Nursing, B.S.
The mission of the Department of Nursing is to prepare students to be competent nursing professionals who integrate Christian caring into their nursing practice.
Degree Program
A Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing is offered upon the completion of the University baccalaureate and major requirements. All nursing students must meet the Biola Bible minor requirements and therefore the Biola Nursing program is a four and 1/2 year program.
Biola University offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing which is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing:
1747 North Market Street, Suite 150
Sacramento, CA, 95834
(916) 322-3350
And accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education:
655 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 887-6791
The program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in professional nursing. Graduates of licensed vocational, diploma and associate degree nursing programs may be admitted as transfer students and evaluated individually. Policies are available from the Department of Nursing.
Clinical nursing experiences are provided in cooperation with hospitals and other agencies throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties. In compliance with State Board regulations, the graduate will be eligible to take the NCLEX-RN examination required by the Board of Registered Nursing for licensure as a registered nurse. Upon graduation, application can be made for certification as a public health nurse. Both acceptance to, and continuation in the nursing major, will be determined by the student's preparation, performance and personal integrity, as assessed by the faculty of the Department of Nursing.
The philosophy of the Department of Nursing is in agreement with that of the University. As such, we believe nursing is concerned with the well being of the total person. Each faculty member, student and patient is an integrated, unique person, created in God's image, and endowed by God with dignity and worth. The entry of sin into the world has placed a constraint on the individual's total well being which can only be remedied by the power and love of God through faith in Jesus Christ. God has created all persons with the potential for dynamic growth and development throughout their lives, and with the right to make decisions which influence their well being. All persons require social interaction to achieve and maintain well being. The family within the context of its cultural environment is the fundamental unit through which the socialization process is advanced.
We believe that caring, as exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ, is the essence of nursing. The focus of nursing activity is the three client systems (personal, interpersonal and community) and the dynamic interaction between them within the context of their environment. These three systems also are interacting constantly with internal and external stressors which may affect the integrity of the systems. It is our view that the purpose of nursing is to support and promote the processes that facilitate the systems' abilities to achieve and maintain optimal adaptation. This is accomplished through use of the nursing process which is ongoing and involves assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating. Effective use of this process enables the nurse to work with client systems across the health-illness continuum.
Nursing is a dynamic profession based on a growing body of evidence-based knowledge. It is our belief that Biblical studies, together with the humanities, arts and sciences, are fundamental to the development of nursing's own unique body of knowledge. Nursing is both art and science; its uniqueness does not reside in any specific component of theory or action, but can be found only in the whole.
As one of the major health care professions, we believe nursing is accountable to God and to society for provision of quality health care services in a broad variety of settings. Baccalaureate nurses endeavor to meet this responsibility through involvement in leadership, inter-professional collaboration, education, and research utilization activities to improve clinical practice, influence health care policies, and further the development of nursing science.
In a rapidly changing world, adequate and equitable delivery of health care is a critical challenge. We believe that equal access to health care services is the right of every individual in society. Through its unique contribution, nursing can and must be an effective social force in promoting the quality and availability of health care services for all persons. To effect positive changes nurses must participate in all aspects of the health care delivery system including:
- evaluating the adequacy of health care services for the community,
- projecting needs for additional or new services, and
- taking appropriate action to insure accessibility of services. This requires nursing involvement with community action groups and with local and national legislative processes.
We believe initial preparation of professional nurses to meet the health care needs of society is best accomplished through the learning acquired in baccalaureate education. As nurse educators it is our responsibility to provide an environment which facilitates the learning necessary to prepare graduates for professional practice and advanced professional education.
As Christian educators we value the distinctive cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds of each person and recognize that this diversity enriches our learning environment. It is the role of the educator to provide a learning climate of Christian caring which:
- enhances students' abilities to use their own unique learning styles effectively,
- promotes students' accomplishment of personal goals, and
- facilitates students' utilization of resources and personal support systems to enhance their ability to meet their individual learning needs.
It is our belief that the goal of learning is behavioral change in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Learning is a purposeful, dynamic process and involves changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and/or beliefs. Learning occurs more efficiently, is more pervasive and more enduring when the learner actively participates in all phases of the learning process. Previous experience provides the foundation for current learning. Learning is facilitated when experiences move from the familiar to the unfamiliar and from simple to complex. Learning which emphasizes discovery of organizing principles rather than specific content facilitates the transfer of learning to novel situations.
We believe critical thinking, creative thinking, and clinical reasoning are essential for the professional nurse. Development of these skills is fostered in a supportive learning environment which:
- provides opportunity for involvement in critical thinking and problem solving throughout the learning process,
- stimulates the processes of inquiry and discovery,
- provides exposure to a variety of problems in a variety of settings,
- encourages maturation of the ability to utilize internal and external evaluative feedback, and
- promotes increasing self-direction and independence.
The educator as a role model enhances the learning process by demonstrating Christian caring and the skills of inquiry and discovery. Acting as an expert learner, facilitator, and resource person, the educator guides the student learner through the educational experience. We believe that education is a life-long process which facilitates the ongoing development of the learner's potentialities for continued growth as a person, citizen, and professional nurse.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate essential nursing knowledge and skills in nursing practice; integrating knowledge from biblical studies, arts, sciences, and humanities; and applying knowledge of relevant cultural, global, social, and technological factors (ULO 1, 2, and 3).
- Employ effective communication and collaboration in the provision of quality nursing care (ULO 1).
- Base nursing practice on a formulation of knowledge incorporating critical thinking, clinical reasoning, leadership, and advocacy (ULO 1).
- Demonstrate ethical Christian caring and professional development consistent with a biblical world-view (ULO 1, 3).
Each Program Learning Outcome (PLO) listed above references at least one of the University Learning Outcomes (ULO 1, 2, 3), which may be found in the General Information section of this catalog.
Admission Requirements
The Biola University nursing program is a four-and-a-half-year program that consists of two distinct phases.
- Apply to Biola and be admitted to a nursing pathway major: the Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management.
- Once the necessary coursework is completed, apply to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). To pursue the BSN, you must meet additional admissions requirements as noted below.
Students must meet the university’s general admission requirements. Additional requirements apply to transfer students, as indicated below.
- Transfer Students (25 college credits or more):
- The student should have no more than one C (U.S. letter grade or equivalent) in any science prerequisite courses.
- The student must have a minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.2.
Clinical Nursing Program Admission Guidelines
Admission to Biola University, as a Healthcare Management major or otherwise, does not guarantee admission into the clinical nursing program. Admission into the clinical nursing program is competitive. There is a separate application process for designated Healthcare Management students to apply for acceptance into the clinical program. Guidelines for student selection are subject to change and are available through the Department of Nursing.
- All applicants for acceptance into the clinical nursing program must:
- Be a student in good standing at Biola University with no history of academic dishonesty and/or behavioral or other disciplinary problems.
- Submit a complete application and supporting documents by the designated deadline, including satisfactory personal references and a well-written biographical sketch as described on the application form.
- Demonstrate adequate English language and grammar writing skills, critical reasoning and effective communication during an interview with the nursing faculty.
- Receive a grade of B (3.0) or higher in NURS 112.
- Not apply to the clinical nursing program more than two times.
- Understand that a gap semester is allowable for some students who have completed their prerequisites and general education courses, but the Nursing Department does not recommend taking a gap year.
- Minimum requirements considered for spring letter of acceptance include:
- Perform at or above 70 on the comprehensive TEAS nursing pre-admission test. Preparation for the exam is highly encouraged.
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher from all colleges attended.
- Have a total science GPA of 2.5 or higher on all required prerequisite sciences.
- Have completed 3 of the required sciences by the time of application review.
- Have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in all required prerequisite courses. Special circumstances: If applicant has to repeat any one required prerequisite course for a grade of C- or lower, and then successfully repeats the required course at Biola with a grade of B or higher by the time of application review, the failure grade will not be calculated in the cumulative GPA.
- Factors which are considered in the selection process which may enhance an applicant's potential for admission include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Work experience of any kind. Employment in health care settings preferred.
- Volunteer experiences. Volunteer experiences in health care settings preferred.
- Leadership activities at church, high school, or college.
- Missions or other cross-cultural experiences.
- Biola student extra-curricular activities.
Contact the Department of Nursing for additional information regarding admission into the clinical nursing program.
Requirements Upon Acceptance into Biola's Clinical Nursing Program
Acceptance into Biola's clinical nursing program is conditioned upon students completing the requirements below. Students will not be permitted to participate in the program without these. There may also be additional requirements not stated below due to changes in law or agency standards and policies. Any expenses required to meet these requirements are the responsibility of the student. If these requirements are not completed by the posted deadline, late fees will be assessed.
- Pass a criminal background check. It is highly recommended that you meet with the Department of Nursing Director or Associate Director to disclose any criminal history (including traffic tickets of $1000.00 or more) prior to applying for the clinical program.
- Submit documentation of a clear drug screen by stated deadline and on demand.
- Submit documentation of a physical examination, including required laboratory tests by the stated deadline and annually thereafter.
- Submit documentation of having received all required immunizations and titer results by stated deadline. Students must have all required vaccines prior to the start of the clinical program and remain current throughout their program. These are subject to change based on information received from facilities. Students participating in distance placements during their final semester may have additional immunization requirements.
- Have a current American Heart Association CPR/AED certification for the Health Care Professional Rescuer, valid driver's license, and proof of personal car insurance turned in by the stated required submission date. A current passport is recommended.
- Have required personal technology information equipment as required by faculty.
Additionally, each student is assessed for liability insurance through the University when participating in clinical courses. The University and cooperating agencies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occurring during the school program. Students must arrange for their own transportation to clinical agencies as the University does not provide transportation. Students must have access to a vehicle throughout the clinical nursing program. Parking fees are the responsibility of the student.
Courses with a theory and clinical component must be taken as corequisites (in the same semester). One credit of theory equals one clock hour, and one credit of clinical equals three clock hours. Because of their importance, it is mandatory to attend course and clinical orientations to proceed in nursing courses. A student must earn a minimum grade of C (2.00) in all nursing curriculum required courses and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in order to progress in nursing. Students should meet with their academic advisor to confirm applicable courses.
Students will be permitted to repeat nursing courses one time only. Students withdrawing more than once at a failing level (C- or below) or failing two courses may be dropped from the nursing program.
Unsafe clinical nursing practice, regardless of GPA, is grounds for dismissal from the nursing program. Students who withdraw from nursing in good standing will be readmitted on a space-available basis.
Mandatory achievement exams will be taken throughout and at the completion of the nursing program.
Prerequisites to the Program
Prior to admission into the clinical nursing program, pre-clinical nursing students must complete:
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOS 254 | Human Anatomy | 4 |
BIOS 281 | Physiology | 4 |
BIOS 282 | Microbiology | 4 |
CHEM 107 | Introduction to Chemistry 1 | 3 |
CHEM 120 | Principles of Organic and Biochemistry 2,3 | 3 |
CHEM 121 | Principles of Organic and Biochemistry Lab 3 | 1 |
ENGL 100 | Studies in Critical Thinking and Writing with Studio 4 | 3 |
or ENGL 112 | Studies in Critical Thinking and Writing | |
NURS 112 | Introduction to Professional Nursing | 1 |
PSYC 200 | Introduction to Psychology 5 | 3 |
Select three credits of an approved Communication course (see Dept for details) 6 | 3 | |
Total Credits | 26-29 |
- 1
CHEM 107 is waived for students who meet the qualifications to enter CHEM 120, and they are required to complete 26 program prerequisite credits. See the current Placement Options for CHEM 120 for more information.
- 2
Fulfills the Science Core Curriculum requirement.
- 3
CHEM 105 and CHEM 115 may be substituted for CHEM 120 and CHEM 121 upon advisor approval.
- 4
Fulfills 3 credits of the 6-credit English Core Curriculum requirement. This requirement is covered by Torrey Honors College curriculum.
- 5
Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement. This course is required for all pre-clinical nursing students, including those in Torrey Honors College.
- 6
Fulfills the Communication Core Curriculum requirement. This requirement is covered by Torrey Honors College curriculum.
Curriculum Requirements
Acceptance into the clinical nursing program is required prior to taking the program courses below.
Code | Title | Credits |
Program Prerequisites | 26-29 | |
The Core Curriculum requirement for a foreign language for nursing majors is two years of the same high school language or four credits of a college language. Nursing majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement in mathematics within the major; they are exempt from the Core Curriculum requirement in literature; and they are required to take 3 credits of history. | ||
Program Courses | ||
NURS 204 | Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology | 2 |
NURS 209 | Nursing of the Patient/Family I - Theory | 4 |
NURS 212 | Nursing of the Patient/Family I - Clinical | 3 |
NURS 216 | Nursing of the Patient/Family II - Theory | 3 |
NURS 218 | Nursing of the Patient/Family II - Clinical | 2.5 |
NURS 219 | Nursing of the Patient/Family II - Nursing Application Lab | 0.5 |
NURS 306 | Nursing Assessment of the Patient - Theory | 2 |
NURS 307 | Nursing Assessment of the Patient - Clinical | 1 |
NURS 341 | Nursing of the Mental Health Patient/Family - Theory | 2 |
NURS 345 | Nursing of the Mental Health Patient/Family - Clinical | 1.5 |
NURS 347 | Introduction to Women's Health - Theory | 2 |
NURS 349 | Introduction to Women's Health - Clinical | 1.5 |
NURS 351 | Nursing of the Older Adult Patient/Family - Theory | 2 |
NURS 353 | Nursing of the Older Adult Patient/Family - Clinical | 1 |
NURS 355 | Pediatric Nursing - Theory | 2 |
NURS 357 | Pediatric Nursing - Clinical | 1.5 |
NURS 358 | Nursing of the Patient/Family III - Theory | 2 |
NURS 359 | Nursing of the Patient/Family III - Clinical | 2 |
NURS 441 | Introduction to Healthcare Research | 3 |
NURS 442 | Applied Nursing Research | 1 |
NURS 450 | Leadership/Management in Nursing - Theory | 2 |
NURS 451 | Leadership/Management in Nursing: Transition to Practice - Clinical | 3 |
NURS 452 | Leadership/Management in Nursing: Elective Setting - Clinical 1 | 2 |
NURS 461 | Community and Public Health Nursing - Theory | 3 |
NURS 463 | Community and Public Health Nursing - Clinical | 3 |
NURS 465 | Practice Readiness Seminar and Application Lab | 1 |
Supporting Courses | ||
MATH 210 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics 2 | 3 |
or MATH 318 | Biostatistics | |
Select three credits from one of the following: | 3 | |
ANTH, INCS, or SOCI 3 | ||
Select two or three credits from one of the following: 4 | 2-3 | |
Critical Care Nursing - Theory 1 | ||
Health Education and Health Promotion | ||
Kinesiology | ||
Principles of Epidemiology | ||
Community and Global Health | ||
Health Behavior and Health Promotion | ||
Psychology of Exercise and Health | ||
Exercise in Health and Disease | ||
Health Policy and Ethics | ||
Health Care Systems | ||
Nutrition and Human Metabolism | ||
Public Health Policy and Practice | ||
Introduction to Psychopathology | ||
Developmental Psychology: Lifespan | ||
Sociology of Gender | ||
Marriage and the Family | ||
Unequal Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Crime | ||
Sociology of Death and Dying | ||
Ethnic and Minority Groups | ||
Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender | ||
Sociology of Wealth and Poverty | ||
Sociology of Disabilities | ||
Sociology of Sexuality | ||
Program Course Requirements: 61.5-62.5 credits | ||
Core Curriculum Requirements | 45-49 | |
Total Credits | 132.5-140.5 |
- 1
NURS 367 (Critical Care Nursing - Theory) is available to be taken as elective with the option of having a Critical Care Clinical placement (based on space availability and faculty selection) in NURS 452.
- 2
MATH 210 or MATH 318 fulfills the Mathematics Core Curriculum requirement and must be taken prior to Semester 4 of clinical nursing program and NURS 441.
- 3
See department for approved options.
- 4
Or other Department approved upper division elective.
Transfer/Challenge Policy
For transfer nursing students, registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses and other applicants with health profession backgrounds including Military Veterans into the Biola Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
General Policies
Transfer Student Application Process
Applicants must first be accepted into Biola University. It is recommended that the applicant meet with a nursing advisor at the time of university application. When the student has met the prerequisite requirements, a separate application and application fee must be made to the Department of Nursing. If the applicant is a RN or LVN, it is recommended that this be done concurrently with the application to the University. Contact the Department of Nursing for the program application. Priority consideration for placement in the clinical nursing program is given to current Biola students. To be considered for acceptance into the clinical nursing program, all applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. -
Challenge Planning
Applicants planning to challenge nursing courses must first be accepted by and fulfill all matriculation requirements of Biola University. All required non-nursing prerequisites as outline in the Standard Curriculum Chart for the nursing major should be completed before entering clinical nursing courses. Contact the Department of Nursing for the current curriculum chart. Transfer credit for non-nursing courses will be granted by the Registrar's Office as indicated in the University catalog.
RNs desiring to challenge must submit a portfolio and review fee of $350. LVNs desiring to challenge must submit a portfolio and review fee of $350. Veterans desiring to challenge must submit a portfolio and review fee of $350. Placement of students and nursing course credit for prior education experience is based upon individual portfolio evaluation which will include the following:- Current RN or LVN license in the USA (and in California prior to start of nursing clinicals).
- Nursing course content outlines/syllabi/course descriptions.
- Official transcript documenting graduation from a regionally-accredited nursing program.
- Two references:
- If the ADN or LVN program was completed in the last 5 years, one reference is required from a faculty member from the last year of nursing courses.
- If the applicant has been employed as an RN or LVN, a work recommendation from an immediate supervisor who has worked with the applicant for at least 6 months is required.
Educational and work resume.
Nursing courses for which the RN may receive credit include the following (approved courses are subject to change):Nursing B.S. Theory Clinical NURS 209/NURS 216/NURS 358 NURS 212/NURS 218/NURS 359 NURS 204 N/A NURS 341 NURS 345 NURS 347/NURS 355 NURS 349/NURS 357 NURS 351 NURS 353 Nursing courses for which the LVN may receive credit include NURS 209 and NURS 212.
Minimum Degree Requirements
All candidates will take a minimum of nine upper-division nursing courses. This will include NURS 300 (for 3 credits) in which the writing competency requirement will be met and which is designed to facilitate socialization into baccalaureate professional nursing. The credits of NURS 300 will be started during the first year following acceptance into the nursing program. The content and credits will vary with individual needs, depending upon prior education experiences and the number of credits transferred in. These initial credits must be successfully completed prior to enrollment in any other clinical nursing course.
The minimum required courses will include:
Code | Title | Credits |
NURS 300 | Professional Nursing Seminar | 1-3 |
NURS 441 | Introduction to Healthcare Research | 3 |
NURS 442 | Applied Nursing Research | 1 |
NURS 450 | Leadership/Management in Nursing - Theory | 2 |
NURS 451 | Leadership/Management in Nursing: Transition to Practice - Clinical | 3 |
NURS 452 | Leadership/Management in Nursing: Elective Setting - Clinical | 2 |
NURS 461 | Community and Public Health Nursing - Theory | 3 |
NURS 463 | Community and Public Health Nursing - Clinical | 3 |
NURS 465 | Practice Readiness Seminar and Application Lab | 1 |
Total Credits | 19-21 |
NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.
Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.
See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.
Nursing, B.S.
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 103 or 165 | 3 | BBST 103 or 165 | 3 |
BIOS 2541 | 4 | CHEM 1201 | 3 |
CHEM 107 (if needed per department)1 | 3 | CHEM 1211 | 1 |
ENGL 100 or 1121 | 3 | PSYC 2001 | 3 |
GNST 102 | 1 | ANTH, INCS, or SOCI elective (required)2 | 3 |
KNES 107 | 1 | Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum) | 4 |
Communication (see Core Curriculum)1 | 3 | KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 |
18 | 18 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 209 or 210 | 3 | BBST 209 or 210 | 3 |
BBST 251 | 3 | BBST 354 | 3 |
BIOS 2811 | 4 | BIOS 2821 | 4 |
HIST 200, 201, or POSC 225 | 3 | MATH 210 or 318 | 3 |
NURS 1121 | 1 | Philosophy (see Core Curriculum) | 3 |
Fine Arts (see Core Curriculum) | 3 | ||
17 | 16 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
BBST 365 | 3 | ENGL 313 | 3 |
NURS 209 | 4 | NURS 204 | 2 |
NURS 212 | 3 | NURS 216 | 3 |
NURS 306 | 2 | NURS 218 | 2.5 |
NURS 307 | 1 | NURS 219 | 0.5 |
NURS 351 | 2 | ||
NURS 353 | 1 | ||
Writing Competency Requirement | |||
13 | 14 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
NURS 341 | 2 | BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 |
NURS 345 | 1.5 | NURS 441 | 3 |
NURS 347 | 2 | NURS 450 | 2 |
NURS 349 | 1.5 | NURS 451 | 3 |
NURS 355 | 2 | NURS 4523 | 2 |
NURS 357 | 1.5 | NURS/KNES/PSYC/SOCI Elective (upper-division; see list in catalog)4 | 2-3 |
NURS 358 | 2 | ||
NURS 359 | 2 | ||
Graduation Application due in Registrar's Office | |||
14.5 | 15-16 | ||
Fifth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | ||
BBST 300/400 Bible Elective | 3 | ||
BBST 465 | 3 | ||
NURS 442 | 1 | ||
NURS 461 | 3 | ||
NURS 463 | 3 | ||
NURS 465 | 1 | ||
14 | |||
Total Credits 139.5-140.5 |
- 1
Prerequisite for admission to Clinical Nursing program.
- 2
If not completed earlier, students are recommended to take a Bible class and/or ANTH/INCS/SOCI class online during Third Year Summer.
- 3
NURS 367 is available to be taken as an elective with the option of having a Critical Care Clinical placement based on space availability and faculty selection in NURS 452.
- 4
Or other department-approved upper-division elective.
NOTE: The course sequence table is designed by the major department and is one way that the classes will work out properly in sequence for your major. However, there are alternative or flexible ways to rotate some of the classes within the same year/level and sometimes between year levels. Please contact your major department advisor to discuss flexible alternatives in scheduling the sequence of your classes.
Taking coursework during the summer session may also be an option to accelerate your degree path.
See Core Curriculum Program section for a list of approved Core Curriculum courses.
Nursing, B.S.
First Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 101 | 4 | HNRS 105 | 4 |
HNRS 102 | 4 | HNRS 106 | 4 |
BIOS 2541 | 4 | CHEM 1201 | 3 |
CHEM 107 (if needed per department)1 | 3 | CHEM 1211 | 1 |
GNST 102 | 1 | PSYC 2001 | 3 |
KNES Activity (see Core Curriculum) | 1 | ||
16 | 16 | ||
Second Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 210 | 4 | HNRS 230 | 4 |
HNRS 215 | 4 | HNRS 231 | 4 |
BIOS 2811 | 4 | BIOS 2821 | 4 |
KNES 107 | 1 | MATH 210 or 318 | 3 |
NURS 1121 | 1 | ANTH/INCS/SOCI Elective2 | 3 |
Foreign Language (see Core Curriculum) | 4 | ||
18 | 18 | ||
Third Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
HNRS 324 | 4 | HNRS 337 | 4 |
HNRS 326 | 2 | HNRS 339 | 2 |
NURS 209 | 4 | NURS 204 | 2 |
NURS 212 | 3 | NURS 216 | 3 |
NURS 306 | 2 | NURS 218 | 2.5 |
NURS 307 | 1 | NURS 219 | 0.5 |
Writing Competency Requirement | NURS 351 | 2 | |
NURS 353 | 1 | ||
16 | 17 | ||
Fourth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | Spring | Credits |
NURS 341 | 2 | HNRS 458 | 4 |
NURS 345 | 1.5 | NURS 441 | 3 |
NURS 347 | 2 | NURS 450 | 2 |
NURS 349 | 1.5 | NURS 451 | 3 |
NURS 355 | 2 | NURS 4523 | 2 |
NURS 357 | 1.5 | NURS/KNES/PSYC/SOCI Elective (upper-division; see list in catalog)4 | 2-3 |
NURS 358 | 2 | ||
NURS 359 | 2 | ||
14.5 | 16-17 | ||
Fifth Year | |||
Fall | Credits | ||
HNRS 443 | 4 | ||
BBST 465 | 3 | ||
NURS 442 | 1 | ||
NURS 461 | 3 | ||
NURS 463 | 3 | ||
NURS 465 | 1 | ||
15 | |||
Total Credits 146.5-147.5 |
- 1
Prerequisite for admission to Clinical Nursing program.
- 2
If not completed earlier, students are recommended to take an ANTH/INCS/SOCI class online during Third Year Summer.
- 3
NURS 367 is available to be taken as an elective with the option of having a Critical Care Clinical placement based on space availability and faculty selection in NURS 452.
- 4
Or other department-approved upper-division elective.