Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP)
MSLP 530 - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods Credits 2
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding general therapeutic and diagnostic procedures including assessment instrument selection, report writing, interviewing, development of treatment plans, writing goals, and the patient-clinician relationship. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 531 - Childhood Language and Literacy Disorders Credits 4
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding theories and characteristics of language and literacy disorders in children. Current literature will be reviewed in order to teach advanced assessment and treatment procedures of high and low incidence language and literacy disorders and with a special emphasis on assessment techniques, intervention methods, educational management, and multi-cultural issues. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 532 - Anatomy and Neurology in SLP Credit 1
Anatomy, physiology, and neurology of the speech and swallowing mechanisms are reviewed The normal processes of respiration, phonation, articulation, resonance, and swallowing are reviewed and synthesized. The brain and nervous system as it pertains to communication and communication disorders will also be reviewed and synthesized. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 533 - Theology of Disability Credits 3
In this course students will explore a variety of questions regarding disability and suffering through the lens of Scripture, the writings of theologians, and their own personal experiences working with individuals with disabilities or illnesses and learn to formulate appropriate responses to injury, illness, disability and suffering from a Biblical perspective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 534 - Research in Speech-Language Pathology Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding research in communication disorders. Includes research design, techniques, and results in the context of evidence-based practice. Learners will become critical consumers of research and will apply research to clinical problems. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 535 - Motor Speech Disorders Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills about the dysarthrias and apraxia of speech across the lifespan, with a focus on acquired motor speech disorders. Neurological bases, characteristics, differential diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and interprofessional collaboration considerations specific to motor speech disorders will be addressed. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 536 - Advanced Speech Sound Disorders Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding advanced assessment and treatment procedures for pediatric clients with articulation and phonological disorders. Special emphasis on the use of current literature to make clinical decisions and develop evidenced based assessment and treatment plans for diverse pediatric populations. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 537 - Advanced Dysphagia Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding normal swallowing processes as well as disordered swallowing in babies, children, and adults. Assessment and treatment of swallowing is a main focus of this class. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 538 - Cognitive-Communicative Disorders Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding right hemisphere syndrome, traumatic brain injury, dementia, and other disorders that affect both communication and cognition. Includes emphasis on assessment and treatment of such disorders. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 539 - Applied Research Credit 1
Individual research in areas of communication disorders determined in consultation with the instructor. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 540 - Autism Spectrum Disorders Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding diagnosis, etiologies, and characteristics of autism spectrum disorders across the lifespan. Advance assessment and treatment methods will be taught. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 541 - Neurogenic Language Disorders Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding the various types of aphasia in terms of characteristics, assessment, and treatment as well as levels of hospital care, such as intensive care, outpatient, etc. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 542 - Advanced Voice Disorders Credits 2
Learners will gain and knowledge and skills regarding normal vocal anatomy and physiology as well as laryngeal pathologies and knowledge and skills regarding etiology, interdisciplinary assessment, and treatment of communication impairments associated with voice disorders. Assessment and treatment of these pathologies and use of current technologies will be targeted. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 543 - Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Disorders Credit 1
In this course etiologies of a variety of craniofacial disorders will be presented with a special focus on cleft lip and palate. Evidence based assessment and treatment methods will be researched and the role interprofessional teams will be explored. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 544 - Advanced Fluency Disorders Credits 2
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding theories of etiologies, assessment, and treatment of individuals with fluency disorders with a special emphasis on the management and effects of behavioral and emotional aspects of stuttering. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 545 - Advanced Augmentative and Alternative Communication Credit 1
Methods of augmentative and alternative communication will be taught. Assessment for system fitting, system utlization, and functional use will be taught and practiced. Hands on experience with a variety of AAC devices will be provided. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 546 - School and Hospital Based Issues Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge in ethical conduct, professional issues, advocacy, and policies associated with speech-language pathology practice in public schools and hospitals. Two hours a week of clinical skills lab is required for the application of theory, reasoning, and skills related to clinical practice. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture; two hours skills lab. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 547 - Audiology and Aural Rehabilitation for Speech-Language Pathologists Credits 3
Learners will review anatomy and physiology of the ear, audiological testing and gain knowledge and skills to relate this to pediatric and adult clients. Aural rehabilitation/habilitation therapy sessions for the speech-language pathologist will be explored and created. Auditory processing disorders will be discussed. Students will conduct screenings and air conduction threshold testing and learn to interpret for referral. Principles for adapting speech therapy sessions with varying degrees of hearing loss will be discussed. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 548 - Counseling and Christian Care in Speech-Language Pathology Credits 3
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding understanding the goals and practice of counseling people with communication disorders. Generally, students will understand counseling within the scope of practice for a speech-language pathologist. Specifically, students will participate in specific practice exercises designed to help them develop basic counseling skills. An emphasis will be placed on the care of people with communication disorders from a Christian perspective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 549 - Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology Credits 2
Learners will gain knowledge and skills regarding scope of practice, credentialing, professional ethics, legal issues, documentation, paraprofessionals, and the patient-clinician relationship. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 550 - Advanced Capstone Experience Credits 3
In this summative capstone class students will take comprehensive examinations and present and defend student portfolios in order to demonstrate they have achieved theoretical and clinical knowledge and have the ability to integrate Christian faith with SLP practice. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 601 - Diagnostic Team Credits 3
This course is a class/clinic combination in which students will learn and practice procedures for gathering pre-assessment information, administering formal and informal assessments, interpreting assessment results, writing diagnostic reports, and effectively communicating information to patients and their families. Clinical contact will include individuals at a variety of age levels who are linguistically, culturally, and etiologically diverse. Two hours a week of clinical skills lab is required for the application of theory, reasoning, and skills related to clinical practice. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture; two hours skills lab. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $30.
MSLP 602 - Clinical Practicum I Credit 1
Students will accrue up to 50 supervised clinical hours (variable schedule) in various community settings in the assessment and treatment of individuals with a variety of communication disorders. Clinical contact will include individuals at a variety of age levels who are linguistically, culturally, and etiologically diverse. Two hours a week of clinical skills lab is required for the application of theory, reasoning, and skills related to clinical practice. Lecture/Lab Hours: Variable clinical schedule; two hours skills lab. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
MSLP 603 - Clinical Practicum II Credit 1
Learners will acquire 20 supervised clinical hours in assessment and treatment of individuals with a variety of communication disorders. Clinical contact will include individuals at a variety of age levels who are linguistically, culturally, and etiologically diverse. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
MSLP 604 - SLP Clinical Externship I Credits 3
Students will gain 125 hours of clinical experience in a supervised medical-based speech and language service setting. Clinical contact will consist of provision of supervised services to linguistically, culturally, and etiologically diverse population and include specialty areas of dysphagia and motor speech disorders. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
MSLP 605 - SLP Clinical Externship II Credits 3
Students will gain 125 hours of clinical experience in a supervised school-based speech and language service setting. Clinical contact will consist of provision of supervised services to linguistically, culturally, and etiologically diverse pediatric population. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
MSLP 606 - Arranged Clinical Practicum Credits 1-3
This clinic is for students who have not completed their required clinical hours at the graduate level and need to or desire to acquire additional hours. Students arrange for the clinical practicum placement with the guidance of a faculty member. Note(s): Pre-program revision course; in teach out phase. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.