Applied Statistics and Data Science Minor


The mission of the Statistics and Data Science program is to equip students from different majors to obtain valid data and use it to answer the questions they face on the job and in the world, with a biblical worldview. 

Curriculum Requirements

An Applied Statistics and Data Science minor is offered with the completion of 18 credits, at least 9 of which must be upper-division. A minimum of 9 credits must also be unique to the minor (not counted toward any other requirements, including minoring in the same department as the major).

Program Courses
CSCI 105Introduction to Computer Science3
MATH 318Biostatistics (recommended)3
or MATH 190 Business Statistics
or MATH 210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MATH 319Statistics II3
or MATH 380 Statistics and Data Science Consulting Practicum
MATH 470Statistics and Data Science Capstone3
Select 6 credits from the following:6
Data Structures
Programming for Data Science I
Programming for Data Science II
Business Analytics
Advanced Business Analytics with Machine Learning and AI
Statistics II
Statistics and Data Science Consulting Practicum
Total Credits18