Theatre (THTR)
THTR 109 - Production Practicum Credit 1
Directed practical experience in the technical aspects of theatre production. Credit is earned for stage management, scenery construction, scene painting, costume, makeup, marketing, lighting, audio, props, running crew, or other aspects of the theatrical process. Includes hours outside of class for technical, dress rehearsals, and performances. Note(s): Special approval required; required for Production and Theatre Design and Technology concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 2.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 112 - Production Lab I Credit 1
Production Lab provides directed practical experience in dramatic production. Students will utilize skills in collaboration and organization as members of the production team for the Theatre Program fall/spring Main Stage and Second Stage season. Credit is earned for performing in a play including time spent in rehearsals and performances. If not cast in a production during the semester in which the course is taken, credit is earned by serving in positions that are typical of a producing theatre company with assignments that may include props, costumes, marketing, lighting, sound, running crew, and set construction and painting. Note(s): Required for Acting for Stage and Screen and Musical Theatre concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Acting for Stage and Screen (COSS) or Musical Theatre (THMT); and Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 160 - Theatre Appreciation Credits 3
Appreciation of drama through an understanding of the components, terms, personnel, history, styles, and techniques of theatre. Core Curriculum: Approved for Core - Fine Arts. Note(s): Attendance at selected plays is required. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
THTR 162 - Voice and Speech for the Actor Credits 3
Intensive training in the correct use of voice and articulation for the actor. Special attention paid to developing skills for vocal and physical relaxation, projection, and anatomical uses of the voice. Students will also learn the International Phonetic Alphabet and how to apply it to dialect work. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 164 - Introduction to Acting Credits 3
This course is designed for the beginning, pre-/non-theatre major, and is an examination of the theatre elements that relate directly to performing onstage, including rehearsal and performance techniques, stage movement, vocal techniques, stage terminology and script analysis. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 209 - Production Practicum II Credit 1
Directed practical experience in the technical aspects of theatre production. Credit is earned for stage management, scenery construction, scene painting, costume, makeup, marketing, lighting, audio, props, running crew, or other aspects of the theatrical process. Includes hours outside of class for technical, dress rehearsals, and performances. Note(s): Required for Production and Theatre Design and Technology concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 109.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 212 - Production Lab II Credit 1
Production Lab provides directed practical experience in dramatic production. Students will utilize skills in collaboration and organization as members of the production team for the Theatre Program fall/spring Main Stage and Second Stage season. Credit is earned for performing in a play including time spent in rehearsals and performances. If not cast in a production during the semester in which the course is taken, credit is earned by serving in positions that are typical of a producing theatre company with assignments that may include props, costumes, marketing, lighting, sound, running crew, and set construction and painting. Note(s): Required for Acting for Stage and Screen and Musical Theatre concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 112.
Restriction(s): Must be Acting for Stage and Screen (COSS) or Musical Theatre (THMT); and Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 215 - Makeup for Stage and Screen Credits 3
Makeup requirements for the stage and screen. Individual skill development in character analysis. Application in pigment, plastic, hair, makeup, and selection and use of makeup equipment. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
THTR 216 - Topics in Theatre Credits 1-3
Selected topics vary, see class schedule for current offerings. Possible topics include: improvisation, musical theatre, dance, and stage management. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 9.
THTR 232 - Costume Study and Construction Credits 3
Design fundamentals, including costume history, research, play analysis, fabric selection, construction basics and hypothetical design projects. Fee for fabric purchases. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $60.
THTR 241 - Intro to Technical Theatre Credits 4
Explorations in the basic elements and terminology that define theatre. Special attention given to such topics as: safety, props, two- and three-dimensional scenery and their materials, and scene painting. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
THTR 250 - Theatre History I Credits 3
This course will look at the history and development of Western theatre and dramatic literature from the Greeks through the 18th century. Readings and lectures will focus on the elements of theatrical practice; artists and innovators of theatre throughout history; and on the theatre's development as an art form and a social phenomenon. During the course students will study major plays and the relation of these plays to their historical eras. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 251 - Theatre History II Credits 3
This course will familiarize students with the social, political, and aesthetic progress of the art of theatre. This will include a study of performance styles and techniques, dramatic theory and literature, and theatre architecture and scenography. It will broaden students’ knowledge of historical Western and non-Western plays, and explore more fully the connections between research and production. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 250.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 264 - Beginning Acting Credits 3
This course offers a beginning study of principles of contemporary acting techniques. Students will evaluate and demonstrate their grasp of the theories of the Stanislavsky system of acting, with focus on interpretation by 20th century American acting leaders such as Sanford Meisner, David Mamet, Stella Adler, and Uta Hagen. Principles introduced are designed to root actors in living truthfully under imaginary circumstances while pursuing objectives and impulses based in the “other.” Students will learn how to apply script analysis using “Practical Aesthetics,” formulated by the Atlantic Theatre Company in order to determine enlivening actions to pursue on stage. The overall purpose of this course is to begin to develop a working process for an actor to utilize when undertaking a role in a professional performing arts setting. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 309 - Production Practicum III Credit 1
Directed practical experience in the technical aspects of theatre production. Credit is earned for stage management, scenery construction, scene painting, costume, makeup, marketing, lighting, audio, props, running crew, or other aspects of the theatrical process. Includes hours outside of class for technical, dress rehearsals, and performances. Note(s): Required for Production and Theatre Design and Technology concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 209.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 312 - Production Lab III Credit 1
Production Lab provides directed practical experience in dramatic production. Students will utilize skills in collaboration and organization as members of the production team for the Theatre Program fall/spring Main Stage and Second Stage season. Credit is earned for performing in a play including time spent in rehearsals and performances. If not cast in a production during the semester in which the course is taken, credit is earned by serving in positions that are typical of a producing theatre company with assignments that may include props, costumes, marketing, lighting, sound, running crew, and set construction and painting. Note(s): Required for Acting for Stage and Screen and Musical Theatre concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 212.
Restriction(s): Must be Acting for Stage and Screen (COSS) or Musical Theatre (THMT); and Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 320 - Dance for Musical Theatre Credits 3
This class is part practical and part academic survey of some of the major choreographers who have contributed to the Musical Theatre cannon. From the academic perspective, students will be required to review and research different choreographers and choreography and comment on how their innovation led to changes in musical theatre as we know it. The goal of this class is that the students will be able to understand, appreciate, and invest in the future of the theatre by examining the past and how choreography has developed as a result of a practitioner’s vision and application. From a practical perspective, the students must participate in the choreography to help strengthen their own skill and physically understand the creative process that went into creating some of the best choreographic pieces ever conceived. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Theatre (COTH) or Theatre Minor (THTR); and Undergraduate Level.
THTR 332 - Stage Managing or Directing Practicum Credits 1-3
This course provides students with practical experience in stage managing, assistant stage managing, or directing a university theatre production. Note(s): Special approval required; can count towards the THTR 109/209/309/409 Production Practicum requirement. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must not be Freshman Class; and must be Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
THTR 345 - Lighting and Sound for Theatre Credits 3
Study of lighting and sound variables in a stage production. Student projects include light and sound choices for a particular production. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 353 - Textual Analysis Credits 3
Textual Analysis introduces students to the principles, methods, and procedures for analyzing written dramatic texts intended for production on both stage and screen. Students will be required to identify various elements of story structure within a script in order to deconstruct the text and assess intended meaning and purpose. Students will explain how the elements of structure relate to one another in service to a specific artistic production outcome. Primary focus for the course is placed on analysis of dramatic texts for the purpose of character insight and production interpretation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Theatre (COTH) or Dramatic Arts (CODA); and Undergraduate Level.
THTR 360 - Screen Acting I Credits 3
Screen Acting I is designed to build upon the techniques established in Beginning and Intermediate Acting. Students will be introduced to the basics of on-camera performance through applied scene work in various television and film genres including: drama, sitcom, mockumentary, science fiction, and soap opera. Students will also learn the technical requirements posed by different types of shots and production needs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 264.
Restriction(s): Must be Acting for Stage and Screen (COSS); and Undergraduate Level.
THTR 362 - Movement for the Actor Credits 3
The study of stage movement for the performer, delivered in a hybrid of seminar and lab format. Discussion groups focus on texts exploring the integration of faith and art, which will be used within the context of movement performance. The lab portion introduces students to the theories and practices of performing arts movement specialists, including the likes of Lugering, Laban, Chekhov, and Suzuki. Students who complete the course will be able to demonstrate modes of physical expression that a well-trained actor can call upon in telling a story through performance. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 369 - Intermediate Acting Credits 3
Offered in a studio/lab format, THTR 369 furthers the study of contemporary acting techniques established in THTR 264. Students will delve deeper into the approach of Sanford Meisner, developing personal ability to achieve emotional freedom, particularized and personalized subtext, and text-based character building. THTR 369 utilizes scene study from works of modern realism as established by seminal playwrights such as Chekhov and Ibsen, among others. This approach is further supplemented by the techniques of acting teachers Lee Strasberg and Eric Morris. The overall purpose of this course is to develop an actor’s ability to create well-rounded and believable characters at a professionally competitive level. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 264.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 391 - Stage Managing and Directing Theatre Credits 3
Exploration of the art and craft of directing for the theatre. Topics covered: storytelling, instincts, staging, picturization, dramatic tension, style, meaning, examining, text, groundplans, auditioning, working with actors and other relevant issues facing the director. Note(s): Attendance at selected plays is required. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Junior Class, or Senior Class; and Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
THTR 405 - Dramatic Theory and Criticism Credits 3
Survey of prominent dramatic theories (e.g. Aristotle's Poetics, dramatic theory of story structure, contemporary theatre theory, etc.). Elements of dramaturgy will also be introduced. Practical training in theatrical production written critiques/reviews. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 409 - Production Practicum IV Credit 1
Advanced practical experience in dramatic process. Credit is earned for performing in a play, set construction, costume construction, publicity, or other aspects of theatrical process. Note(s): Special approval required; required for Production and Theatre Design and Technology concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 309.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 4.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 410 - Advanced Topics in Theatre Credits 1-3
Selected topics vary, see class schedule for current offerings. Possible topics include: stage combat, periods and styles of performance, and stage management. Note(s): May be taken multiple times with different course content. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 9.
Additional Fee(s): $70 fee may apply.
THTR 412 - Production Lab IV Credit 1
Production Lab provides directed practical experience in dramatic production. Students will utilize skills in collaboration and organization as members of the production team for the Theatre Program fall/spring Main Stage and Second Stage season. Credit is earned for performing in a play including time spent in rehearsals and performances. If not cast in a production during the semester in which the course is taken, credit is earned by serving in positions that are typical of a producing theatre company with assignments that may include props, costumes, marketing, lighting, sound, running crew, and set construction and painting. Note(s): Required for Acting for Stage and Screen and Musical Theatre concentrations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 312.
Restriction(s): Must be Acting for Stage and Screen (COSS) or Musical Theatre (THMT); and Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
THTR 419 - Stagecraft Credits 3
This course covers aspects of scenic design including script analysis, formation of visual concepts, drafting, model building, construction, tools and materials for the stage. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $35.
THTR 435 - Playwriting for Performance Credits 3
Creation of original material for solo or corporate dramatic performance. Workshop for the presentation of created original materials for stage. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 440 - Theatre Internship Credits 1-3
This course provides students with practical experience in the entertainment industry, usually in the form of an off-campus work arrangement. Note(s): Special approval required; can count towards any theatre concentration upper-division elective requirement. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must not be Freshman Class; and must be Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
THTR 450 - Theatre Teaching Assistant Credits 1-3
This course provides students with practical experience in the Teaching Assistant role and duties. Note(s): Special approval required; can count towards any theatre concentration upper-division elective requirement. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Junior Class, or Senior Class; and Undergraduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
THTR 460 - Screen Acting II Credits 3
Screen Acting II is designed to build upon the techniques established in Screen Acting I. Students will be introduced to specialized and advanced techniques of on-camera performance through applied scene work in various television and film genres including: historical work, commercials, industrials, new media, green screen, and performance capture. There is increased focus on the technical demands of these more specialized areas of screen production. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 360, THTR 369 (both may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Acting for Stage and Screen (COSS); and Undergraduate Level.
THTR 463 - Advanced Acting Workshop Credits 3
Offered in a studio/lab format, THTR 463 provides exploration of advanced topics in the acting profession. Focus is placed on the craft of auditioning while also preparing professional materials required for leading a career in acting. Students will work on understanding their character type, practice cold read and interview skills, and learn the basics of what an actor needs for marketing themselves as a professional, including the head shot, resume, reel, website, and union membership. Students will also have the opportunity to network with guest speakers who are industry professionals. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): THTR 369 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
Course Fee: $150.
THTR 468 - Drama for Christian Ministry Credits 3
Introduction to the mechanics and creativity of drama in the church, as well as issues facing the Christian drama coordinator or director. Class members are involved in class performances. This course explores the potential and practical experiences for use of drama in church and parachurch settings, providing insights for participants and leaders in drama ministry. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.
THTR 477 - London Theatre Study Tour Credits 1-3
Theatre-based tour of London, England, exploring Shakespeare's birthplace, theatrical venues, and acting workshops. Note(s): Tour requires purchase of tour package to London, England and additional fees for Biola University credit. Project required for submission following return from London. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.