Music Therapy, B.M.


The mission of the music therapy program is to prepare graduates, grounded in a Christian worldview, to use their musical gifts and skills, and therapeutic techniques to enhance the well-being of those with physical and emotional disorders.  

Degree Program

The Bachelor of Music degrees are offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. The major requirements include completing 91 credits.

Students interested in pursuing this degree must demonstrate a high level of commitment to music therapy as a profession.

Special Programs/Opportunities


The Conservatory provides opportunities for experience in several types of vocal and instrumental ensembles, including the Biola Chorale, Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Winds, Jazz Ensemble, Women's Chorus, Men's Chorus, University Chorus, Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Chamber Music Ensembles. All are open to non-music majors as well as music majors by audition.

Concert Series

The Conservatory concert series features outstanding guest artists and student ensembles.

Masterclasses and Artist-in-Residence Program

Opportunities for participating in masterclasses with guest artists are available annually. Of special note is the ongoing series of masterclasses and recitals by world-renowned artists, including Menahem Pressler, pianist, Artist-in-Residence.

Local Opportunities

The Southern California area provides exceptional opportunities for hearing the world's leading artists, as well as outstanding college and church music performances.

Service Opportunities

The Los Angeles metropolitan area offers many opportunities for remunerative service in music. There are frequent openings for competent church choir directors, soloists, accompanists, instrumentalists, and organists.


Music awards in varying amounts are available to qualified students. Complete information is available by emailing or by writing:

Director, Conservatory of Music
Biola University
13800 Biola Avenue
La Mirada, CA 90639-0001

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate competence in the foundation of musical knowledge related to musical theory, analysis, and history (ULO 1).
  2. Demonstrate integration of faith in the musical disciplines and anticipated future professional activities (ULO 2).
  3. Demonstrate synthesis of all degree-specific coursework and development of musicianship, knowledge, and skill expected in the professional field through expertise displayed in the degree capstone experience (ULO 3).

Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.

Admission Requirements

All students seeking admission must demonstrate musical background and the strengths in performance and/or composition necessary for successful completion of the stated curriculum. Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Conservatory as a music major. A student will be admitted to the Conservatory of Music after:

  1. Meeting requirements for University admission.
  2. Completing a Conservatory application with the required number of references.
  3. Completing a Conservatory audition.

After acceptance and upon entrance, students will be assessed with regard to their performance levels. They will also be given the option to take placement surveys in musicianship, written theory, and/or keyboard skills, or they may simply choose to begin their studies at the introductory level. Specific information concerning the content of these surveys and suggestions for preparation are available by contacting the Conservatory Office.

Transfer of Credits

Most courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities in the United States will be accepted on a comparable course basis. The following core courses will transfer directly:

In order to pass out of Theory III (MUSC 354) or Keyboard Skills II (MUSC 119), the student must display proficiency by achieving favorable scores on the Theory and Keyboard placement surveys.

No credit(s) will be given for waived courses. Waiver of courses on the basis of placement surveys without comparable prior course credit will increase elective credits required.

Credit for courses taken at a non-accredited college or university will be granted only through placement or challenge surveys.

Applied Music

In order to graduate, music students must reach primary applied proficiency level standards designated for each degree program. Applied Music lessons are guided by faculty or studio artists who have expertise and professional experience in either the voice or instrument under study, or in composition. Studio artists are affiliated with Biola via "special employee" contracts and thus do not undergo the same process for hire as do faculty. The studio artists are all highly competent individuals who appreciate Biola and endorse the goals of the Conservatory. For more information, see the Conservatory Office.

GPA Requirements

Students in the degree program must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the major and receive a minimum grade of C in each required course.

Curriculum Requirements

Integration Seminar Requirement

All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Music degree program are required to take a Biblical Studies Integration Seminar. This requirement must be fulfilled by taking BBST 4658 Integration Seminar: Redeeming Culture Through Music. 

Candidates for the Bachelor of Music degree in Music Therapy meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 9 credits in behavioral science, integration seminar, and science within the major and are exempt from the Core Curriculum requirement in fine arts, foreign language, and literature.
Musicianship and Music Therapy Courses
BIOS 100Biological Principles 13
MUSC 102Voice Class1
MUSC 104Introduction to Guitar1
MUSC 105Foundations and Principles of Music Therapy3
MUSC 118Keyboard Skills I 21
or MUSC 261 Keyboard Sight Reading I
MUSC 119Keyboard Skills II 21
or MUSC 262 Keyboard Sight Reading II
MUSC 145Applied Music 35
MUSC 153Musicianship I 41
MUSC 154Theory I 53
MUSC 160Essential Technologies for Musicians I1
MUSC 163Musicianship II 41
MUSC 164Theory II 53
MUSC 170Essential Technologies for Musicians II1
MUSC 200Performing Arts Forum 60
MUSC 218Music Therapy Methods and Techniques3
MUSC 225Psychology of Music3
MUSC 275Music Area Seminar 70
MUSC 315History of Western Art Music I: Medieval through Baroque3
MUSC 316History of Western Art Music II: Classical through Romantic3
MUSC 323Basic Conducting2
MUSC 335Music Therapy Observation2
MUSC 353Musicianship III 41
MUSC 354Theory III 53
MUSC 375Music Therapy Practicum 64
MUSC 376Music Therapy Improvisation2
MUSC 377Music Therapy Group 82
MUSC 378Music Therapy with Children2
MUSC 410Music Cultures of the World2
MUSC 445Applied Music 92
MUSC 460Music Therapy for Adults2
MUSC 461Internship in Music Therapy 106
MUSC 485Music in Therapy3
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology 113
PSYC 309Introduction to Psychopathology3
PSYC 320Developmental Psychology: Lifespan3
PSYC 340Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood3
BBST 4658Integration Seminar: Redeeming Culture Through Music 123
Ensembles 136
Program Course Requirements: 91 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements51
Total Credits142

Fulfills the Science Core Curriculum requirement.


Keyboard principal students are exempt from MUSC 118 and MUSC 119. Keyboardists must take MUSC 261 and MUSC 262.

Students may take the Keyboard Placement Survey to potentially pass out of some or all of the Keyboard requirements. Students who do not take the survey will automatically be placed in MUSC 100 Introduction to Piano.


Must be taken with primary instrument for 4 credits through proficiency: level 254, and one semester of guitar for 1 credit through proficiency level: 151. Guitar primary students satisfy the 1 credit requirement with an elective instrument of their choice.


Students may take the Musicianship Placement Survey to potentially pass out of some or all of the Musicianship requirements. Students who do not take the survey will automatically be placed in MUSC 153 Musicianship I. Musicianship courses already taken at the college/university level will directly transfer for credit.


Students may take the Theory Placement Survey to potentially pass out of some or all of their Theory requirements. Students who do not take the survey will automatically be placed in MUSC 098 Introduction to Theory. The first two semesters of Written Theory courses already taken at the college/university level will directly transfer for credit.


Must be taken for a total of 4 semesters.


Music Area Seminar is taken every semester in conjunction with Applied Music.


Must be taken for a total of 2 semesters.


Must be taken for a total of 2 credits through proficiency level: 356.


Must be taken for a total of 6 credits.


Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


​Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.


A total of 6 ensembles: 4 ensembles with student's primary instrument; at least 2 choral ensembles.

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Music Therapy B.M. 

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
GNST 1021ENGL 100 or 1123
PSYC 200 (fulfills Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement)3Communications (see Core Curriculum)3
 17 17
Second Year
BBST 209 or 2103BBST 209 or 2103
BBST 2513BIOS 100 (fulfills Science Core Curriculum requirement)3
HIST 100 or 1013Music12
 17 18
Third Year
BBST 3543ENGL 3133
Music13HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1KNES 1071
 PSYC 3203
 Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 17 17
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 4658 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement)3
PSYC 3093Music9
PSYC 3403 
Math (see Core Curriculum)3 
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3 
 18 15
Fifth Year
MUSC 4613MUSC 4613
 3 3
Total Credits 142

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Music Therapy B.M. 

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
GNST 1021Music10
 18 18
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
PSYC 2003Music10
 18 18
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
Music12BIOS 100 (fulfills Science Core Curriculum requirement)3
Writing Competency RequirementKNES 1071
 18 17
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
PSYC 3093BBST 4658 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement)3
PSYC 3203PSYC 3403
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1Math (see Core Curriculum)3
 18 18
Fifth Year
MUSC 4613MUSC 4613
 3 3
Total Credits 149

Note: Certain Music courses are not offered every semester. Please check with the Music department for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses.