Christian Ministry and Leadership (TTPT)


TTPT 510 - Evangelism and Disciple-Making Strategies Credits 3

This course explores biblical principles for evangelism and discipleship in order to determine the most relevant strategies and practices for individuals and churches to evangelize and disciple in their local context. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Evangelism and Discipleship) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership (Ministry and Leadership); option within Master of Divinity (Spiritual Formation) for two of five course selections; option within Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministry) for two of four course selections; option within Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) for one of two course selections. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 591 - Field Apprenticeship I Credit 1

Introduction into the practical elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on mentorship, career planning, field experience, and preparation for Field Apprenticeship IV in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry), and Bachelor of Arts (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) programs. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (except Master of Divinity Spiritual Formation) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry), and Bachelor of Arts (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 592 - Field Apprenticeship II Credits 0

Weekly training in apprenticeship relationships including self-evaluation forms and mentor’s evaluation form. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity students (except Master of Divinity in Pastoral Care and Counseling and Master of Divinity Spiritual Formation), Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry), and Bachelor of Arts (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) students. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 591.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 602 - Pastoral Ministry Credits 3

A study of a pastor's call, purpose, and role in ministry. Special attention will be given to providing leadership in worship, music, ordinances, weddings, funerals, and hospital and home visitation. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministries, Evangelism and Discipleship, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Spiritual Formation), and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Christian Ministry and Leadership and Preaching and Pastoral Ministry) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 604 - Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy Credits 3

Study of pastoral care to the physically and emotionally sick and suffering, crisis ministry, and ministry to the dying and bereaved. The special nature and demands of chaplaincy, including workplace, military and especially healthcare chaplaincy, will also be studied. Students will be required to establish a volunteer relationship with a healthcare agency (hospital or nursing home) in the community in order to complete a 36-hour clinical assignment for the class. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 605 - Staffing and Leadership in Children's Ministries Credits 3

Explores recruiting, screening and equipping volunteer leaders within children's ministries. Addresses policies and procedures, administrative processes, and current leadership issues within the context of a staff ministry position. Intentional focus on supervising volunteers and multiple staff, leading through conflict and criticism, navigating ministry transition, and sustaining leadership through seasons of ministry. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 607 - Youth Ministry in Contemporary Culture Credits 3

Evaluation of cultural trends and mores in relation to the Christian formation of adolescents and their families. Analysis of student life on the junior and senior high school campus and the world at large, leading to the discovery of principles for effective ministry to students from diverse familial, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 608 - Developing Strategic Church Ministries Credits 3

The course focuses on how to develop specific strategic ministries in a local church, including, but not limited to, life-span discipling, intergenerational ministries, growing new believers, transformational Bible teaching, equipping laity for ministry, and developing innovative ministry resources. Note(s): Option within the Master of Divinity (Spiritual Formation) for two of five course selections; option within the Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministries) for two of four course selections; option within the Master of Divinity (Evangelism and Discipleship) for one of four course selections. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 609 - Expository Preaching Credits 3

The process of preparation that results in sermons that are biblically accurate, easy to follow, interesting to listen to and relevant to contemporary needs. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry), and Bachelor of Arts (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) and (Divinity) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Master of Divinity: TTBE 517; TTNT 503 or TTOT 703; Master of Arts in Christian Ministry & Leadership (Ministry and Leadership) and (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry), Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate (TSMS): TTBE 517.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Ministry and Leadership (TAML), Biblical & Pastoral Ministry (TABP or BBPM), Divinity (BBDV), Evangelism and Discipleship (TPEV), Messianic Jewish Studies (TPMS), Missions and Intercultural Studies (TPMI), Pastoral and General Ministries (TPPA), Pastoral Care and Counseling (TPCC), Spiritual Formation (TPSF), or Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate (TSMS); Undergraduate, Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 610 - Contemporary Biblical Preaching Credits 3

A study of factors leading to preaching effectiveness, including creative preaching forms, speaker credibility, listener motivation, auditorium size and shape, filing systems and organizing the work week. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministries; Evangelism and Discipleship; and Messianic Jewish Studies) students, and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, or Senior Class; Pastoral/General Ministries (TPPA or BBDV), Evangelism and Discipleship (TPEV), Messianic Jewish Studies (TPMS), Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate (TSMS), or Biblical & Pastoral Ministry (TABP or BBPM); Undergraduate, Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 611 - Practical Theology Seminar Credits 1-2

Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serving in the local church. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 613 - Adult and Family Ministries in the Local Church Credits 3

Examines the organization and administration of adult and family ministries in the local church. Includes an analysis of current trends. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 614 - Church Growth and Church Planting in the USA Credits 3

A study of the biblical principles and practices for church growth and church planting in the North American context. Special emphasis placed on defining current trends and contemporary models of ministry. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Evangelism and Discipleship). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 615 - Biblical Church Growth Credits 3

Provides a study of the history, theology, principles, and procedures of church growth in North America, along with an emphasis on strategy for increasing the spiritual and numerical growth of local churches. Insights and ideas for turning around declining and plateaued churches are addressed. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 616 - Church Planting Credits 3

The course presents the best practices and effective strategies for planting new congregations in the USA. A theology of church multiplication is examined, and numerous models and methods for starting new churches are presented. Case studies of successful church plants are discussed. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 620 - Principles and Practice of Worship Credits 2

A study of the theology and practice of congregational worship from a biblical, psychological, practical, and historical perspective. The course includes an analysis of contemporary styles, and the development of basic skills for leading congregational worship. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 623 - The Asian Church in the American Society Credits 3

A study of various factors that impact the effectiveness of a second generation English ministry with a first generation Asian church. These factors include how immigration history and family structure shape leadership style and church structure. Since these structures contribute to on-going conflict with American societal values, biblical principles are explored to personally and corporately address conflict resolution. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 626 - Group Counseling Leadership Credits 3

Learn group leadership skills that can be applied to various contexts including church, counseling and community. Course focuses on content and skills development and you will actually lead a new group with supervision provided through the course. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 627 - Premarital Preparation and Counseling Credits 2

Counseling techniques applied to dating and courtship, engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of TJTA, Prepare and Family History analysis. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; and Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 628 - Marital Counseling Credits 3

Explores the foundations of marriage and marital conflict from scriptural and psychological perspectives. Reviews approaches to counseling and explores change and growth procedures and skills. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Pastoral Care and Counseling) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students; offered Fall semester only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 634 - Foundations of Women's Ministries Credits 3

This course is designed to prepare a student to validate, develop and maintain a biblical, contemporary ministry to women in or through the local church. Key foundational issues such as philosophy of ministry, leadership development, life stages of women, current and future trends and program development will be addressed. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 635 - Toward a Philosophy of Ministry to Women Credits 3

A study of New Testament essentials leading to a model for ministry to women, with an emphasis on strategic planning and an evaluative review of major parachurch ministries to women. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 636 - Evangelizing and Ministering to Women in the Present Culture Credits 3

A survey of the transition from pre-modern to post-modern in American church culture, with tools to attract and encourage women as they deal with contemporary issues such as feminism, depression, sexual abuse, abortion, eating disorders and electronic temptations. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 637 - Family Issues in Women's Ministry Credits 3

Developing ministry approaches to women facing common family issues such as divorce, single parenting, caring for aging parents, balancing work and home, breast cancer, infertility, singleness and widowhood. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 638 - Survey of Biblical and Historical Women in Ministry Credits 3

A study of biblical women who played key roles in Israel and the early church, and of women's contributions through the centuries to the spread of the gospel and the establishment of Christian thought and institutions. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 639 - Developing Leadership Teams Credits 3

The principles and practice of developing leadership teams, mentor relationships, and discipleship emphases in ministries to women. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 681 - Talbot A.S. Officers Internship Credits 0

Each elected Talbot Associated Student officer is responsible for duties as described in the Talbot Associated Student Constitution. This course evaluates their involvement in this ministry. Note(s): Talbot students only; required of current Talbot Associated Students officers. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 3.

TTPT 691 - Field Apprenticeship III Credits 0

Weekly training in apprenticeship relationships including self-evaluation forms and mentor’s evaluation form. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (except Master of Divinity Pastoral Care and Counseling and Master of Divinity Spiritual Formation) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Preaching Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Pastoral Ministry) students; Master of Divinity in Pastoral Care and Counseling students take TTPT 693, TTPT 694, and TTPT 695 instead. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 592.
Restriction(s): Must be Evangelism and Discipleship (TPEV), Messianic Jewish Studies (TPMS), Missions & ICS (TPMI), Pastoral/General Ministries (TPPA), Preaching & Pastoral Ministry (TAPP), or Biblical & Pastoral Ministry (TABP); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 693 - Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship I Credit 1

A series of interviews of pastors and agency leaders to discover the breadth of ministry approaches, practices, perspectives and goals. A proposal near the end of the semester for involvement in a specific ministry is submitted for approval to the pastor or agency leader, and then submitted to the professor for Talbot approval as well. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership Pastoral Care and Counseling students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC or BBPC); Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 694 - Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship II Credit 1

One-hundred hours of supervised ministry under the mentorship of an approved pastor or agency leader. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership Pastoral Care and Counseling students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 693, TTPT 702.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 695 - Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship III Credits 1-2

One-hundred hours per credit of supervised ministry under the mentorship of an approved pastor or agency leader. Note(s): May be taken for 1 or 2 credits; 100 hours are required for each credit; required of Master of Divinity (Pastoral Care and Counseling) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 694.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 2.

TTPT 696 - Pastoral Care and Counseling Internship Credits 1-2

Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches and agencies. Note(s): Suggested 1 credit at a time; TTPT 696 should be taken in the student's final three semesters. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 4.

TTPT 699 - Women's Ministries Internship Credits 1-2

Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches and agencies. Note(s): Should be taken in student's final semesters. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Women's Ministries (TAWM); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 4.

TTPT 702 - Intermediate Pastoral Counseling Credits 3

Building upon the introductory counseling content discussed in previous coursework, this course will explore integrative pastoral counseling strategies that can be appropriately and effectively used to counsel individuals seeking such assistance in a church or para-church context. Special attention will be given to defining common presenting problems, determining appropriate counseling strategies and seeking consultation or referral when necessary. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Pastoral Care and Counseling) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC or BBPC); Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 703 - The Church and Society Credits 3

A study of biblical ethics and the role the local church plays in the community. Special attention will be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemical abuse, domestic violence, social ills and the political process. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Christian Ministry and Leadership and Preaching and Pastoral Ministry), Master of Arts Diversified, and Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministries and Pastoral Care and Counseling) students; option within Master of Divinity (Spiritual Formation) for two of five course selections; option within Master of Divinity (Evangelism and Discipleship) for one of four course selections. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 707 - Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling Credits 2

Explores ministry to people who request counseling in church and para-church contexts. Starting with relationship building skills, students will discover their limits in help-giving, and learn appropriate referral process. Much of the course focus will then be an exploration of building small communities within a church ministry. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (except Spiritual Formation) and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Biblical and Pastoral Ministry) and (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 708 - Advanced Pastoral Counseling Credits 3

This course moves beyond learning relationship skills to developing skills that help people with the realization of physical, spiritual, emotional and moral issues in their lives. Secondly, there is a focus on skills that help people take responsibility for the awareness they have gained. The spiritual transformation process is integrated into the development of these skills. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students; offered Fall semester only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 702.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 711 - Advanced Sermon Preparation Credits 2

This course will assist advanced students to hone their preaching skills. Students will interact with the professor and various established preachers on issues such as the practice and ethics of persuasion, varieties of personal style and delivery, and planning a preaching calendar. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 712 - Ethics of the Fathers Credits 2

A study of the tractate of the Mishnah called Pirke Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers, with a view toward comparing these rabbinic teachings with the wisdom literature of the Hebrew Scriptures, the revelation of the New Testament, and the issues of ethics in contemporary society. Attention will be given to the interrelatedness of this Jewish tradition with biblical ethics incumbent upon Messianic Jewish congregations. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 716 - Addressing Common Pastoral Counseling Concerns Credits 3

A study of some of the common concerns presented to pastors and pastoral care leaders. Issues such as ADD and related disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, anger, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, loss and grief, self-image and identity disorders, sexual addictions and pornography, and suicide will be studied. Specific interventions will be studied to augment the overall helping processes learned in other classes. The integration of theology and psychology will be prominent in this course as well. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students; offered in Spring semester only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 707.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 717 - Research Seminar I Credits 1-2

In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection is by department approval. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 718 - Research Seminar II Credits 1-2

In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection is by department approval. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 722 - Small Group Ministries Credits 3

An examination of the role of small groups in the local church for developing biblical community. Emphasis is placed on understanding interpersonal relationships, character development and skills for organizing and leading a small group ministry. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Evangelism and Discipleship) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Class, Graduate Class, Junior Class, or Senior Class; Doctoral Level, Graduate Level, or Undergraduate Level.

TTPT 723 - Integration in Jewish Studies Credits 2,3

Intended as a capstone seminar, this course will summarize and apply the primary lessons learned throughout the program in Jewish Studies. The integration of learning in this course is designed to better equip those entering or continuing in the field of Messianic Jewish ministry. Students will be expected to share the findings of their thesis research and/or field education with a view toward refinement and development of further investigation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 725 - Counseling Troubled Families Credits 3

A comparison of positive and negative family systems in Scripture, in theory and in church life. The development of a team approach to intervention, enrichment and equipping for ministry to families. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Pastoral Care and Counseling) students; offered Spring semester only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 628, TTPT 707 or their equivalents.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC) or Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 726 - Creative Preaching Credits 2

An exploration of innovative ways to proclaim God's Word, such as dramatic narrative, voice-over, audience participation, interview format, and video integration. This course will equip the student to creatively communicate the Bible with cultural relevance and scriptural fidelity. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 728 - Mentoring in Ministry Credits 3

Study and practice of mentoring in the context of ministry and preparation for ministry. Students will be exposed to mentoring in a variety of contexts and distill the most important processes of mentoring for ministry. The major proportion of the course will put students into the practice of mentoring where mentoring processes can be experienced first hand. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 730 - Biblical Leadership and Management Credits 3

The biblical basis for organizational management and leadership. Examination of the process of planning, organizing, leading and supporting from a biblical basis and made applicable to Christian service and ministry. Note(s): Required of Master of Divinity (Pastoral and General Ministries, Evangelism and Discipleship, Missions and Intercultural Studies), Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Christian Ministry and Leadership and Preaching and Pastoral Ministry) students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): May include the Select Cohort Fee of up to $250.

TTPT 732 - Money and Ministry: Biblical Study Credits 3

This course is an exploration of biblical texts related to the personal use of money and possessions with the outcome of leading students to develop a biblical worldview of money that translates into a way of life. Attention will be placed on practical implementation of God's financial principles in the students' church ministry context and family situations. Topics to be covered include materialism and spirituality, honesty, giving, counsel, savings, debt, credit, work, eternity and church financial education. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 740 - Issues and Ethics in Ministry Credits 2

A study of the ethical issues unique to the pastor, his family and the congregation. An examination of theological and psychological aspects of pastoral care, including ethical issues, networking with other health care professionals, management of the practice of church discipline, and equipping of the laity for pastoral care ministries. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 741 - Preaching Narrative Literature Credits 3

A great deal of scripture was written in narrative format. This course will equip students to properly interpret the story portions of the Old and New Testament, and assist them in preaching this literature with new confidence and power. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Preaching and Pastoral Ministry) students; offered Fall semester only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 742 - Preaching the Wisdom and Poetic Literature of the Old Testament Credits 3

A genre sensitive approach to interpreting and communicating the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, with the goal of equipping the student to capture the insights and spiritual impact of this literature. Note(s): Required of Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Preaching and Pastoral Ministry) students; offered Spring semester only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 743 - Preaching to the Post-Modern Mind Credits 3

This course will explore how the increasingly influential postmodern worldview impacts the preaching event. The class will give the modern preacher the homiletical tools necessary to function effectively in this intellectual environment. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): TTPT 609.
Restriction(s): Must be Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 745 - Issues in Spiritual Warfare Credits 3

A multidisciplinary and critical examination of a variety of contemporary models of deliverance ministry, exorcism, and inner healing prayer therapies. This course develops a biblical/theological/historical perspective, explores the cultural and anthropological dimensions, and investigates the psychological dynamics related to this phenomena. The goal is to develop a practical and eclectic model that is biblically grounded. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 747 - The Role of Spiritual Warfare in Christian Life and Ministry Credits 3

An exploration of the biblical and theological basis of spiritual warfare and how a practical understanding of this area of Christian teaching can facilitate the process of spiritual growth and fruitfulness in ministry. Attention will be given not only to general principles of spiritual warfare, but also to the role of inner healing and the ministry of deliverance. Included will be practical ministry skills in dealing with issues such as trauma, deception, bitterness, judgments, defense mechanisms and others that can hinder a person's relationship with God, the formation of mature Christian character, and ministry to others. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 750 - Directed Study Credits 1-4

Reading and research in selected areas of study. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.

TTPT 760 - Seminar Credits 1-3

Selected topics in the field of ministry. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.

TTPT 765 - Seminar in Pastoral Counseling Credit 1

Selected topics in the field of pastoral counseling. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral Care & Couns (TPCC), Pastoral Care & Couns (TACC), Christian Ministry and Leadership (TACL), or Ministry and Leadership (TAML); Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 1.

TTPT 774 - The Family of the Christian Leader Credits 2

A consideration of the special and unique challenges faced by vocational Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christian ministry. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 775 - Parent Education in Ministry Credits 2

Review of the history of parenting, biblical injunctions and models of parenting, and current research on parenting. Then the development of parent education modules for conferences, seminars, workshops, learning groups or preaching series. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 791 - Field Apprenticeship IV Credits 0-2

Integration of all the disciplines of ministry and seminary education. It provides supervised experience in various phases of Christian ministry. Mentorship relationships are included for wholistic training in apprenticeship. Note(s): Master of Divinity (Evangelism Discipleship and Pastoral General Ministries) students are required to take it for 1 credit; Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership (Preaching Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Pastoral Ministry) and Master of Divinity (Messianic Jewish Studies) students are required to take it for 0 credit; Master of Divinity (Missions and Intercultural Studies) students see ISCL 791. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Master of Divinity: TTPT 691, and completion of 36 hours of the Master of Divinity program; Master of Arts in Christian Ministry & Leadership (Preaching & Pastoral Ministry and Biblical & Pastoral Ministry): TTPT 691.
Restriction(s): Must be Pastoral/General Ministries (TPPA), Evangelism and Discipleship (TPEV), Messianic Jewish Studies (TPMS), Preaching & Pastoral Ministry (TAPP), Biblical & Pastoral Ministry (TABP), or Spiritual Formation (TPSF); Talbot School of Theology; Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 802 - Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling Credits 2

A study of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of counseling the spiritually afflicted are also considered. Note(s): Elective for Master of Theology students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.

TTPT 880 - Directed Research Credits 1-3

In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Ministry and Leadership department using standard research procedures. Topic selection is by department approval. Note(s): Elective for Master of Theology students. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Doctoral Level or Graduate Level.