Cinema and Media Arts, B.A.


Biola's Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts understands the power of the media, which is why we’re committed to equipping students with the expertise needed to create transcendent, authentic, redemptive stories with the power to transform the world through the Cinema and Media Arts major. To best prepare students for the diversity of career paths in the media, this major offers well-rounded instruction in the various components which bring stories to the screen, with a series of seven concentrations for students to focus their interest and expertise. Concentrations include Production, Directing, Cinematography, Editing, Visual Effects and 3D Animation, Creative Producing and Entertainment Business.

Whether students have passion for creative, production, or business endeavors within the media, the CMA major brings key experience and education for those with the desire to bring their voice into the most influential form of communication on the planet. 

Degree Program

Upon completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements, the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts offers the Bachelor of Arts degree in Cinema and Media Arts.

A Cinema and Media Arts degree is 46 credits, with the student's choice of concentration (detailed below). 24 credits in the degree must be upper-division. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Arts in Cinema and Media Arts, students will be able to:

  1. Evaluate ideas for film and other media with an acquired knowledge of the fundamental components, including film/tv/digital media history, the current state of the industry, and the role technology plays (ULO 1).
  2. Integrate a Christian worldview and spiritual leadership into the development, production and exhibition of film and other media as a means to influence culture (ULO 2).
  3. Demonstrate career readiness to create content in collaboration with a team, using industry-standard practices and production pipelines (ULO 3).

Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.

Admission Requirements

The entertainment industry is a highly competitive, creative and demanding business. Admission into the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts (CMA) is separate from and contingent upon your admission to Biola University. Admission to Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Applications will not be considered until after the applicant has been first admitted to Biola University. To be admitted into the Cinema and Media Arts, B.A., the following requirements must be observed: 

  1. Complete all portions of the application for admission.
  2. Transfers should accomplish an overall cumulative GPA of 2.50 in all college level coursework completed at the time of formal application.

After you have completed your application to Biola University, complete your online application to the Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. by the appropriate deadline indicated on the website.

Prior professional media experience is not a prerequisite for admission into the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts. During the application process we’re more interested in discovering your potential, creative thinking, problem solving and Christian character. Department faculty prayerfully review all applications. You will be notified of your acceptance, of non-acceptance, or if more information is required.

If you have any questions about the status of your application, please call the CMA office at (562) 777-4052 or email

Current Biola Students

Admission to Biola University, or to the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts in the Writing for Film and Television, B.A., or the Game Design and Interactive Media, B.A., does not guarantee admission into the Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Admission into one concentration within the Cinema and Media Arts, B.A., does not guarantee admission into another concentration. To be admitted into the Cinema and Media Arts major, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. Biola, non-CMA majors, must complete the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts application for admission. However, CMA students must only complete the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts Major/Concentration Change form to transition to another major or concentration. The form should be filed the semester in which the student is in progress of completing any prerequisite curriculum requirements.
  2. Complete, with a minimum of a C (2.0) grade in all major courses taken at Biola.
  3. Accomplish an overall cumulative GPA of 2.50 in all college level course work completed at the time of formal application.
  4. Meet approval of the academic faculty advisor of the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts. 

Graduation Requirements

Industry Career Management Requirements

Industry Internship

Students in the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts must complete an entertainment industry internship as a requirement for graduation. As part of the internship approval process, students are required to first enroll in CNMA 210 Internship Seminar and then complete CNMA 440 Internship. Further information on the process for meeting the requirement, including the application form and instructions, is available from the department.

Industry Workshops

Students in the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts will be required to complete a series of eight (8) industry workshops throughout their degree program. These workshops will be made available each semester. Students will receive regular communications from the department regarding the scheduling and availability of these workshops. 

General Requirements

Every year, all Cinema and Media Arts majors participate in faculty advisor reviews to evaluate their progress in the department. Student portfolios being built semester to semester are assessed using a variety of criteria, such as a sophisticated usage of technology, proficiency in storytelling, team communication that speaks the truth in love, requisite hours on set or in post production, creative ability to problem solve.

All CMA majors who entered as “Production” students but who wish to declare an area of concentration (i.e., directing, cinematography, editing, etc.), must do so before earning the requisite 56 units and before registering for the intermediate course in the designated area of concentration. 

All Cinema and Media Arts majors must achieve a minimum grade of C in all major courses taken at Biola. Anyone receiving a lower grade must repeat the course and receive a C or better.

CMA students may be required to purchase computer equipment and/or software as may be applicable for their respective degrees. While we understand the financial strains of such equipment expenditures, we also recognize that these technologically driven majors involve costs well beyond the textbooks that serve as the essential tools for many other undergraduate departments. Contact the department for specific equipment recommendations.

Curriculum Requirements

Program Courses
CNMA 101Introduction to Writing for Visual Storytelling3
CNMA 102Visual Aesthetics3
CNMA 104History of Cinema 1, 23
or CNMA 105 History of Television and Digital Media
CNMA 203Screenwriting I3
CNMA 210Internship Seminar1
CNMA 240Production I: Directing in Narrative, Documentary and Short Form3
CNMA 245Production II: Media Lab3
CNMA 280The Power of Media2
CNMA 302Production Management3
CNMA 440Cinema and Media Arts Internship1
CNMA 456Senior Portfolio3
Total Credits28

In the Sound Design concentration only, students may take CNMA 314 in place of CNMA 104 or CNMA 105


In the Visual Effects and 3D Animation concentration only, students may take CNMA 140 in place of CNMA 104 or CNMA 105.


The production concentrations below offer students a thorough grounding in, and overview of, the key creative components of film, television, audio and digital media. Students are encouraged to develop their creative and technical skills, training for positions as directors, cinematographers, gaffers, editors, sound designers, recording engineers, production designers and many others.

All production concentrations generally take the same courses during the first two years and then developing a comprehensive specialization in a profession in the last two years of study. The production concentrations are cinematography, directing, editing, production, and visual effects. While the focus is professional, it is combined with a strong liberal arts background through Biola’s core curriculum and courses from other schools' programs in critical studies, writing, producing, and interactive media. 


Program Courses28
CNMA Upper-Division Electives6
Concentration Courses
CNMA 303Intermediate Cinematography3
CNMA 358Motion Picture Pre-Production3
CNMA 359Motion Picture Production3
CNMA 460Advanced Cinematography3
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120


Program Courses28
CNMA Upper-Division Electives6
Concentration Courses
CNMA 317Intermediate Directing Techniques3
CNMA 358Motion Picture Pre-Production3
CNMA 359Motion Picture Production3
CNMA 465Advanced Directing for Film & TV3
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120


Program Courses28
CNMA Upper-Division Electives6
Concentration Courses
CNMA 315Intermediate Editing3
CNMA 358Motion Picture Pre-Production3
CNMA 359Motion Picture Production3
CNMA 464Advanced Editing3
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120


Program Courses28
CNMA Upper-Division Electives12
Concentration Courses
CNMA 358Motion Picture Pre-Production3
CNMA 359Motion Picture Production3
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120

Sound Design

As of Fall 2024 this concentration is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

Program Courses29
CNMA Upper-Division Electives6
Concentration Courses
CNMA 307Sound Design3
CNMA 358Motion Picture Pre-Production3
CNMA 359Motion Picture Production3
CNMA 451Sound Mixing3
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits121

Visual Effects and 3D Animation

Program Courses28
CNMA Upper-Division Electives6
Concentration Courses
CNMA 308Digital 3D Modeling3
CNMA 310Visual Effects and Motion Graphics3
CNMA 318Character Modeling and Animation3
CNMA 345Virtual Production Fundamentals3
Concentration Course Requirements: 18 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120

Creative Producing

The Creative Producing concentration (formerly Entertainment Producing) introduces students to the business principles that drive the entertainment industry. Media managers make strategic decisions regarding what films get produced and what TV shows get broadcast. By combining classes in mass media and business, students are equipped to serve as producers or development and marketing executives, en route to corporate management.

Because producers are creative and entrepreneurial filmmakers, the required courses in the creative producing concentration are varied from courses in Cinema and Business. A total of 46 credits is required to complete the concentration.

Program Courses
CNMA 101Introduction to Writing for Visual Storytelling3
CNMA 104History of Cinema3
or CNMA 105 History of Television and Digital Media
CNMA 203Screenwriting I3
CNMA 204Entertainment Business3
CNMA 210Internship Seminar1
CNMA 280The Power of Media2
CNMA 302Production Management3
CNMA 382Film Financing3
CNMA 392Principles of Advertising3
CNMA 433Mass Media Law and Ethics3
CNMA 440Cinema and Media Arts Internship1
CNMA 456Senior Portfolio3
CNMA Upper-Division Electives6
Concentration Courses
CNMA 103Introduction to Digital Media Production3
CNMA 420Coverage and Development for Film and Television3
CNMA 449The Role of the Producer3
Program & Concentration Course Requirements: 46 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120

Entertainment Business

The Entertainment Business concentration is designed to prepare students for careers as producers and executives of film, television, and new media. The curriculum places emphasis on both the creative and managerial, to enhance and develop artistic skills and judgment while providing a sound background in business essentials. The producing courses are continually updated to ensure that the Entertainment Business concentration remains responsive to the ever-changing film, television, and new media landscape, and prepare students for careers as creative decision-makers in those fields. By combining classes in mass media and business, students are equipped to serve as producers or as development and marketing executives, en route to corporate management.

Program Courses
CNMA 101Introduction to Writing for Visual Storytelling3
CNMA 104History of Cinema3
or CNMA 105 History of Television and Digital Media
CNMA 203Screenwriting I3
CNMA 204Entertainment Business3
CNMA 210Internship Seminar1
CNMA 302Production Management3
CNMA 382Film Financing3
CNMA 392Principles of Advertising3
CNMA 433Mass Media Law and Ethics3
CNMA 440Cinema and Media Arts Internship1
CNMA 456Senior Portfolio3
Concentration Courses
CNMA 103Introduction to Digital Media Production3
CNMA 355Television Programming and Content Strategy3
CNMA 420Coverage and Development for Film and Television3
Select 8 credits of elective courses from the following (3 credits must be upper-division)8
Introduction to Marketing 1
Global Marketing Management
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Formation
Financing the Entrepreneurial Venture
The Power of Media
Studies in Media Production
Cinema and Media Arts Practicum
Cinema and Media Arts Seminar
The Role of the Producer
Program & Concentration Course Requirements: 46 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements74
Total Credits120

The prerequisite for BUSN 230 is MATH 190 or MATH 210.

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Cinematography (CNCM)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1023CNMA 2403
ENGL 100 or 1123CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3023
Science (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 3583
CNMA 3033CNMA 3593
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3ENGL 3133
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4563BBST 4653
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4401
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4603
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 15 13
Total Credits 120

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Creative Producing (CNCP)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 3823CNMA 104 or 1053
ENGL 100 or 1123Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1033CNMA 2033
CNMA 3023CNMA 2043
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Science (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 Communication (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 4203
CNMA 3923CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3ENGL 3133
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4563BBST 4653
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4333
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4401
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4493
 15 13
Total Credits 120

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Directing (CNDR)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1023CNMA 2403
ENGL 100 or 1123CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3023
Science (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 3173
ENGL 3133CNMA 3583
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3593
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4653BBST 4653
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4401
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4563
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 15 13
Total Credits 120

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Editing (CNED)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1023CNMA 2403
ENGL 100 or 1123CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3023
Science (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 3583
CNMA 3153CNMA 3593
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3ENGL 3133
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4643BBST 4653
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4401
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4563
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 15 13
Total Credits 120

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Entertainment Business (CNEB)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1033CNMA 3823
ENGL 100 or 1123Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
CNMA 3923CNMA 2043
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3023
 HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 4203CNMA 3553
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4333
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3ENGL 3133
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 16 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4563BBST 4653
CNMA or BUSN Elective (see program list)2CNMA 4401
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA or BUSN Elective (upper-division; see program list)3
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA or BUSN Elective (see program list)3
 14 13
Total Credits 120

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Production (COPD)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1023CNMA 2403
ENGL 100 or 1123CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3023
Science (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 3583
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 3593
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3ENGL 3133
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4563BBST 4653
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4401
HIST 100 or 1013CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3
 15 13
Total Credits 120

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Sound Design (CNSD)

As of Fall 2024 this concentration is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students.

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1023CNMA 2403
ENGL 100 or 1123CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 3023
Math (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
Science (see Core Curriculum)3Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 15
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 3073
ENGL 3133CNMA 3583
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3593
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 4563BBST 4653
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4403
Communication (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 4513
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 15 15
Total Credits 121

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Visual Effects and 3D Animation (CNVE)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CNMA 1013BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 1023CNMA 2403
ENGL 100 or 1123CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
KNES 1071 
 14 16
Second Year
BBST 2513BBST 209 or 2103
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA 3023
Science (see Core Curriculum)3HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
 Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 16
Third Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 3543
CNMA 2802CNMA 3103
CNMA 3083CNMA 3183
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3ENGL 3133
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1HIST 100 or 1013
Literature (see Core Curriculum)3Writing Competency Requirement
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 15
Fourth Year
BBST 3653BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CNMA 3453BBST 4563
CNMA 4563CNMA 4401
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3Communication (see Core Curriculum)3
 15 13
Total Credits 120

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Cinematography (CNCM) 

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 2403
CNMA 1023CNMA 2453
GNST 1021KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
KNES 1071 
 16 15
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
 Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
 15 16
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 2802CNMA 3583
CNMA 3023CNMA 3593
CNMA 3033Science (see Core Curriculum)3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 14 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4563CNMA 4401
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4603
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 16 13
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses.

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Creative Producing (CNCP) 

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 3923
CNMA 104 or 1053Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
GNST 1021Math (see Core Curriculum)3
KNES 1071 
 16 18
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 1033CNMA 2033
CNMA 2043CNMA 2101
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 3023
 18 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 4203CNMA 2802
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 3823
Writing Competency RequirementKNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
 12 12
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4493CNMA 4333
CNMA 4563CNMA 4401
Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 16 13
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses.

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Directing (CNDR)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 2403
CNMA 1023CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Math (see Core Curriculum)3
KNES 1071 
 16 17
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
 Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
 15 16
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 3023CNMA 2802
CNMA 3583CNMA 3173
CNMA 3593Science (see Core Curriculum)3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 14
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4401CNMA 4563
CNMA 4653CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 12 15
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses. 

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Editing (CNED)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 2403
CNMA 1023CNMA 2453
GNST 1021 
KNES 1071 
 16 14
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
 Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
 15 16
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 2802CNMA 3583
CNMA 3023CNMA 3593
CNMA 3153Science (see Core Curriculum)3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 14 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4401CNMA 4563
CNMA 4643CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
 Math (see Core Curriculum)3
 14 16
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses. 

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Entertainment Business (CNEB)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 3823
CNMA 1033Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
GNST 1021Math (see Core Curriculum)3
KNES 1071 
 16 18
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2043
CNMA 3923CNMA 2101
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 3023
 18 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 2033CNMA 4203
CNMA 3553CNMA 4333
Writing Competency Requirement 
 12 12
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4401CNMA or BUSN Elective (upper-division; see program list)3
CNMA 4563CNMA or BUSN Elective (see program list)3
CNMA or BUSN Elective (see program list)2Science (see Core Curriculum)3
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1 
 14 15
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses. 

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Production (COPD)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 2403
CNMA 1023CNMA 2453
GNST 1021KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
KNES 1071 
 16 15
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CNMA 2101
 Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
 15 16
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 2802CNMA 3583
CNMA 3023CNMA 3593
Math (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 14 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4401CNMA 4563
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 14 15
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses.

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Sound Design (CNSD)

As of Fall 2024 this concentration is in teach-out phase; it is not open to new or readmit students

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 2403
CNMA 1023CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Math (see Core Curriculum)3
KNES 1071 
 16 17
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
 15 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 3023CNMA 2802
CNMA 3583CNMA 3073
CNMA 3593KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 12
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 4563CNMA 4403
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3CNMA 4513
Science (see Core Curriculum)3CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
 16 15
Total Credits 121

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema and Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses.

Cinema and Media Arts, B.A. Visual Effects and 3D Animation (CNVE)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CNMA 1013CNMA 2403
CNMA 1023CNMA 2453
GNST 1021Math (see Core Curriculum)3
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1 
 16 17
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CNMA 104 or 1053CNMA 2033
CNMA 2101Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4 
 16 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CNMA 3023CNMA 2802
CNMA 3083CNMA 3183
CNMA 3103KNES 1071
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 12
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BBST 4653HNRS 4672
CNMA 3453CNMA 4563
CNMA 4401CNMA Elective (upper-division)3
CNMA Elective (upper-division)3Science (see Core Curriculum)3
 14 15
Total Credits 120

Note: Certain CMA classes are not offered every semester. Please check with the Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts for the most up-to-date schedule of required courses.