Computer Science, B.S.


A Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science equips the students with a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of computing, providing enriching experiences in theoretically grounded problem solving based on an analysis-design-implementation paradigm. With a holistic perspective of the integration of faith and learning in view, the program prepares the students to embark upon successful careers through which they can reach out to the world for Jesus Christ while serving in secular or faith-based organizations.

Degree Program

A Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate requirements and the computer science major in one of the following concentrations: Standard Computer Science or Data Science and Information Systems.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to analyze, model, and solve computing problems (ULO 1, 3). 
  2. Apply and synthesize knowledge of the theory and practice of computing (ULO 1, 3).
  3. Design and develop software programs integrated into functioning systems (ULO 1, 3).
  4. Integrate faith and learning in Computer Science (ULO 2).

Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.

Curriculum Requirements

Computer Science majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in mathematics within the major. The foreign language requirement is met by two years of high school study in the same language or four credits of college foreign language.
Program Courses
All concentrations must include 24 upper-division credits. The following courses are required:
CSCI 105Introduction to Computer Science3
CSCI 106Data Structures3
CSCI 220Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming3
CSCI 230Programming Languages3
CSCI 430Computer Communications3
CSCI 450Software Engineering3
Program Course Requirements: 18 credits
Select a Concentration detailed below38-39
Core Curriculum Requirements64
Total Credits120-121


Standard Computer Science (38 Credits)

Concentration Courses
CSCI 311Operating Systems3
CSCI 335User Interface Design and Programming3
CSCI 400Theory of Algorithms3
Select any two additional CSCI elective courses at the 300 or 400 level 16
MATH 150Calculus I4
MATH 151Calculus II4
MATH 203Discrete Structures3
MATH 291Linear Algebra3
MATH 321Numerical Analysis3
or MATH 333 Operations Research
Select two courses at the 300 or 400 level in Computer Science or Math 16
Total Credits38

If CSCI 440 is selected as a CSCI upper-division elective, it may be taken multiple times with different topics

Data Science and Information Systems (39 Credits)

Concentration Courses
BUSN 220Management Information Systems3
BUSN 323Business Analytics3
CSCI 402Database Management3
MATH 140Fundamentals of Calculus3
or MATH 150 Calculus I
MATH 203Discrete Structures3
MATH 210Introduction to Probability and Statistics3
or MATH 318 Biostatistics
Select any two of the following:6
Programming for Data Science I
Programming for Data Science II
Operating Systems
User Interface Design and Programming
Select any two additional CSCI elective courses at the 300 or 400 level6
Select any three of the following CSCI/BUSN/MATH Electives: 9
The Nature of Computing
Theory of Algorithms
Topics in Computer Science 1
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Finance
Advanced Business Analytics with Machine Learning and AI
Calculus II
Linear Algebra
Statistics II
Numerical Analysis
Probability 2
Mathematical Statistics
Operations Research
Statistics and Data Science Consulting Practicum
Statistics and Data Science Capstone
Total Credits39

CSCI 440 may be taken multiple times with different topics.


Additional courses, which are not program or concentration requirements, are required as prerequisites. See department for advising.

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Computer Science, B.S. Standard Computer Science (CSST)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CSCI 1053CSCI 1063
ENGL 100 or 1123KNES 1071
GNST 1021MATH 1514
MATH 1504MATH 2033
 14 14
Second Year
BBST 209 or 2103BBST 209 or 2103
BBST 2513CSCI 2203
CSCI 2303Communication (see Core Curriculum)3
MATH 2913Literature (see Core Curriculum)3
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4Science (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 15
Third Year
BBST 3653BBST 3543
CSCI 3113CSCI 4303
CSCI 3353CSCI or MATH Elective (upper-division)3
CSCI 4003HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3MATH 321 or 3333
 KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 16
Fourth Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
CSCI Elective (upper-division)3BBST 4653
CSCI or MATH Elective (upper-division)3CSCI 4503
ENGL 3133CSCI Elective (upper-division)3
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Total Credits 120

Computer Science, B.S. Data Science and Information Systems (CSDI)

First Year
BBST 103 or 1653BBST 103 or 1653
CSCI 1053CSCI 1063
ENGL 100 or 1123HIST 200, 201, or POSC 2253
GNST 1021KNES 1071
MATH 140 or 1503MATH 2033
 MATH 210 or 3183
 13 16
Second Year
BBST 209 or 2103BBST 209 or 2103
BBST 2513CSCI 2203
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4Science (see Core Curriculum)3
 16 15
Third Year
BBST 3653BBST 3543
CSCI 311, 305, or 3353CSCI 4303
CSCI Elective (upper-division)3CSCI 306 or CSCI/BUSN/MATH Elective3
Behavioral Science (see Core Curriculum)3Communication (see Core Curriculum)3
Philosophy (see Core Curriculum)3KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
 Literature (see Core Curriculum)3
 Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office
 15 16
Fourth Year
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3BBST 300/400 Bible Elective3
BUSN 3233BBST 4653
CSCI 4023CSCI 4503
CSCI Elective (upper-division)3CSCI 306 or CSCI/BUSN/MATH Elective3
ENGL 3133Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum)3
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Total Credits 121

NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.

Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.

See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.

Computer Science, B.S. Standard Computer Science (CSST)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CSCI 1053CSCI 1063
GNST 1021MATH 1514
MATH 1504MATH 2033
 16 18
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
CSCI 2303CSCI 2203
MATH 2913Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4
Science (see Core Curriculum)3 
 17 15
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CSCI 3113CSCI 4303
CSCI 3353CSCI Elective (upper-division)3
CSCI 4003MATH 321 or 3333
Writing Competency Requirement 
 15 15
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
CSCI Elective (upper-division)3BBST 4653
CSCI or MATH Elective (upper-division)3CSCI 4503
KNES 1071CSCI or MATH Elective (upper-division)3
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1 
 12 13
Total Credits 121

Note: Those that took at least 2 years of a foreign language in high school need not take a foreign language class. At most 8 credits may be obtained through KNES classes; at most 8 credits may be obtained through applied music classes. At least one of MATH 321 and MATH 333 must be taken.

Computer Science, B.S. Data Science and Information Systems (CSDI)

First Year
HNRS 1014HNRS 1054
HNRS 1024HNRS 1064
CSCI 1053CSCI 1063
GNST 1021MATH 2033
MATH 140 or 1503MATH 210 or 3183
 15 17
Second Year
HNRS 2104HNRS 2304
HNRS 2154HNRS 2314
BUSN 2203CSCI 2203
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum)4CSCI/BUSN/MATH Elective3
 18 17
Third Year
HNRS 3244HNRS 3374
HNRS 3262HNRS 3392
CSCI 311, 305, or 3353CSCI 306 or CSCI/BUSN/MATH Elective3
CSCI Elective (upper-division)3CSCI 4303
KNES 1071KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum)1
Writing Competency Requirement 
 13 13
Fourth Year
HNRS 4434HNRS 4584
BUSN 3233BBST 4653
CSCI 4023CSCI 4503
CSCI Elective (upper-division)3CSCI 306 or CSCI/BUSN/MATH Elective3
Science (see Core Curriculum)3 
 16 13
Total Credits 122

Note: Those that took at least 2 years of a foreign language in high school need not take a foreign language class. At most 8 credits may be obtained through KNES classes; at most 8 credits may be obtained through applied music classes.