Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) - Internship) (Licensure)
Program Description
The Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Licensure), formerly Education Specialist Instruction Credential, authorizes the holder to conduct Educational Assessments related to student's access to the academic core curriculum and progress towards meeting instructional academic goals, and provide instruction, and Special Education Support to individuals in the area of specialization listed on the credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)). Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) includes Autism, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Other Health Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury, and authorizes service in grades K–12 and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22. The Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Licensure) has online coursework with in person fieldwork. Student teaching supervision is available in person or via remote platform pending location of student teaching placement.
Program Learning Outcomes
Biola University's graduate Education Specialist Credential (Licensure) candidates are expected to exemplify the following outcomes upon the completion of the Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Credential (Licensure). Students will be able to:
- Identify and articulate God's calling as Christian educators by reflecting on their spiritual journey and their educational preparation in a biblically integrated essay; and demonstrate Christian attitudes and actions conducive to professional excellence and witness by maintaining high professional disposition marks in coursework and fieldwork (ULO 1, 2, 3).
- Examine and analyze their students' cognitive, social, and physical growth through the gathering of student profile data, monitoring their progress, and providing constructive feedback to maximize students' optimum development (ULO 1).
- Demonstrate respect for diversity in cross-cultural and special population educational settings in order to promote equity and justice as exhibited in differentiated learning plans, response to profile data, and high marks in professional dispositions throughout coursework and fieldwork experiences (ULO 1, 2, 3).
- Design and implement appropriate adaptations to ensure the attainment of a productive learning environment for each student enrolled in candidates' classes by focused evaluation and reflection of each student's strengths and needs. Candidates will also utilize developmental and learning theories, as a foundation for professional decision-making and reflection by identifying student learning needs and making appropriate adaptations to ensure student learning (ULO 1, 3).
- Design and implement developmentally appropriate lessons, by using the California state-adopted academic content and Common Core standards as a foundation for lessons that integrate aspects of God's natural revelation (ULO 1, 3).
- Design and implement appropriate and effective learning strategies by designing grade and subject-specific lesson and unit plans (ULO 1, 3).
- Design and practice strategies that foster a safe and equitable learning environment that encourages students to take intellectual risks by demonstrating their knowledge of a comprehensive classroom management plan (ULO 1, 3).
Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.
Admission Requirements
For graduate students who are earning an Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) (Licensure) credential, but not seeking a degree, the following admission requirements apply:
- Applicants must have completed all bachelor's requirements prior to the start of the program and must have a bachelor's degree conferred from a regionally accredited institution prior to the start of the second term.
- Must be a California resident in order to fulfill fieldwork requirements.
- Foreign transcripts must be evaluated by a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approved organization and verified equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree.
- Satisfy Subject Matter Competency by an approved California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) option.
- Satisfy Basic Skills Requirement by an approved California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) option.
- Have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale.
- Verify possession of Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
- Documentation of tuberculosis (TB) test clearance administered within 3 months prior to start of program.
- Applicants for whom English is not a primary language must verify a score of 100 iBT on the TOEFL exam.
- Complete Biola University's Graduate Education Application.
- Interview with a member of the School of Education.
Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student's academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution.
Program Requirements
After successfully completing the requirements below, candidates make an appointment with a credential analyst in the School of Education at Biola University and apply for the Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential from the State of California's Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Transfer of Credential Coursework Credit
Coursework from an accredited program may be considered for waiver up to a maximum of 9 director-evaluated and approved credits for their Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential courses. Courses being used for waiver must be equivalent to Biola University's Teacher Credential programs and have direct applicability to the student's program design. Only courses with a grade of B- (2.7) on a 4.0 grade scale or higher will be considered towards the Teacher Credential programs; a grade of C+ (2.3) or lower will not be waived. Courses considered for waiver must have been taken within five years prior to the date of admission. Credential courses taken as an Undergraduate may be used to waive credential course requirements, however, such courses cannot transfer in for academic graduate credit on a Biola transcript. Waived course credits are not required to be made up.
Education Specialist Courses
All candidates for the Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) - Internship) (Licensure), formerly Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Internship, must complete the following courses and required fieldwork.
Code | Title | Credits |
Prerequisite Coursework (6 Credits) 1 | ||
SEED 518 | Designing Successful Classrooms: Starting Right 2 | 3 |
SEED 530 | Reading Process and Approaches 2 | 3 |
Program Courses (24 Credits) | ||
SEED 561 | Issues in Special Education 2 | 3 |
SEED 562 | Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners 2 | 3 |
SEED 563 | Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs in Inclusive Settings | 3 |
SEED 564 | Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs 2 | 3 |
SEED 580 | Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders | 3 |
SEED 532 | Diagnosis and Remediation in Reading | 3 |
SEED 582 | Consultation, Collaboration, and Communication for the Education Specialist | 3 |
SEED 583 | Curriculum Design for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs | 3 |
Intern Support Seminar (12 Credits) | ||
SEED 611 | Special Education Intern Support Seminar I 3 | 3 |
SEED 612 | Special Education Intern Support Seminar II 3 | 3 |
SEED 613 | Special Education Intern Support Seminar III 3 | 3 |
SEED 614 | Special Education Intern Support Seminar IV 3 | 3 |
Total Credits | 42 |
- 1
All candidates for the Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) (Licensure) who come to Biola University with an SB2042 Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential will have the prerequisite coursework waived. Additionally, candidates who have taken undergraduate or graduate equivalents of the prerequisite coursework will have their transcripts evaluated for equivalency. The Prerequisite Option will be determined by the Program Director during the interview process to the program.
- 2
SEED 518, SEED 530, SEED 561 plus SEED 562 or SEED 564 are pre-service requirements for the Intern Credential.
- 3
Intern Support Seminar is taken by candidates who hold an Intern Credential. See credential analyst in the School of Education for requirements.
Minimum Grades and GPA Requirements
All Education Specialist coursework must be completed with a grade of B- or higher. Overall, a 3.0 GPA must be maintained in the Education Specialist course sequence in order to intern and to be recommended for a Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential.
Taskstream Subscription
Candidates must have a paid subscription to Taskstream while taking Education Specialist courses, including prerequisites, and during internship.
Certificate of Clearance and Tuberculosis (TB) Test
Candidates must complete the application for a Certificate of Clearance prior to taking Education Specialist courses in order to participate in the required fieldwork. Fees required.
Candidates must submit valid TB tests results prior to taking Education Specialist courses with fieldwork. TB tests results must be done annually in order to participate in the required fieldwork. Fees required.
Basic Skills Requirement
Candidates must satisfy the basic skills requirement by an approved California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) option. This requirement must be met prior to applying for internship.
Literacy Performance Assessment
Pursuant to SB 488, beginning July 1, 2025, all newly enrolled credential candidates in Preliminary Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction credential programs must pass a Commission-adopted performance assessment that includes literacy instruction in order to be recommended for their credential. This means that current and prospective candidates who wish to take the RICA examination to meet the credential requirement for literacy instruction must take and pass either all three subtests of the written examination or the video performance assessment by July 1, 2025. The RICA examination will be retired as of July 1, 2025, and will no longer be available. Candidates who attempt or have attempted RICA but do not pass either all three subtests of the written examination or the video performance assessment by July 1, 2025, will be required to instead pass the Commission-adopted performance assessment that includes literacy instruction.
Subject Matter Competency Requirement
Candidates must satisfy subject matter competency by an approved California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) option. This requirement must be met prior to applying for internship.
Education Specialist CalTPA
Candidates must meet or exceed the minimum standards for passing the two state-mandated Education Specialist California Teaching Performance Assessments (Education Specialist CalTPAs). Candidates are expected to pass Cycle 1 of the Education Specialist CalTPAs prior to Special Education Intern Support Seminar III. (Candidates will be required to enroll in additional CalTPA remediation course(s) if Cycle 1 is not passed by the end of Intern Support Seminar II.) Cycle 2 must be passed prior to applying for the Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Credential.
Portfolio Assessments
Candidates must complete and successfully present the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) electronic portfolio.
Candidates must be recommended by the faculty of the School of Education as having all requisite professional qualities to be successful as a teacher.
Professional Dispositions and Competencies Evaluations
Candidates must demonstrate high performance in each Professional Dispositions and Competencies Evaluation for Education Specialist coursework in order to remain in the program. Evidence of unaddressed concerns (scores of 1 or 2), or failing to meet a professional disposition, may lead to dismissal.
Fieldwork Evaluation
Candidates must obtain good to excellent scores in each fieldwork evaluation for Education Specialist coursework, including internship.
U.S. Constitution Requirement
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that a teaching credential candidate must have completed a minimum 2-credit course that covers the U.S. Constitution or fulfill this requirement by examination.
Transfer coursework must be reviewed by a credential analyst in the School of Education. Candidates who have taken one of the courses listed below, with a grade of C or better at Biola University, have met this requirement. This requirement must be met prior to applying for internship.
Code | Title | Credits |
HIST 200 | United States History To 1865 | 3 |
POSC 225 | Survey of American Government | 3 |
Candidates must show verification of current training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) — infant, child, and adult — that meets the standards of either the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross when applying for the Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Credential.
Advisor Contact
Candidates must meet regularly with an advisor to ensure that all requirements are met.
Applying for a Credential
Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Intern Credential
Candidates who receive a job offer and have met the associated requirements may apply for an Intern Credential and enroll in the Intern Support Seminar. The Intern Support Seminar is taken by candidates who hold an Education Specialist (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) Intern credential. If approved, candidates may begin their full-time teaching position while fulfilling all requirements for the Education Specialist (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Credential. See the credential analyst in the School of Education for details and applicable prerequisite requirements.
Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Credential
After successfully completing the Intern Support Seminars and the associated requirements, candidates make an appointment with a credential analyst in the School of Education at Biola University and apply for the Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Credential from the State of California's Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
The Education Specialist Instruction (Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)) Program leading to a California Teaching Credential at Biola University is subject to change in response to new legislation and for accreditation/reporting purposes. Please see a credential analyst for current information on completing the requirements for a teaching credential.