and Leadership3
MBAD 644Nonprofit Management3
MBAD 685Capstone: Nonprofit Organizations3
Select 3 credits of elective courses3
Talbot Courses
TTTH 630Theology of Work3
Select 9 credits from the following:9
Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation 2
Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation 2
Spiritual Formation, Vocation, and the Disciplines 2
Talbot Spiritual Direction I 2
Talbot Spiritual Direction II 2
Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods 1
Old Testament Survey 1
New Testament Survey 1
The Life of Christ
Total Credits36

If the student has taken an approved undergraduate or graduate course in this area, this course requirement may be waived and the student may take a business, theology, or other elective in its place, with the approval of an academic advisor.


The spiritual formation sequence includes a requirement for students to participate in spiritual direction retreats and additional materials for assessment. Full details of this sequence and additional costs are available on Talbot's Spiritual Formation Core website.

Single Subject Preliminary Credential (Graduate)

As of Fall 2025, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Pre-Service Coursework
SEED 519Foundations of Education2
SEED 541Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students3
SEED 525Secondary Content Area Reading3
Teacher Preparation Coursework
SEED 526Psychological Foundations of Education3
SEED 539Secondary Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment3
Pedagogy Coursework
SEED 533Single Subject Pedagogy2
Clinical Practice Coursework
SEED 514Secondary Student Teaching I6
SEED 515Secondary Student Teaching II6
Total Credits28

Special Education, M.S.Sp.Ed. (Non-Credential) 

As of Fall 2024, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses
SEED 501Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society3
SEED 503Educational Research and Statistics3
SEED 524Research in Culture and Intercultural Instruction3
SEED 532Diagnosis and Remediation in Reading3
SEED 548Collaborative Research 11
SEED 553Writing Literature Reviews 22
SEED 561Issues in Special Education3
Select 9 credits from the following:9
Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners
Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs in Inclusive Settings
Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
SEED 582Consultation, Collaboration, and Communication for the Education Specialist3
SEED 583Curriculum Design for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs3
SEED 596Professional Development Module1
Select one of the following:3
Exposition of New Testament Segments or Themes (taken as "Life of Christ")
Other approved TTBE 3-credit course
Capstone Course
Select one of the following:3
Curriculum Research Project 3
Thesis 3
Total Credits40

SEED 548 Collaborative Research will be ongoing throughout the program. Students must enroll and participate for a minimum of two terms totaling 1 credit, including the final semester for the the M.S. degree in Special Education program.


Successful passage of SEED 553 is required for advancement in the program. Writing support and documentation may be mandatory for some students. SEED 554 may be substituted for SEED 553.


This course must be completed in the final semester. To produce quality research, it is recommended to be taken only with SEED 548 in the final semester. Course must be completed with a grade of B or higher.

TESOL Certificate – Graduate 

As of Summer 2024, this certificate is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Foundational Courses 1
Program Courses (18 Credits)
ISTE 509Structure of English3
ISTE 527Materials Evaluation and Preparation3
ISTE 529English Language Teaching Methods3
ISTE 530Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL Professionals3
ISTE 627Vocabulary Learning and Teaching3
ISTE 692Practicum in TESOL II3
Total Credits21

May be taken concurrently with program courses.


As of Summer 2024, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Foundational Courses
Program Courses
ISTE 509Structure of English3
ISTE 527Materials Evaluation and Preparation3
ISTE 529English Language Teaching Methods3
ISTE 530Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL Professionals3
ISTE 614Second Language Acquisition3
ISTE 627Vocabulary Learning and Teaching3
ISTE 632Language Testing and Assessment3
ISTE 692Practicum in TESOL II3
or ISTE 698 Practicum in TESOL III: Reflective Teaching
Elective in Bible/Theology3
Electives in TESOL6
Classroom Research in TESOL
Course Design in TESOL
Technology for Language Learning and Teaching
Teaching Second Language Reading and Writing
Other electives, i.e. courses in Linguistics
Total Credits36

TESOL, M.A. (Elementary ESL/EFL)

As of Summer 2024, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Foundational Courses
Foundations course in Bible/Theology (3 credits)
Graduate elective in Bible/Theology (3 credits)
Program Courses
ISTE 509Structure of English 13
ISTE 527Materials Evaluation and Preparation3
ISTE 529English Language Teaching Methods3
ISTE 530Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL Professionals3
ISTE 614Second Language Acquisition 13
ISTE 627Vocabulary Learning and Teaching 13
ISTE 632Language Testing and Assessment 13
ISTE 692Practicum in TESOL II3
Specialization Courses 2
SEED 520Elementary Reading/Language Arts3
SEED 526Psychological Foundations of Education3
Total Credits36

May be substituted by ISTE 650 Teaching English to Young Learners, subject to faculty approval.


Students usually take the basic core courses in TESOL, such as ISTE 509, ISTE 527, ISTE 529, ISTE 530, and ISTE 627 before taking the specialization courses in the second year of study.

TESOL, M.A. (Young Learners)

As of Summer 2024, this degree is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Foundational Courses
Bible/Theology 6
Foundational course in Bible/Theology (3 credits)
Graduate elective in Bible/Theology (3 credits)
Program Courses
ISTE 509Structure of English 13
ISTE 527Materials Evaluation and Preparation3
ISTE 529English Language Teaching Methods3
ISTE 530Ethics, Values, and Intercultural Communication for TESOL Professionals3
ISTE 614Second Language Acquisition 13
ISTE 627Vocabulary Learning and Teaching 13
ISTE 632Language Testing and Assessment 13
ISTE 692Practicum in TESOL II3
Specialization Courses 2
SEED 535Child Development: Birth through Adolescence3
SEED 558Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings3
Total Credits36

May be substituted by ISTE 650 Teaching English to Young Learners, subject to faculty approval.


Students usually take the basic core courses in TESOL, such as ISTE 509, ISTE 527, ISTE 529, ISTE 530, and ISTE 627 before taking the specialization courses in the second year of study.