Sociology, B.A.


The mission of the Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is to develop Christian scholars who can critically analyze the effects of social structures on human life and who can apply this knowledge to work toward a world that embodies God's justice and shalom.

Degree Program

A Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. The sociology major requires the completion of 36 credits, 24 of which must be upper-division.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the causes and consequences of social divisions and inequalities (ULO 1).
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of evidence in both qualitative and quantitative methods in sociology (ULO 1).
  3. Explain the biblical concepts of peace and justice and identify their connections with contemporary social issues (ULO 2).
  4. Explain central concepts of social theory and apply them to social life (ULO 3).  

Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.

 Curriculum Requirements

Sociology majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in behavioral science within the major.
Program Courses
SOCI 220Introduction to Sociology 13
SOCI 441Social Theory3
SOCI 443Methods of Sociological Research3
Select one Inequality course from the following:3
Sociology of Gender
Unequal Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Crime 2
Political Sociology
Ethnic and Minority Groups
Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender
Sociology of Wealth and Poverty
Sociology of Disabilities
Film, Television, and the Arts: Racial and Gender Issues
Select 24 credits of upper-division Sociology courses, if not choosing a concentration detailed below24
Program Course Requirements: 36 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements71
General Electives13
Total Credits120

Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


Criminology Concentrations must take SOCI 336 to complete the Inequality Core Requirement.



This concentration provides students an opportunity to study crime and related issues from a social scientific perspective, infusing themes of social justice, Christian ethics, and recognizing social inequalities present within the criminal justice system. Students in the Criminology concentration must take SOCI 336 as their Inequality course listed under the Program Courses. 

Concentration Courses
SOCI 333Criminology3
SOCI 334Juvenile Delinquency3
or SOCI 350 Sociology of Violence
SOCI 366Sociology Internship3
Select 15 credits of upper-division Sociology courses15
Total Credits24

Social Work

This concentration is organized as a broad preparation for students who desire to enter the helping professions.

Concentration Courses
SOCI 300Social Work3
SOCI 366Sociology Internship3
Select one of the following:3
Sociology of Gender
Marriage and the Family
Sociology of Sexuality
Select 15 credits of upper-division Sociology courses15
Total Credits24

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Sociology, B.A. (SOCI)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
ENGL 100 or 1123HIST 100 or 1013
GNST 1021SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 220 (fulfills Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement)3Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1 
 15 16
Second Year
BBST 2093BBST 2103
BBST 2513SOCI Inequality Course (see Program Requirements)3
HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3Communication (see Core Curriculum)3
Math (see Core Curriculum)3Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3
 15 15
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3653
BBST 3543KNES 1071
SOCI 4413SOCI 4433
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3Literature (see Core Curriculum)3
 General Elective1
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 14
Fourth Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 4653
ENGL 3133SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Total Credits 120

Sociology, B.A. Criminology (SOCR)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
ENGL 100 or 1123HIST 100 or 1013
GNST 1021SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 220 (fulfills Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement)3Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1 
 15 16
Second Year
BBST 2093BBST 2103
BBST 2513SOCI 334 or 3503
HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 3333Math (see Core Curriculum)3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3
 15 15
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3653
BBST 3543KNES 1071
SOCI 4433SOCI 3363
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI 4413
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3Literature (see Core Curriculum)3
 General Elective1
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 14
Fourth Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 4653
ENGL 3133SOCI 3663
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Total Credits 120

Sociology, B.A. Social Work (SOWK)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
ENGL 100 or 1123HIST 100 or 1013
GNST 1021SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 220 (fulfills Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement)3Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1 
 15 16
Second Year
BBST 2093BBST 2103
BBST 2513SOCI Inequality Course (see Program Requirements)3
HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 302, 320, or 4533Math (see Core Curriculum)3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3
 15 15
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3653
BBST 3543KNES 1071
SOCI 4433SOCI 4413
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3Literature (see Core Curriculum)3
 General Elective1
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 14
Fourth Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 4653
ENGL 3133SOCI 3663
SOCI 3003SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Total Credits 120

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Sociology, B.A. (SOCI)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
GNST 1021SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 2203Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4 
 16 15
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
Math (see Core Curriculum)3KNES 1071
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI 4433
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1SOCI Inequality Course (see Program Requirements)3
 15 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
SOCI 4413SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3General Elective3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective 1General Elective3
 14 15
Total Credits 120

Sociology, B.A. Criminology (SOCR)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
GNST 1021SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 2203Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4 
 16 15
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
SOCI 3333KNES 1071
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1SOCI 334 or 3503
Math (see Core Curriculum)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
 15 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
SOCI 4433SOCI 3363
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI 4413
Science (see Core Curriculum)3General Elective3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI 3663
General Elective1SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective3General Elective3
 14 15
Total Credits 120

Sociology, B.A. Social Work (SOWK)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
GNST 1021SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
SOCI 2203Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4 
 16 15
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
SOCI 302, 320, or 4533KNES 1071
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1SOCI Inequality Course (see Program Requirements)3
Math (see Core Curriculum)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
 15 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
SOCI 4433SOCI 4413
SOCI Elective (upper-division)3SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3General Elective3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
SOCI 3003SOCI 3663
General Elective1SOCI Elective (upper-division)3
General Elective3General Elective3
 14 15
Total Credits 120