Doctor of Ministry (TTMN)


TTMN 800 - Christ, Culture, and the Church I Credits 6

This course will explore the issues and challenges that Asian-American leaders may face in any Asian-American ministry. This will include an examination of Asian culture and its influence on Christianity, different church models, social structures, and procedural and philosophical differences present in an Asian ministry context. This course will also include an overview of the latest trends and innovations that Asian-American churches are currently experiencing and implementing. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 801 - Year One Post-Residency Project Credit 1

Post-residency Project related to the Year One coursework. The project should be done in the student's place of ministry. Note(s): Required upon successful completion of Year One residency; this course is a prerequisite to Year Two. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 802 - Year Two Post-Residency Project Credit 1

Post-residency Project related to the Year Two coursework. The project should be done in the student's place of ministry. Note(s): Required upon successful completion of Year Two residency. This course is a prerequisite to Year Three. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 801.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 803 - Year Three Post-Residency Project Credit 1

Post-residency Project related to the Year Three coursework. The project should be done in the student's place of ministry. Note(s): Required upon successful completion of Year Three residency; this course is a prerequisite to TTMN 892 Doctoral Project Proposal Submission. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 802.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 804 - The Personal Life of the Asian-American Leader Credits 6

This course will be a comprehensive study of the needed self-awareness and disciplines required for a leader in an Asian-American ministry context. This will include personal spiritual disciplines, the role of the family, resources for spiritual growth, and ministerial coaching for long-term success. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 805 - Christ, Culture, and the Church II Credits 6

This course will examine more closely the influences of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism as they conflict with Christian biblical principles and practices within the church. Contextualization and assimilation will also be examined in order to bring about an integration of Christian principles. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 806 - The Challenges of Asian-American Leadership Credits 6

Asian-American leaders can expect particular challenges in ministry. These issues will be explored with the goal of preparing a proactive plan to overcome these challenges. This will include biblical training in conflict resolution, conducting a healthy staff, building a resource network for crisis situations, and developing a personal support system. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 807 - Lessons on Longevity for the Asian-American Leader Credits 6

The focus for this course will be to help Asian-American leaders build healthy practices that will lead to a long and enduring ministry. Lessons will include spiritual self-care, team support-building, physical and emotional nurture, and careful, strategic, planning for the long haul. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 808 - The Asian-American Mentor Credits 6

This class will give a biblical overview of mentorship and will teach the leaders how to mentor others for leadership development. Different models of mentorship, discipleship, and coaching will be examined in light of the busy schedules of people today. This week of study will include an emphasis on the topic of leadership succession. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 821 - The Biblical Context of Discipleship and the Person I Credits 6

During this class, students explore their own background in discipleship practices in light of the historical and biblical context of discipleship, seeking to understand Jesus' distinct form of discipleship. This leads to an understanding of discipleship as Jesus intended it to be developed in the early church, and how Paul and Peter and other biblical authors developed discipleship and spiritual formation in their writings as a theoretical and practical way of life for individual believers and the church. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 822 - The Biblical Context of Discipleship and the Person II Credits 6

During this class, students examine and apply these biblical principles of discipleship in their personal life. Students are guided by resident and guest professors as they reflect upon their lifetime of study and application of discipleship and spiritual formation. Students conclude by developing a strategy of personal growth in their discipleship to Jesus, and how that can be implemented in the lives of those within their ministry. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 823 - Discipleship as the Ministry of the Church I Credits 6

Students explore God's plan for the church and how discipleship can be understood as a holistic ministry of the church. Students are assisted by resident and guest professors in understanding the nature of the church and its relation to discipleship. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 824 - Discipleship as the Ministry of the Church II Credits 6

During this class, guest professors escort students through past and present ministries to examine specific practices of discipleship within the church. Students visit with guest professors and examine first-hand various aspects of discipleship, including mentoring, leadership development, and small groups. During the rest of the week, we discuss life-span Christian education, youth ministry, family ministry, counseling, evangelism and follow-up. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 825 - Discipleship and Community Relationships I Credits 6

During this class, students explore the relationship of the biological community, the family, with the spiritual community, the church. Family developmental experts guide students to elaborate the working relationship between family and church discipleship and how they can support and promote each other. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 826 - Discipleship and Community Relationships II Credits 6

This class expands the study begun in TTMN 825 to include a strategy for developing discipleship relations between the local church and various external communities, including parachurch ministries. Veteran Christian leaders guide students through an examination of strategies to build a local discipleship community that reaches into their neighborhood, school, workplace and the world. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 839 - Understanding Worldviews and Culture I Credits 6

Designed to produce confidence in engaging worldviews in a manner that is culturally relevant and theologically and philosophically informed. Students examine the nature of a worldview, and probe the foundations of the two major worldviews that rival Christianity and shape our culture: naturalism and postmodernism. Students interact with the strengths and weaknesses of the emergent church movement and address open theism. Time will be given to Islam, a rising influence in our culture, and students will learn ways Christians can reach Muslims. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 840 - Understanding Worldviews and Culture II Credits 6

Students learn how to think Christianly in the midst of worldview conflict and cultural chaos. Four areas of conceptual clarity examined: (1) crucial notions in metaphysics relevant to preaching, the nature of reality, the reality of truth, love, life after death, and God Himself; (2) crucial notions in epistemology at the center of cultural conflict; (3) the nature of consciousness and human persons; and (4) important issues in science and religion, reductionism, and the Intelligent Design debate. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 841 - Engaging Worldviews and Culture I Credits 6

Leadership tools in the areas of ethics and politics. Addresses how to help people to think ethically by evaluating relativism, moral absolutism, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics, and to consider individual impact upon character development and discipleship. Students learn about issues such as abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, capital punishment, just war theory and homosexuality. Since we live in a political world, the course includes a look at the different views of the Kingdom of God, the church/state relationship, Christian political engagement and social justice. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 842 - Engaging Worldviews and Culture II Credits 6

Students examine specific cultural issues and voices. Students learn about and discuss culturally significant books, movies, events and leaders. Students also learn about the nature of the modern secular university: how it developed, why it is so hostile to Christianity, how it impacts the church and what can be done about it. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 843 - Reclaiming Worldviews and Culture I Credits 6

Students gain skills needed to defend Christianity and to equip the local church for boldness in evangelism and cultural engagement. Students form answers to issues such as the existence of God, pluralism and the exclusivity of Christianity, challenges to the historical Jesus, the problem of evil, and the fairness of hell. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 844 - Reclaiming Worldviews and Culture II Credits 6

Students learn practical ministry implications of previous coursework. Students examine the nature of spiritual formation and discipleship, learn how to discern the voice of God and His guidance, learn how to foster a healthy, balanced experiential knowledge of God and His Spirit within the Christian religious tradition, and the criteria for discerning answers to prayer. Students also learn how to preach apologetically and how apologetics and worldview can be applied to youth ministry. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 845 - Foundations of Biblical Church Growth and Multiplication Credits 6

An introductory examination of the theology, history, principles, procedures, pathologies and typologies for growing and multiplying churches in North America. The student develops a biblical perspective, engages the historical impact of different movements on churches in the USA, and analyzes a church ministry, developing bold plans for growth and health. Students will be introduced to the procedures for writing book reviews for publication. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 846 - Evangelizing Secular Peoples Credits 6

Exploration of North American culture, principles, and methods for reaching secular non-Christian peoples, and the role of church leaders in developing healthy, growing churches. Students grow in their understanding of North American culture, learn how to reach people for Christ in our post-modern world, and investigate models and case studies of growing churches. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 847 - Turnaround Strategies Credits 6

Examines the theology, skills, and strategies for bringing renewal and revival to existing churches. Students learn and apply ideas for turning around declining churches and renewing ones that have lost their vision and vitality. Students will be introduced to the procedures for writing articles for publication. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 848 - Church Multiplication Credits 6

Advanced study of strategies and practices for effective church planting and multiplication. Insights on selecting and training effective church planters, birthing daughter churches, and using demographics will be explored. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 849 - Growing Ministries in the "New World" I Credits 6

Explores the challenges and opportunities for church growth and multiplication in the post-modern context. Analyzes the theology, procedures, and methods of new movements and emerging models. Students will be introduced to the procedures for writing a book manuscript for publication. Grade Mode: A, R.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 850 - Growing Ministries in the "New World" II Credits 6

Examines cultural anthropology and multi-ethnic church growth and multiplication. A ministry strategy course designed to aid the student in understanding the opportunity, complexity, and methods for reaching people of differing ethnic backgrounds in North America. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 851 - Discipleship I Credits 6

This course will help students develop a biblical understanding of Jesus' distinct form of discipleship and apply those principles to their personal lives. Students will develop a strategy for personal growth in their discipleship to Jesus. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 852 - Discipleship II Credits 6

This course teaches how discipleship can be understood as a holistic ministry of the church that involves one's biological community, the family of God, and various external communities such as neighborhood, school, workplace and the world. Students will develop a discipleship strategy for their ministries. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 853 - Foundations of Biblical Preaching Credits 6

This course will provide a complete overview of the process of preparing biblical sermons from start to finish. It will emphasize the importance of understanding the literary forms of the Bible in hermeneutics and exegesis. Students will learn to move from the text to the sermon, create outlines, and shape their sermons for maximum impact. They will also have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a didactic sermon from the epistles and receive feedback. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 854 - Communication and Persuasion in Preaching Credits 6

This course will provide advanced training in the art of persuasion through the study of communication theory. It will explore techniques and tools for keeping sermons relevant, clear, interesting and fresh. Students will learn how to choose and organize the resources they will need to prepare sermons. They will also have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a didactic sermon from the epistles and receive feedback. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 855 - Preaching Biblical Narratives Credits 6

A comprehensive study of the unique literary characteristics of narrative literature in both the Old and New Testaments. Students will learn how to interpret and communicate the narrative passages of scripture in a way that is congruent with the biblical text itself. They will also have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a sermon from a narrative section of scripture and receive feedback. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 856 - Preaching to Your Audience Credits 6

In this course, students will learn how to understand their audience and respond to challenges such as gender, vocation, age and culture. This course will also probe the issue of Christocentric versus Theocentric preaching. Students will learn to prepare topical sermons to address the specific needs and life situations of their audience. They will also have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a sermon from a narrative section of scripture and receive feedback. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 857 - Expository Preaching Credits 6

Students learn the fundamentals of expository preaching. Students learn a definition of expository preaching, how to identify the idea of a natural unit of epistle literature, how to effectively outline a sermon for a post-modern audience, how to preach without notes, and how to analyze an audience. Students preach in class without notes. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 858 - Narrative Preaching Credits 6

Students learn the unique literary characteristics of biblical narratives and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. The class is both inductive and deductive in nature. Students preach in class without notes. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 859 - Leadership I Credits 6

Students learn the character that is required of a Christian Leader. This study involves biblical exegesis, exposure to leadership literature, and interactive dialogue with current Christian leaders. Students engage in a self-assessment exercise to better understand their own character in light of what they have learned. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 860 - Leadership II Credits 6

Students learn a variety of theories of leadership from the past as well as the present. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate these theories, and then propose a leadership theory that is compatible with Scripture and well-suited for their current ministry environment. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 876 - Preaching Prophetic and Wisdom Literature Credits 6

A comprehensive study of the unique literary characteristics of the Prophets, Psalms, and Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament. Students will learn how to interpret and communicate these passages in a way that is congruent with the biblical text itself. They will also have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a sermon from the prophetic literature and receive feedback. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 877 - Preaching Apocalyptic Literature Credits 6

A comprehensive study of the unique literary characteristics of the Apocalyptic Literature in both the Old and New Testaments. Students will learn how to interpret and communicate these passages in a way that is congruent with the biblical text itself. They will also learn about creative preaching forms as well as addressing the challenges of balance in the preacher's personal life. They will also have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a sermon from the prophetic literature and receive feedback. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 880 - Year Four Doctoral Project I Credits 0

Research and writing toward the completion of the doctoral project. Note(s): Students are permitted up to six semesters to complete an acceptable doctoral project and will be registered in one of these courses sequentially until they either complete the project or withdraw; the fee for each of the courses in the TTMN 880–885 sequence is $500; during the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase the students are considered full-time students (registered in TTMN 880 and TTMN 881 respectively); students needing more time beyond the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase (any part of the remaining four semesters) are considered part-time students (less than half-time). Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $500.

TTMN 881 - Year Four Doctoral Project II Credits 0

Research and writing toward the completion of the doctoral project. Note(s): Students are permitted up to six semesters to complete an acceptable doctoral project and will be registered in one of these courses sequentially until they either complete the project or withdraw; the fee for each of the courses in the TTMN 880–885 sequence is $500; during the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase the students are considered full-time students (registered in TTMN 880 and TTMN 881 respectively); students needing more time beyond the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase (any part of the remaining four semesters) are considered part-time students (less than half-time). Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $500.

TTMN 882 - Year Five Doctoral Project I Credits 0

Research and writing toward the completion of the doctoral project. Note(s): Students are permitted up to six semesters to complete an acceptable doctoral project and will be registered in one of these courses sequentially until they either complete the project or withdraw; the fee for each of the courses in the TTMN 880–885 sequence is $500; during the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase the students are considered full-time students (registered in TTMN 880 and TTMN 881 respectively); students needing more time beyond the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase (any part of the remaining four semesters) are considered part-time students (less than half-time). Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $500.

TTMN 883 - Year Five Doctoral Project II Credits 0

Research and writing toward the completion of the doctoral project. Note(s): Students are permitted up to six semesters to complete an acceptable doctoral project and will be registered in one of these courses sequentially until they either complete the project or withdraw; the fee for each of the courses in the TTMN 880–885 sequence is $500; during the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase the students are considered full-time students (registered in TTMN 880 and TTMN 881 respectively); students needing more time beyond the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase (any part of the remaining four semesters) are considered part-time students (less than half-time). Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $500.

TTMN 884 - Year Six Doctoral Project I Credits 0

Research and writing toward the completion of the doctoral project. Note(s): Students are permitted up to six semesters to complete an acceptable doctoral project and will be registered in one of these courses sequentially until they either complete the project or withdraw; the fee for each of the courses in the TTMN 880–885 sequence is $500; during the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase the students are considered full-time students (registered in TTMN 880 and TTMN 881 respectively); students needing more time beyond the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase (any part of the remaining four semesters) are considered part-time students (less than half-time). Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $500.

TTMN 885 - Year Six Doctoral Project II Credits 0

Research and writing toward the completion of the doctoral project. Note(s): Students are permitted up to six semesters to complete an acceptable doctoral project and will be registered in one of these courses sequentially until they either complete the project or withdraw; the fee for each of the courses in the TTMN 880–885 sequence is $500; during the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase the students are considered full-time students (registered in TTMN 880 and TTMN 881 respectively); students needing more time beyond the first two semesters of the doctoral project phase (any part of the remaining four semesters) are considered part-time students (less than half-time). Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $500.

TTMN 887 - Leave of Absence Credits 0

Leave of absence due to emergency. Grade Mode: C, A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $100.

TTMN 888 - Seminar: Selected Topics Credits 1-6

Seminars offered by special lecturers or visiting scholars addressing areas of specific interest. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTMN 889 - Independent Study Credits 1-6

A directed individual study whereby the student may do advanced reading or research into an area of special interest. A proposal must be prepared according to guidelines available in the D.Min. office and approved by the D.Min. director. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 892 - Doctoral Project Proposal Submission Credits 0

First time submission of final doctoral project proposal. Grade Mode: V.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $1000.

TTMN 895 - Program Extension Credits 0

Students who have completed the doctoral project courses (TTMN 880–885) but have not completed an acceptable doctoral project, may apply for an extension. If granted, they must be registered in this course. Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis, with special approval required by the D.Min. office. Extensions are granted two semesters at a time. Course may be repeated with approval. Note(s): Special approval required. Grade Mode: D.
Prerequisite(s): Demonstrated legitimate need for more time, steady progress toward project completion and statement of feasible plan to complete the project with intermediate deadlines.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
Course Fee: $750.

TTMN 900 - Doctoral Research Credits 0

Research and writing in preparation for future doctoral assignments. Note(s): Students are considered full-time students while enrolled in this course; students take this course one semester per year while in the program. Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 9.

TTMN 904 - Preaching to the Heart I Credits 6

This course will provide a complete overview of the process of preparing biblical sermons from start to finish. Students will hone their skills in moving from the text to the sermon, developing outlines that reflect the biblical author's flow of thought, and shaping their sermons for maximum impact. Each student will have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a sermon from a didactic/epistolary section of Scripture, and receive feedback from the faculty-mentor and the class. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 905 - Preaching to the Heart II Credits 6

In this course, students will work through two additional genres of biblical literature (narrative and poetic). Each student will prepare and deliver a sermon from a narrative section of Scripture, and again receive feedback from the faculty-mentor and the class. Different kinds of filing systems will also be discussed, which will enable the student to stay on the cutting edge of biblical scholarship and retain resources for future preaching. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 906 - Renewing the Mind I Credits 6

This course will lay a biblical and theological foundation for apologetics and cultural engagement. By exploring the rich resources of the Gospel, students will develop a model for engagement that is adaptable to a variety of institutions and practices. Students will explore the nature of apologetics and begin to develop a strategy for some of the larger issues in apologetics -- the existence of God, evil, suffering, worldviews, religious pluralism, relativism, science and reason. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 907 - Renewing the Mind II Credits 6

This course will focus on equipping students to build culture-leaders. We will explore the nature of institutional change and how believers can inhabit those institutions faithfully. Students will also develop a facility with a broader concept of apologetics that connect the Gospel with the deeper affections of people. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 908 - Caring for the Soul I Credits 6

This course investigates spiritual formation in Christ, focusing in on our own transformational discipleship to Jesus as well as how to come alongside others in their discipleship to Jesus. It includes a discussion of the historical and sociological forces that have influenced the variety of contemporary understandings of spiritual formation, followed by the development of a biblical-systematic theology of discipleship and formation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 909 - Caring for the Soul II Credits 6

This course focuses on the strategies, challenges, and best practices of implementing spiritual formation in the local church and para-church given the diverse contexts in which we find ourselves. It includes discussion of how spiritual formation is connected to mission, social justice, and evangelism. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level.

TTMN 910 - Foundations of Black Church Spirituality I Credits 6

This course discusses the unique role and interface of the Black Church Tradition in America, from a historical and contemporary context. Careful review is provided of the formation of spirituality and faith within the presence of Black people in America. The course then traces this presentation through the Reconstruction, Modernity, and contemporary constructs that either affirm the viability or vulnerability of the Black Church. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be African American Ministry (TDAF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 911 - Foundations of Black Church Spirituality II Credits 6

This course provides observation of the many contributions of the Black Church and its leaders, relative to the spiritual, social, and economic connection to the Black community and all of society. Further resources examine means by which the Black Church in America is evolving through the influence of younger generations and innovative leadership. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 910.
Restriction(s): Must be African American Ministry (TDAF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 912 - Theology of African American Ministry I Credits 6

This course will focus on the Christian identity and influence of the African American leader. Biblical principles and psychosocial constructs are reviewed with emphasis given to the integral role of leadership within the Black community. Specific discussion centers on the importance of integrity, character, discipline, and nurturance. The role of the leader as spouse, parent, mentor, and influencer is studied and applied with this course. The church leader is presented as the catalyst of the community and change-agent within the culture. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 911.
Restriction(s): Must be African American Ministry (TDAF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 913 - Theology of African American Ministry II Credits 6

This course will explore African American leadership through the narrative and example of past leaders in the historic Black Church. We will explore the subject of suffering, evil, justice, redemption and empowerment from the pulpits of the Black churches to the platform of the world. This course will encourage students to draw from the rich theological and philosophical traditions that govern healthy discourse and activism within the context of the gospel. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 912.
Restriction(s): Must be African American Ministry (TDAF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 914 - Innovative Methodologies of African American Leadership I Credits 6

This course will focus on Christianity, race, and the American nation. The ministry of reconciliation is affirmed through this course. The African American leader's role as reconciler and cultural communicator is emphasized through discussion and studies that challenge the scholar to evolve and emerge as facilitators of innovation and change. Critical thinking is embraced as discussion acknowledges the complexity of culture and the impact of informed leaders. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 913.
Restriction(s): Must be African American Ministry (TDAF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 915 - Innovative Methodologies of African American Leadership II Credits 6

This course will focus on succession and healthy transitions in Black churches. The church struggles with reproducing senior leadership. Black churches face a dilemma of ministry continuance due to the absence of equipped and affirmed leadership. This course examines the what, why, and how pastoral transitions and succession are navigated and implemented. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 914.
Restriction(s): Must be African American Ministry (TDAF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 916 - Spiritual Theology and Formation for Soul Care I Credits 6

This course introduces Spiritual Theology and formation, focusing particularly on the nature of our new vocation as members of the New Covenant life “in Christ” and “in the Spirit” and the implications for daily Christian living. Particular attention will be given to understanding motivation in Christian living (moralism, legalism, lawlessness, and freedom) and issues of guilt, shame and spiritual failure, in light of our new life in Christ, for the shepherd and for soul care of others. Emphasis is also given to the nature of transformation by the Spirit of the human person, that includes a spiritual theology of the heart and the means of grace in transformation. This includes exploring the heart with the Holy Spirit in prayer and cooperating with his transforming presence – particularly as this relates to shepherds and their peculiar vocations in church and para-church organizations. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Specialization (TDSF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 917 - Spiritual Theology and Formation for Soul Care II Credits 6

This course continues the introduction of Spiritual Theology and our life in Christ and in the Spirit, focusing on the nature of transformation and the means of grace God employs in transformation and how the Spirit works in our life in various seasons of our life, especially during times of spiritual dryness. Particular emphasis is given to re-training the life of the shepherd in opening to God in prayer and one another regarding one’s personal, relational, and spiritual history and vocation in order to redeem and reclaim for Christ the whole of one’s life, and how this relates to caring for other souls. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 916.
Restriction(s): Must be Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Specialization (TDSF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 918 - Spirit, Prayer, and the Care of Souls I Credits 6

This course will lay a biblical and theological foundation for Pneumatology (Doctrine of the Holy Spirit) as it relates to prayer, ministry, and the New Covenant transformation of the believer’s heart. There is much confusion and needed understanding in this area. Emphasis is given to a spiritual theology and phenomenological understanding of how the Spirit actually works in believers’ lives, how believers can resist or struggle with this, and how believers can better cooperate with his work and presence in knowing of God. Attention is also given to the work of the Spirit developmentally in the different seasons of the spiritual life (the spiritual beginner, times of consolation, dryness, dark nights of the soul, maturity etc.). Focus also on developing practices that assist learning to walk, depend upon, discern and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 917.
Restriction(s): Must be Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Specialization (TDSF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 919 - Spirit, Prayer, and the Care of Souls II Credits 6

This course continues to lay a foundation for a spiritual theology and phenomenological understanding of the Holy Spirit as it relates to personal growth, walking in the Spirit, and one’s vocation of ministry to others in the Spirit. Special attention is given to training shepherds and leaders to become the kind of person who can listen both to God and others “in the Spirit.” Includes training in spiritual discernment, listening to God and others, and life in the Spirit for the shepherd’s personal life and in caring for souls in individual and group contexts (individual mentoring, small groups, church/elder boards, etc.). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 918.
Restriction(s): Must be Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Specialization (TDSF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 920 - Prayer, Formation, and Soul Care in Preaching Credits 6

This course attends to a variety of theoretical and practical issues related to prayer and the caring of souls in preaching and teaching ministries. Emphasis is given to understanding the nature of preaching in the history of the church, a theologically-informed philosophy of preaching, and the relationship of spiritual theology to the goals of preaching and teaching. Special emphasis is given to understanding the relationship of prayer to sermon preparation, to the act of preaching, and to the goals of preaching in soul care. Overall emphasis is given to personal calling and the vocation of retraining and caring of souls, particularly as it relates to teaching and preaching ministries. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 919.
Restriction(s): Must be Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Specialization (TDSF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 921 - Prayer, Soul Care, and an Ongoing Rule of Life Credits 6

This course deepens the discussion of practical issues that emerge in spiritual formation and the care of souls. Particular focus is the ongoing development of a life of prayer, knowing God, and discernment of his presence and love. Attention is also given to understanding and providing soul care for a variety of sinful struggles confronting shepherds and the people of God, which may include mental illness, spiritual depression, burnout, worry, anger, anxiety, addictions, gender struggles, sexual sins and pornography, abuse, trauma, bitterness, worldliness, spiritual warfare, and a variety of struggles related to family and relationships in and outside the church and ministry – and how these issues and struggles affect and develop in the lives and vocations of those caring for souls. Emphasis is given to developing spiritual formation that is relevant and possible for soul care in local church and parachurch ministries, as well as ability in wise referral for other types of treatment. Included is also an understanding of how the soul has been poorly or well trained by the time of adulthood, the nature of retraining the soul in Christ, and a spiritual theology of the spiritual disciplines (particularly prayer and knowing God), which includes the development of a personal Rule of Life that is reasonable for a leader’s life, for the church (liturgy), and for the community of saints. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 920.
Restriction(s): Must be Spiritual Formation and Soul Care Specialization (TDSF); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 922 - Preaching in the Korean Church I Credits 6

This course will provide an overview of the process of preparing biblical sermons from start to finish. Students will hone their skills in moving from the text to the sermon, developing outlines that reflect the biblical author's flow of thought, and shaping their sermons for maximum impact. Different kinds of filing systems will also be discussed, which will enable the student to stay on the cutting edge of biblical scholarship and retain resources for future preaching. This course will be taught in Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Korean DMin (TDKO); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 923 - Preaching in the Korean Church II Credits 6

In this course, students will learn the unique literary characteristics of different biblical genres and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. Attention will also be given to the place of prayer in preaching. Each student will prepare and deliver a sermon and receive feedback from the faculty-mentor and the class. This course will be taught in Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 922.
Restriction(s): Must be Korean DMin (TDKO); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 924 - Spiritual Formation in the Korean Church I Credits 6

This course investigates spiritual formation in Christ, focusing on cultivating emotional and spiritual health in Christian leaders and their churches. It explores spiritual disciplines geared towards helping the Korean leader to maintain spiritual vitality. It will also establish a theological foundation for a healthy spirituality in the Korean church. This course will be taught in Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Korean DMin (TDKO); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 925 - Spiritual Formation in the Korean Church II Credits 6

This course continues the exploration of spiritual disciplines for maintaining the spiritual vitality of Christian leaders in the Korean context. It includes a discussion of the historical and sociological forces that have influenced the spiritual health in the Korean culture, including the dynamics of honor and shame in the church. It will also explore the temptations and dangers specific to the Christian leader. This course will be taught in Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 924.
Restriction(s): Must be Korean DMin (TDKO); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 926 - Leadership in the Korean Church I Credits 6

This course will establish a theological foundation for understanding biblical leadership. It will explore the character and practices that are necessary to long-term success in Christian leadership. It will also explore the strategies, systems and structures needed when leading a church. It will also develop tools for navigating some of the most common dangers in Christian ministry. This course will be taught in Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Korean DMin (TDKO); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 927 - Leadership in the Korean Church II Credits 6

In this course, students will learn how to develop future leaders and multiply their ministry. It will also explore the dynamics of reaching the next generation and leading a multi-generational Korean church. Students will be exposed to interactive dialogue with current Christian leaders and pastors. It will also focus on how the church can be involved engaging the wider culture and seeking justice in society. This course will be taught in Korean. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 926.
Restriction(s): Must be Korean DMin (TDKO); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 928 - Foundations of Biblical Leadership Credits 6

Building from a biblical and theological foundation of leadership, Christian leadership formation will be examined in light of the current leadership crisis. The significance of challenges and turning points will be studied in the personal development of Christian leaders. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Christian Leadership (TDCR); and Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 929 - Leadership Theories and Models Credits 6

Leadership theory, as it has developed historically, reveals the variety of ways the subject has been studied. The dominant leadership models today, including situational leadership, complexity theory, and systems thinking, will be compared to and evaluated with models more popular in Christian ministries. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 928.
Restriction(s): Must be Christian Leadership (TDCR); and Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 930 - Foundations for Small Town Ministry I Credits 6

This course will equip students to perform a cultural analysis of their surrounding community. Students will learn the fundamental principles of worldview evaluation and cultural assessment in their own ministry context. Students will also be equipped to deepen their own commitment to prayer and to mobilize their church community in prayer. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Small Town Churches (TDST); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 931 - Foundations for Small Town Ministry II Credits 6

This course will provide a complete overview of congregation analysis. Students will evaluate their church’s strengths and resources and learn to assess their congregation’s spiritual gifts and opportunities. Students will also assess their own spiritual gifts, relational needs, and formational goals. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 930.
Restriction(s): Must be Small Town Churches (TDST); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 932 - Developing Gospel Strategies I Credits 6

This course will help the student to develop a comprehensive gospel strategy that will impact the surrounding community. It will build on the cultural analysis and congregation analysis from year one by adapting this strategy to fit the unique cultural context of the student and using the unique gifts and resources of the church in its implementation. It will also explore the practice of organizational leadership, team-building, and other practical ministry skills. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 931.
Restriction(s): Must be Small Town Churches (TDST); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 933 - Developing Gospel Strategies II Credits 6

This course will provide practical tools for mobilizing the church to reach their town with the gospel. It will explore the practice of love, prayer, communication of the gospel, and faithfulness over time. It will also look at specific ways to confront poverty, economics, education, addiction, and other social issues. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 932.
Restriction(s): Must be Small Town Churches (TDST); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 934 - Small Town Evangelism and Discipleship I Credits 6

This course will investigate the practice and implementation of spiritual formation, discipleship, and evangelism in the context of a small town church. Students will be equipped to lead their church in learning to share the gospel in a way that is adapted to their context as well as learning to make disciples in culturally-appropriate ways. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 933.
Restriction(s): Must be Small Town Churches (TDST); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 935 - Small Town Evangelism and Discipleship II Credits 6

This course will equip students to assess the effectiveness of their strategy and leadership. It will guide them towards continual evaluation, improvement, and adaptation to meet the changing nature of ministry. It will also provide skills for leading the church towards effective long-term spiritual growth. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 934.
Restriction(s): Must be Small Town Churches (TDST); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 936 - The Christian Leader's Inner Life Credits 6

The ongoing spiritual formation in the life of the Christian leader will be described with the goal of prompting intentional planning. Emotional and cultural intelligence is considered along with the importance of character development, integrity, and ethical decision-making in leadership. This course will include a personal retreat. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 929.
Restriction(s): Must be Christian Leadership (TDCR); and Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 937 - Transformational Leadership in Christian Contexts Credits 6

The power of transformational leadership for church and ministry contexts will be examined. Leadership models useful for turnaround leadership in plateaued or declining churches and entrepreneurial leadership for church multiplication and church revitalization will also be studied in depth. Attention is also given to the importance of organizational structures and governance models as well as cross-cultural leadership and multi-national teams. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 936.
Restriction(s): Must be Christian Leadership (TDCR); and Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 938 - Contemporary Leadership Issues and Skills Credits 6

A wide range of contemporary issues faced by Christian leaders are studied along with skills for effective response: digital ministry, leveraging technology, change management, conflict resolution, and succession planning. Focus will be placed on developing practical skills to deal with the changing leadership landscape of ministry. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 937.
Restriction(s): Must be Christian Leadership (TDCR); and Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 939 - Expanding Leadership Influence Credits 6

Research methods in Christian leadership studies are described and compared along with procedures for evaluating leadership effectiveness and responding to emerging trends and future challenges. Students will develop an integrated model of Christian leadership. Strategies will be described to expand one’s influence through research, publishing and consulting. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 938.
Restriction(s): Must be Christian Leadership (TDCR); and Doctoral Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTMN 940 - A Biblical Foundation of Justice I Credits 6

This course will look at a biblical theology and a systematic theology of justice in the Old Testament and the New Testament. We will explore God’s heart that is so often expressed in passionate terms for justice throughout Scripture. We will also examine a brief history of justice in the church and how that led to a “social gospel” issue especially with global missions. We will also look at cross-cultural communication, practices, and competencies to effectively engage in conversations about biblical justice with humility. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Biblical Justice (TDJU); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 941 - A Biblical Foundation of Justice II Credits 6

This course will explore justice in the church. We will do a theology of power and the role it plays in the pursuit of justice. We will look at how the current trend of clergy abuse is not a new phenomenon and what we must do differently as a church leadership to create a church that values justice in the church before we seek it in the community. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 940.
Restriction(s): Must be Biblical Justice (TDJU); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 942 - A Practical Theology of Justice in the Local Church I Credits 6

This course will begin an exploration through some of the key areas of injustice we face as a nation, such as poverty, racial injustice, immigration, the unborn, clergy abuse and other common struggles in our communities. We will look at why these issues are gospel issues for the local church body to address. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 941.
Restriction(s): Must be Biblical Justice (TDJU); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 943 - A Practical Theology of Justice in the Local Church II Credits 6

This course will be looking at the injustice issues through a practical theology lens so that the church can engage them biblically and practically. We will explore how the local church can become agents of change and expressions of grace within their communities. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 942.
Restriction(s): Must be Biblical Justice (TDJU); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 944 - A Practical Theology of Justice in the Global Church I Credits 6

This course will look at areas of injustice, such as human trafficking, poverty, statelessness, etc. and see how these issues affect societies and churches around the world. We will compare the similarities and differences with their counterparts in the United States. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 943.
Restriction(s): Must be Biblical Justice (TDJU); and Doctoral Level.

TTMN 945 - A Practical Theology of Justice in the Global Church II Credits 6

This course will look at how the local church body is dealing with areas of injustice, such as human trafficking, poverty, statelessness, etc., in other countries, specifically in the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, and South Korea. We will look at some of these ministries to witness the life change that the gospel can bring even to the most impoverished and exploited parts of society. This course will develop cross-cultural practices and competencies and may include a cross-cultural experience. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTMN 944.
Restriction(s): Must be Biblical Justice (TDJU); and Doctoral Level.