Applied Psychology (APSY)


APSY 208 - Statistics for Research Credits 3

Students will learn the basic descriptive and inferential statistical concepts for psychological research, including statistical principles and techniques, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and interpretation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Psychology (PPSY) or Applied Psychology (APSY); and Undergraduate Level.

APSY 265 - Psychology and Christian Thought Credits 3

An introduction to the nature and process of the application of Christian thought to the study and practice of psychology. Note(s): Approved for Core Curriculum Bible credit. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Psychology (PPSY) or Applied Psychology (APSY); and Undergraduate Level.

APSY 320 - Experimental Psychology Credits 3

Students will be introduced to basic research design and evaluation methods. An analysis of the philosophy and methodology of the experimental method is considered. Students will complete an experimental research paper using APA guidelines and formatting. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): APSY 208; or PSYC 209 and PSYC 211 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 325 - Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Credits 3

A study of the theory and research regarding human development from conception through death. Consideration will be given to the biological, psychological, cultural and social influences on human development. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 344 - Abnormal Psychology Credits 3

Abnormal psychology is an exploration of the nature, causes and treatments of abnormal behavior, including the full range of mental disorders identified within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5). This course is structured and designed to facilitate maximum exposure to the 'real world' of psychopathology through diverse learning assignments and exploration of current events within the field of psychology. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 350 - Cross-Cultural/Ethnic Issues in Psychology Credits 3

This course is designed to increase student awareness of the historical treatment of cross-cultural issues within a psychological context and to explore psychological issues in various cultural contexts within the American culture and worldwide. Attention is paid to the psychological dynamics involved in the formation and reduction of prejudices, discrimination, and stereotypes. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 355 - Psychology of Health and Well-Being Credits 3

Students will examine the contributions of psychological research to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of a variety of health concerns. This course will also explore the nature of stress arising from work, family, mobility, and cultural lifestyles. The psychology of health and well-being will be integrated with Christian theology specifically focusing on a biblical view of human flourishing, the body, illness and disease, suffering, and sacrificial service. Note(s): Approved for Core Curriculum Bible credit. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Psychology (PPSY) or Applied Psychology (APSY); and Undergraduate Level.

APSY 365 - Cognitive Psychology Credits 3

This course is designed to introduce students to the research and theories of higher mental processes. Among the cognitive processes to be studied are problem solving, memory, language, attention, reasoning and thinking. The physiological basis of cognitive processes will be discussed. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 406 - Social Psychology Credits 3

Analysis of social behavior, including social cognition, attitude formation, change and group processes. Emphasis is placed on the application of social psychology principles to a range of issues, including sociocultural diversity, prejudice, conflict resolution and gender roles. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 410 - Psychology in the Workplace Credits 3

Focuses on a number of important psychological factors for effective performance in the workplace. Includes communication styles, developing conflict resolution skills, employee selection process, goal setting, time management, diversity and cultural sensitivity, stress management and work conditions. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 414 - Theories of Personality Credits 3

An overview of personality theories including the primary representatives from the major schools: analytic-psychodynamic, humanistic-existential and cognitive-behavioral. Integrative content will be emphasized throughout the course. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 417 - Counseling Techniques Credits 3

An overview of basic clinical interviewing and counseling techniques from both didactic and experimental perspectives. Topics include methods and theories in counseling, roles in the counseling relationship, legal considerations, dealing with resistance, cultural awareness and ethical issues related to counseling. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 425 - Psychology of Marriage and Family Life Credits 3

An exploration of contemporary marriage and family life, including cultural and sociological factors impacting today's family. Divorce and remarriage, single parenting, dual career families, and the role of religious faith in the home will be addressed. Students will also examine and critically reflect upon the biblical and theological understanding of marriage and family to develop an integrative understanding of marriage and family life. Note(s): Approved for Core Curriculum Bible credit. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Psychology (PPSY), Applied Psychology (APSY), or Early Childhood (LECD or LEEC); and Undergraduate Level.

APSY 465 - Positive Psychology Credits 3

An introduction to the field of positive psychology, which focuses on the systematic study of optimal human functioning; aiming to discover factors that contribute to individual and community flourishing. Theological integration will also be covered as it shares a concern with both Christian theology and ancient eudoemonistic ethics regarding the cultivation of human virtues. Students will use the integrated thinking cultivated in the class while researching and presenting their findings. Note(s): Approved for Core Curriculum Bible credit. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Psychology (PPSY) or Applied Psychology (APSY); and Undergraduate Level.

APSY 470 - Current Topics in Psychology Credits 1-3

Reading, research and discussion of selected topics in the field of psychology. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

APSY 490 - Psychology Capstone Credit 1

The Psychology e-Portfolio capstone project is designed to bring focus and reflection by integrating facets of the student's interests with important concepts from the Psychology curriculum and course assignments. Students in this course must create a capstone e-Portfolio using Google Sites, which includes sample assignments from courses taken as part of the program. Students will write reflection papers that clearly articulate the student's intellectual and personal development as it relates to the material they have studied and assignments they have completed while in the program. The overarching goal of the capstone project is to support student efforts to consolidate their learning into a professional and personal identity that can inform and guide their activities post-graduation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Psychology (PPSY) or Applied Psychology (APSY); and Undergraduate Level.