Spanish, B.A.
The mission of the Spanish Program is to prepare students for life, work, service and scholarship in Spanish speaking communities within the U.S. and abroad. We seek to guide students to develop holistic, integrative reasoning as the foundation for service to others, work in the professions and further academic study in Spanish.
Degree Program
A Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish is conferred upon the completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. The Spanish major requires the completion of a minimum of 32 credits, 24 of which must be upper-division. A minimum grade of C is required for any course to be counted toward the major.
All Spanish majors (except for those pursuing a professional or secondary instruction concentration) will be required to take either SPAN 334, SPAN 335, SPAN 485 and/or complete an approved study abroad program. See the Department of Modern Languages for more information.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the acquisition of advanced cognitive and linguistic knowledge (ULO 1).
- Formulate questions about cultural and linguistic difference and critically evaluate other cultures in relation to themselves (ULO 1).
- Interact effectively in a cross-cultural context, whether local or global, while exhibiting humility in relation to other cultures and languages (ULO 2).
- Integrate Christian faith into cross-cultural interactions in the target language (ULO 2).
- Communicate orally at advanced target language proficiency by engaging in conversation in a clearly participatory manner (ULO 3).
- Demonstrate advanced proficiency in the written language by reading and interacting with texts across a range of genres and topics and writing formal and informal correspondence, narratives, descriptions, and analyses, all in the target language (ULO 3).
Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.
Admission Requirements
All students intending to minor or major in Spanish must:
- Place into the correct level by department assessment or successfully complete the prerequisite coursework in order to start the program. All students must pass the previous course with a grade of "B-" or higher, or obtain a satisfactory score on a normed placement exam given by the department, in order to proceed with the major or minor. Students with AP Spanish Language scores of 4 or higher will be given 8 credits for SPAN 100 and SPAN 200 but will need to take the placement test to determine the appropriate entry course. Students with AP Spanish Literature scores of 4 or higher will be given 4 credits for SPAN 351 but will need to take the placement test to determine the appropriate entry course.
- File an application with the Department of Modern Languages and complete an interview with a faculty member.
Program Courses
Students desiring to minor in Spanish are strongly encouraged to begin during their freshman and sophomore years. Placement in Spanish classes will be based on a mandatory department assessment. Students entering the program with less than two years of high school Spanish or one semester of college Spanish will automatically be placed in the first course, either SPAN 100 or SPAN 215. Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment must be retested and placed accordingly. Advancement from one course in the lower-division sequence to the next will require demonstration of proficiency.
The Spanish major and minor allow students to proceed through two course tracks, one for second language learners of Spanish and the other for heritage learners of Spanish. A student’s progression through the program relies heavily on the sequencing of courses; therefore, it is important that students work closely with the Spanish program advisors. Students whose level of language places them into the 300-level of courses may substitute higher level courses for required courses at the 200-level with the permission of the Department of Modern Languages.
Curriculum Requirements
A Generalist in Spanish must complete 32 credits as detailed below. Students may substitute alternate upper-level courses with permission of the department. All Generalists must complete either SPAN 334, SPAN 335, SPAN 485, or complete an approved study abroad program.
Code | Title | Credits |
All Spanish majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in integration seminar within the major. | ||
Program Courses | ||
Students will be placed into one of the following tracks and take 4-12 credits based on language level determined by departmental placement exam. | 4-12 | |
Second Language Learners | ||
Spanish Language and Culture III | ||
Advanced Spanish Communication I | ||
Advanced Spanish Communication II | ||
Heritage Learners | ||
Basic Spanish for the Heritage Learner | ||
Basic Spanish for Heritage Learners IA and Basic Spanish for Heritage Learners IB | ||
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners I | ||
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners II | ||
All students must take: | ||
SPAN 340 | Introduction to Literary Masterpieces | 4 |
or SPAN 350 | Hispanic Civilization and Culture | |
SPAN 480 | Senior Portfolio | 1 |
BBST 4655 | Integration Seminar: Contemporary Hispanic Studies 1 | 3 |
Select 12-20 credits based on credits completed in program course track. | 12-20 | |
Intercultural Communication in Spanish | ||
Community Spanish | ||
Spanish Study Tour | ||
Introduction to Literary Masterpieces | ||
Foundations of Hispanic Literary Study: Genre | ||
Hispanic Civilization and Culture | ||
Hispanic Studies: Culture, Language, or Literature | ||
Topics in Hispanic Culture | ||
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics | ||
Topics in Spanish for Specific Purposes | ||
Topics in Hispanic Literature | ||
Spanish Applied Linguistics and Teaching Pedagogy | ||
Introduction to Translation I | ||
Introduction to Translation II | ||
Spanish to English Translation I | ||
Spanish to English Translation II | ||
English to Spanish Translation I | ||
English to Spanish Translation II | ||
Contemporary Hispanic Studies: A Biblical Perspective | ||
Teaching Assistant Practicum | ||
Directed Research | ||
Internship | ||
Program Course Requirements: 32 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 71 | |
General Electives | 17 | |
Total Credits | 120 |
- 1
Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.
Professional Concentrations
Students in the Bilingual Education, Global Marketplace, International Relations, and Ministry Professional concentrations below must complete 28 credits of Spanish (as detailed above) plus the required courses in their selected concentration. Total program and concentration credits are located on each concentration table below.
Concentrations Curriculum Requirements Overview
Bilingual Education, Global Marketplace, International Relations, and Ministry Concentrations
Code | Title | Credits |
All Spanish majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in integration seminar within the major. | ||
Concentration Courses | ||
Students will be placed into one of the following tracks and take 4-12 credits based on language level determined by departmental placement exam. | 4-12 | |
Second Language Learners | ||
Spanish Language and Culture III | ||
Advanced Spanish Communication I | ||
Advanced Spanish Communication II | ||
Heritage Learners | ||
Basic Spanish for the Heritage Learner | ||
Basic Spanish for Heritage Learners IA and Basic Spanish for Heritage Learners IB | ||
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners I | ||
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners II | ||
All students must take: | ||
SPAN 340 | Introduction to Literary Masterpieces | 4 |
or SPAN 350 | Hispanic Civilization and Culture | |
SPAN 480 | Senior Portfolio | 1 |
BBST 4655 | Integration Seminar: Contemporary Hispanic Studies 1 | 3 |
Electives | ||
Select 8-16 credits based on credits completed in program course track. | 8-16 | |
Intercultural Communication in Spanish | ||
Community Spanish | ||
Spanish Study Tour | ||
Introduction to Literary Masterpieces | ||
Foundations of Hispanic Literary Study: Genre | ||
Hispanic Civilization and Culture | ||
Hispanic Studies: Culture, Language, or Literature | ||
Topics in Hispanic Culture | ||
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics | ||
Topics in Spanish for Specific Purposes | ||
Topics in Hispanic Literature | ||
Spanish Applied Linguistics and Teaching Pedagogy | ||
Introduction to Translation I | ||
Introduction to Translation II | ||
Spanish to English Translation I | ||
Spanish to English Translation II | ||
English to Spanish Translation I | ||
English to Spanish Translation II | ||
Teaching Assistant Practicum | ||
Directed Research | ||
Internship | ||
Select a Professional Concentration (below) | 12-18 | |
Total Credits | 40-46 |
- 1
Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.
Bilingual Education
A Spanish B.A. with a concentration in Bilingual Education requires 28 credits of Spanish and an additional 12 credits of coursework housed in the School of Education. This concentration is designed for students interested in exploring the field of education in a bilingual context and can lead to the addition of a Bilingual Authorization once a California Teaching Credential is earned. Total concentration credits are 40.
Code | Title | Credits |
Concentration Courses | ||
LEDU 301 | Introduction to Teaching | 3 |
LEDU 390 | Latina/o Diversity in a U.S. Context | 3 |
LEDU 391 | Socio-historical Context for Bilingual Education – Spanish | 3 |
LEDU 392 | Bilingual Methodologies - Spanish | 3 |
Program Course (Spanish) Requirements: 28 credits | 28 | |
Concentration Course Requirements: 12 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 71 | |
General Electives | 9 | |
Total Credits | 120 |
Global Marketplace
A Spanish, B.A. with a concentration in Global Marketplace requires 28 credits of Spanish and an additional 18 credits of coursework housed in the Crowell School of Business. This concentration is designed for students interested in gaining a broad understanding of skills necessary for working in the local and global marketplace using their bilingual skills. Total concentration credits are 46.
Code | Title | Credits |
In addition to meeting the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in integration seminar within the major, students in the Global Marketplace concentration meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in mathematics within the concentration. | ||
Concentration Courses 1 | ||
MATH 190 | Business Statistics 2 | 3 |
BUSN 201 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
or BUSN 205 | Economic Principles | |
BUSN 211 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
BUSN 220 | Management Information Systems | 3 |
BUSN 230 | Introduction to Marketing | 3 |
BUSN 347 | Global Business Environment | 3 |
Program Course (Spanish) Requirements: 28 credits | 28 | |
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 68 | |
General Electives | 6 | |
Total Credits | 120 |
- 1
Students in the Global Marketplace Concentration are encouraged to complete additional credits in Business in order to complete a minor in Business Administration and satisfy the requirements for admittance into the Crowell School of Business' MBA program. See the Crowell School of Business webpage for details.
- 2
Fulfills the Mathematics Core Curriculum requirement.
International Relations
A Spanish, B.A. with a concentration in International Relations requires 28 credits of Spanish and an additional 15 credits in Political Science. This concentration is designed for students desiring to use their language and cultural skills in careers that focus on global politics foreign affairs. Total concentration credits are 43.
Code | Title | Credits |
In addition to meeting the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in integration seminar within the major, students in the International Relations concentration fulfill 3 credits of the 6 credit Core Curriculum requirement in history within the concentration. | ||
Concentration Courses | ||
POSC 208 | World Politics | 3 |
POSC 211 | Introduction to Political Economy | 3 |
POSC 225 | Survey of American Government 1 | 3 |
POSC 308 | Foreign Policy and Diplomacy | 3 |
POSC 365 | Wealth and Justice | 3 |
Program Course (Spanish) Requirements: 28 | 28 | |
Concentration Course Requirements: 15 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 68 | |
General Electives | 9 | |
Total Credits | 120 |
- 1
Fulfills 3 credits of the History Core Curriculum requirement.
A Spanish, B.A. with a concentration in Ministry is designed for students who want to pursue the vocation of Christian Ministry in Spanish speaking communities. It requires 28 credits in Spanish coursework and an additional 15 credits in coursework focused on Christian Ministries. Total concentration credits are 43.
Code | Title | Credits |
In addition to meeting the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in integration seminar within the major, students in the Ministry concentration fulfill 3 credits of the 6 credit BBST 300/400 elective requirement within the concentration. | ||
Concentration Courses | ||
BBST 320 | Methods of Bible Study 1 | 3 |
CEED 150 | Foundations of Ministry | 3 |
or CEED 242 | Psychology of Learning and Development | |
CEED 260 | Interpersonal and Cross-Cultural Relationships in Christian Ministry | 3 |
CEED 312 | Christian Ministry Skills | 3 |
or CEED 254 | Leadership Development | |
CEED 313 | Christian Ministry Discipleship | 3 |
Program Course (Spanish) Requirements: 28 credits | 28 | |
Concentration Course Requirements: 15 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 68 | |
General Electives | 9 | |
Total Credits | 120 |
- 1
Fulfills 3 credits of BBST 300/400 electives.
Secondary Instruction
The Secondary Instruction concentration is designed for students whose goal is to teach Spanish at the high school level. A concentration in Secondary Instruction offers Spanish coursework that, in conjunction with a teacher preparation program, leads to a California SB2042 Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential in Spanish.1 The Secondary Instruction concentration consists of a total of 55 credits as listed below.
Code | Title | Credits |
Students in the Secondary Instruction concentration meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 6 credits in behavioral science and integration seminar within the concentration and also fulfill 3 of the 6 credit Core Curriculum requirement in history within the concentration. | ||
Program Courses | ||
Students will be placed into one of the following tracks and take 4-12 credits based on language level determined by departmental placement exam. | 12 | |
Second Language Learners | ||
Spanish Language and Culture III | ||
Advanced Spanish Communication I | ||
Advanced Spanish Communication II | ||
Heritage Learners | ||
Basic Spanish for the Heritage Learner | ||
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners I | ||
Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners II | ||
All students must take: | ||
HIST 200 | United States History To 1865 2 | 3 |
or POSC 225 | Survey of American Government | |
PSYC 200 | Introduction to Psychology 3 | 3 |
SPAN 340 | Introduction to Literary Masterpieces | 4 |
SPAN 350 | Hispanic Civilization and Culture | 4 |
SPAN 480 | Senior Portfolio | 1 |
BBST 4655 | Integration Seminar: Contemporary Hispanic Studies 4 | 3 |
Select 8-16 credits from the following: | 8 | |
Community Spanish | ||
Spanish Study Tour | ||
Foundations of Hispanic Literary Study: Genre | ||
Hispanic Studies: Culture, Language, or Literature | ||
Topics in Hispanic Culture | ||
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics | ||
Topics in Spanish for Specific Purposes | ||
Topics in Hispanic Literature | ||
Introduction to Translation I | ||
Introduction to Translation II | ||
Spanish to English Translation I | ||
Spanish to English Translation II | ||
English to Spanish Translation I | ||
English to Spanish Translation II | ||
Teaching Assistant Practicum | ||
Directed Research | ||
Education Courses | ||
LEDU 301 | Introduction to Teaching | 3 |
LEDU 330 | Psychological Foundations of Education | 3 |
LEDU 341 | Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students | 3 |
LEDU 425 | Secondary Content Area Reading | 3 |
LEDU 433 | Single Subject Pedagogy | 2 |
LEDU 438 | Secondary Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment | 3 |
Student teaching (12 credits) may be completed at the graduate level and is not required for undergraduate graduation. Please meet with an advisor in the School of Education. | ||
Secondary Student Teaching I | ||
Secondary Student Teaching II | ||
Program/Concentration Course Requirements: 55 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 65 | |
Total Credits | 120 |
- 1
Students should be aware that the Professional Teacher Preparation Program leading to a California Teaching Credential at Biola University is subject to change in response to new legislation and for accreditation and reporting purposes. Please see a credential analyst in the School of Education for current information on completing the requirements for a teaching credential. Students must consult with both their major advisor and a School of Education advisor.
- 2
Fulfills 3 credits of the History Core Curriculum requirement. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that a teaching credential candidate must have completed a minimum 2-credit course that covers the U.S. Constitution or fulfill this requirement by examination. Biola University students may complete this requirement by taking either HIST 200 or POSC 225 with a grade of C or better. Students receiving AP college credit for either HIST 200 or POSC 225 will also meet this requirement. Transfer coursework must be reviewed by a credential analyst in the School of Education.
- 3
Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.
- 4
Fulfills the BBST 465 Biblical and Theological Studies Integration Seminar requirement.
NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.
Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.
See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.
- Bilingual Education
- Generalist in Spanish
- Global Marketplace
- International Relations
- Ministry
- Secondary Instruction
Spanish, B.A. Bilingual Education (SPBE)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
ENGL 100 or 112 | 3 | HIST 100 or 101 | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
17 | 17 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
HIST 200 or POSC 225 | 3 | LEDU 301 | 3 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
Literature (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Communication (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 2 |
16 | 15 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
LEDU 390 | 3 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | LEDU 391 | 3 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
14 | 15 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 365 | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
LEDU 392 | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | ||
13 | 13 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Generalist in Spanish (SPGN)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
ENGL 100 or 112 | 3 | HIST 100 or 101 | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
17 | 14 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
HIST 200, 201, or POSC 225 | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | Communication (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Literature (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
16 | 16 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | ||
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
14 | 14 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 365 | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN 485 | 1 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 2 | ||
14 | 15 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Global Marketplace (SPGM)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
ENGL 100 or 112 | 3 | HIST 100 or 101 | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
MATH 190 (fulfills Math Core Curriculum requirement) | 3 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | Behavioral Science (See Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
17 | 17 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
HIST 200 or POSC 225 | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | Concentration Course | 3 |
Literature (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Communication (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
13 | 13 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
Concentration Course | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Concentration Course | 3 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
14 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 365 | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
Concentration Course | 3 | Concentration Course | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 4 |
14 | 16 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. International Relations (SPIR)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
ENGL 100 or 112 | 3 | HIST 100 or 101 | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | General Elective | 4 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
17 | 14 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
POSC 225 (fulfills 3 credits of History Core Curriculum requirement) | 3 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | Concentration Course | 3 |
Literature (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Communication (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
16 | 16 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | Concentration Course | 3 |
General Elective | 4 | Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
15 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 365 | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
Concentration Course | 3 | Concentration Course | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | ||
14 | 12 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Ministry (SPMN)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
ENGL 100 or 112 | 3 | HIST 100 or 101 | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | General Elective | 4 |
14 | 14 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
HIST 200, 201, or POSC 225 | 3 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | Concentration Course | 3 |
Literature (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Communication (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
16 | 16 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | Concentration Course | 3 |
Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
14 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 365 | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | BBST 320 (fulfills 3 credits of BBST 300/400 requirement) | 3 |
Concentration Course | 3 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | Concentration Course | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 4 |
14 | 16 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Secondary Instruction (SPSI)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
ENGL 100 or 112 | 3 | KNES 107 | 1 |
GNST 102 | 1 | PSYC 200 (fulfills Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement) | 3 |
HIST 100 or 101 | 3 | Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | General Elective | 4 |
14 | 14 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
HIST 200 or POSC 225 (fulfills 3 credits of History Core Curriculum requirement) | 3 | LEDU 341 | 3 |
LEDU 301 | 3 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | SPAN 340 | 4 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | SPAN 350 | 4 |
14 | 18 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
LEDU 425 | 3 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | LEDU 330 | 3 |
Communication (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
16 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
BBST 365 | 3 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | LEDU 433 | 2 |
Literature (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | LEDU 438 | 3 |
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | LEDU 4503 | 0 |
LEDU 4523 | 0 | ||
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | ||
13 | 15 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
- 3
It is possible to complete LEDU 450 (6) & LEDU 452 (6) prior to graduation if the Foreign Language requirement has been met and coursework is taken during Summer sessions. Cross-listed as SEED 514 and SEED 515 at the graduate level. Meet with an advisor in the School of Education.
NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.
Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.
See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.
- Bilingual Education
- Generalist in Spanish
- Global Marketplace
- International Relations
- Ministry
- Secondary Instruction
Spanish, B.A. Bilingual Education (SPBE)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
GNST 102 | 1 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
KNES 107 | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | ||
Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
17 | 15 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | LEDU 301 | 3 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
16 | 14 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
LEDU 390 | 3 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | LEDU 391 | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | General Elective | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
17 | 15 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 443 | 4 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
LEDU 392 | 3 | HNRS 467 | 2 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
General Elective | 4 | General Elective | 4 |
12 | 14 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Generalist in Spanish (SPGN)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
GNST 102 | 1 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
KNES 107 | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | ||
Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
17 | 15 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | ||
16 | 14 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | ||
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
17 | 13 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 443 | 4 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | HNRS 467 | 2 |
SPAN 485 | 1 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
12 | 16 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Global Marketplace (SPGM)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
MATH 190 (fulfills Math Core Curriculum requirement) | 3 | Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | General Elective | 4 |
16 | 16 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
BUSN 201 or 205 | 3 | BUSN 211 | 3 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
15 | 15 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
BUSN 220 | 3 | BUSN 230 | 3 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | ||
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
17 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 443 | 4 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | HNRS 467 | 2 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
General Elective | 4 | BUSN 347 | 3 |
13 | 12 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. International Relations (SPIR)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
GNST 102 | 1 | Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
POSC 208 | 3 | Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | General Elective | 4 |
16 | 18 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
KNES 107 | 1 | POSC 225 | 3 |
POSC 211 | 3 | POSC 308 | 3 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
16 | 18 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
General Elective | 3 | KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 |
Writing Competency Requirement | General Elective | 3 | |
13 | 14 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 443 | 4 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | HNRS 467 | 2 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
General Elective | 4 | POSC 365 | 3 |
13 | 12 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Ministry (SPMN)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
CEED 150 or 242 | 3 | Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | General Elective | 4 |
16 | 18 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
CEED 260 | 3 | CEED 312 or 254 | 3 |
KNES 107 | 1 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | ||
16 | 15 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
SPAN 340 or 350 | 4 | SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | General Elective | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
14 | 16 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 443 | 4 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
BBST 320 | 3 | HNRS 467 | 2 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | CEED 313 | 3 |
General Elective | 1 | ||
13 | 12 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.
Spanish, B.A. Secondary Instruction (SPSI)
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
GNST 102 | 1 | KNES 107 | 1 |
PSYC 200 | 3 | Math (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
SPAN 201 or 2151,2 | 4 | ||
16 | 12 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
LEDU 301 | 3 | SPAN 301 or 3112 | 4 |
SPAN 300 or 3102 | 4 | General Elective | 3 |
Science (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
18 | 15 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
LEDU 341 | 3 | LEDU 425 | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | SPAN 340 | 4 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | SPAN 350 | 4 |
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
14 | 17 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 443 | 4 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
LEDU 330 | 3 | HNRS 467 | 2 |
SPAN 480 | 1 | BBST 4655 (fulfills BBST 465 Integration Seminar requirement) | 3 |
SPAN Elective (see list in catalog) | 4 | LEDU 433 | 2 |
General Elective | 2 | LEDU 438 | 3 |
14 | 14 | ||
Total Credits 120 |
- 1
This table assumes students have already taken Elementary Spanish and are starting with SPAN 201. Students may take general electives or Spanish electives in place of Core Curriculum Spanish if they have fulfilled the requirement.
- 2
This choice depends on students' track (Second Language Learners or Heritage Learners). See department for advising.