Education - Graduate (SEED)
SEED 501 - Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society Credits 3
Students learn to fulfill their roles as change agents in the educational realm. Students focus upon historical, cultural, and social analyses of schools and society from a biblical perspective to help them to select pedagogical methods that harmonize with educational aims. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or SEED 554 (either may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate or Graduate Level.
SEED 502 - Advanced Educational Psychology Credits 3
Students analyze human development, learning, motivation, and assessment theories through comparisons of primary and secondary source documents. Students use this analysis to create a personal vision and mission statement that will direct their continued growth as a professional educator. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or SEED 554 (either may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 503 - Educational Research and Statistics Credits 3
Students learn the design and analysis of experimental and nonexperimental research in the educational context. Students learn how to apply basic principles, including sampling, measurement, design validity, analysis, and research ethics. Definition and examples of qualitative research are also included. Note(s): A minimum grade of B required for Master's degree (a grade of B- is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or SEED 554.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 504 - Advanced Curriculum and Instruction Credits 3
Students study the historical, philosophical, and social foundations of curricula, examining curriculum research and design related to assessing, developing, and organizing educational strategies. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or SEED 554 (either may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 507 - Art Workshop for Elementary School Teaching Credit 1
Students study the knowledge, skills, and competencies required for teaching and developing teaching credits, lesson plans, and art projects in the elementary classroom. Note(s): This course is waived if ARTS 306 or LEDU 306 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $20.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 508 - Music Workshop for Elementary School Teaching Credit 1
Students study the knowledge, skills, and competencies required for teaching music in the elementary classroom. Note(s): This course is waived if MUSC 310 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 509 - Elementary Mathematics/Science Workshop Credits 2-3
During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, multiple subject teacher candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for helping grades K–6 students learn the state-adopted academic content standards for Math and Science. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 309 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 526 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 512 - Elementary Student Teaching I Credits 6
Multiple subject teacher candidates participate in a full-time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Seminar is required. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to formal application and approval; must register for SEED 513 if completing student teaching in one semester. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 434 or SEED 538.
Corequisite(s): SEED 513.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 513 - Elementary Student Teaching II Credits 6
Multiple subject teacher candidates participate in a full-time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Seminar is required. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to formal application and approval. Grade Mode: A.
Corequisite(s): SEED 512.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 514 - Secondary Student Teaching I Credits 6
Single subject teacher candidates participate in a full-time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Seminar is required. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to formal application and approval; must register for SEED 515 if completing student teaching in one semester. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 438 or SEED 539.
Corequisite(s): SEED 515.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 515 - Secondary Student Teaching II Credits 6
Single subject teacher candidates participate in a full-time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Seminar is required. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to formal application and approval. Grade Mode: A.
Corequisite(s): SEED 514.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 516 - Elementary Physical Education Workshop Credit 1
Multiple subject teacher candidates study content-specific teaching strategies effective in promoting a variety of motor skills and abilities in students; recognition of a healthy lifestyle; games and sports; and the role of self-confidence and self-worth in relation to physical education and recreation. Note(s): This course is waived if KNES 201 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 518 - Designing Successful Classrooms: Starting Right Credits 3
Candidates demonstrate the theories and research-based practices to design a successful classroom. Candidates learn to create and maintain an effective environment for student learning which includes making plans for instruction, positive relationships, conduct procedures, and time management. Note(s): Course designed to meet the needs of teachers with three or fewer years of experience. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 519 - Foundations of Education Credits 2
This course is the first course in the credential sequence and is designed to introduce the candidate to foundations of education and qualities required for teacher effectiveness. This course includes intensive study in lesson planning, creating a healthy and safe learning environment, technology in education, and support strategies for special needs students and English Language Learners. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required; full-time teachers may apply for a reduction in fieldwork practicum hours. Note(s): Special approval required; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to livescan submission and valid negative TB test results; this course is waived if LEDU 301 or MUSC 205 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 520 - Elementary Reading/Language Arts Credits 3
Teacher candidates discover the methods and materials for teaching reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, comprehension, fluency) and language arts to students in elementary schools. Attention to a variety of evidence-based approaches and techniques will be used to meet the needs of students with varied cultural, language, and cognitive backgrounds. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 35-hour fieldwork practicum component is required; full-time teachers may apply for a reduction in fieldwork practicum hours. Note(s): Special approval required; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 341 or SEED 541 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 523 - Behavior and Classroom Management Credits 3
This course examines theoretical perspectives and alternative approaches to classroom management, discipline, and organization. This course also explores how effective strategies, procedures, and relationships can influence student behavior, the learning task, and the classroom environment. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 524 - Research in Culture and Intercultural Instruction Credits 3
Students examine and analyze current research and theories concerning the nature of culture and its relationship to the language, cognition, learning, and academic achievement of the diverse student population of California and the United States, in general. Students acquire knowledge of the critical role of the teacher in understanding, using, valuing, and communicating cultural knowledge for the purpose of maximizing educational objectives. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or SEED 554 (either may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 525 - Secondary Content Area Reading Credits 3
This course focuses on best practices for developing content area literacy for secondary students. Focus is on the acquisition of skills to implement reading and writing strategies in the secondary classroom that will reinforce critical thinking, processing, and mastery of subject area concepts. Attention is given to adapting instruction and assessment to meet the needs of all learners, including IEP/504, English Learners, and underserved students. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 35-hour fieldwork practicum component is required; full-time teachers may apply for a reduction in fieldwork practicum hours. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 341 or SEED 541 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 526 - Psychological Foundations of Education Credits 3
Students learn the application of psychological principles to the education process, role of the teacher and learner, human growth and development, learning styles, motivation, memory, transfer of learning, measurement and evaluation, and research and experimentation in learning theory. Note(s): Special approval required; this course is waived if LEDU 301 and LEDU 330 were taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 420 or SEED 520 or LEDU 425 or SEED 525.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 527 - Current Issues in Multilingual and Multicultural Education Credits 3
This course involves a critical examination of current issues in multilingual and multicultural education, including an investigation of the historical and political development of multicultural education in the U.S. context, language policy and programs, culture and cognition, cultural competence, and evidence-based pedagogy and practices for supporting multilingualism. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 528 - Performing Arts in Education Credit 1
Multiple subject teacher candidates identify, apply, appreciate the value of, and practice components and strands of culturally and developmentally appropriate dance and theater education for youth as found in the Visual and Performing Arts Framework and Student Academic Content Standards. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 529 - Multilingual and Immigrant Students and Families in School Communities Credits 3
This course illuminates issues related to school engagement in a multicultural setting. Students use concepts related to cultural change and relations among communities, social-emotional support for immigrant students, and family partnerships with various language communities to create an action plan designed to improve family engagement in school. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 530 - Reading Process and Approaches Credits 3
Candidates engage in critical analysis of the processes and dynamics of reading as well as the methods and materials for teaching reading in elementary and secondary schools in general and special education classrooms. Theoretical models of reading, emergent literacy, current issues in literacy and instruction, and the assessment and evaluation of reading are also discussed. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 30-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 531 - Writing Process and Approaches Credits 3
Writing as a process, its interrelationship to reading, cognition and to linguistic and contextual issues. Examination of current problems, instructional research, theories, methods of instruction and materials, programs, technology assessment, and the professional publication process. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 532 - Diagnosis and Remediation in Reading Credits 3
Candidates are prepared to integrate theory and practice related to selecting, administering, and interpreting diagnostic tools and techniques for assessing severe and/or multiple difficulties in reading, and applying diagnostic-prescriptive principles to design the most developmentally appropriate remedial plans for students with mild to moderate support needs. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 30-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education Credential (SEIT, SEST, SMSI, or SMST) or Special Education Master's program (SEIS, SEMD, SEPC, SEPP, SEPT, SESE, SMPI, SMPT, SMTI, SMTT, SMYI, SMYT, SSSI, SSSN, or SSST); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 533 - Single Subject Pedagogy Credits 2
During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject candidates relate Common Core and the state-adopted K–12 academic content standards for candidates in their specific subject area to major concepts and principles in their discipline, including planning, organizing, and implementing effective instruction (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - Art: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Art candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for achieving the fundamental goals of the state-adopted K–12 academic content standards for students in Art (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - English: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject English candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for achieving the fundamental goals of the state-adopted K–12 academic content standards for students in English (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - Methods for Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Modern Language candidates learn, understand, and use specific teaching strategies and activities for achieving the fundamental goals of the state-adopted K–12 Foreign Language Framework and Student Academic Content Standards for students learning Spanish (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - Health Science: During interrelated activities in the program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Health Science candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for achieving the fundamental goals of the state-adopted K–12 content standards for students in Health Science (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - History/Social Science: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject History/Social Science candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for achieving the fundamental goals of the K–12 state-adopted academic content standards for History/Social Science (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - Mathematics: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Mathematics candidates acquire a deep understanding of the interrelated components of a balanced program of mathematics instruction: computational and procedural skills; conceptual understanding of mathematics; and problem solving skills in mathematics, and acquire pedagogical skills that assist students in learning K–12 state-adopted academic content standards for Mathematics (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - Physical Education: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Physical Education candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for helping students in learning K–12 state-adopted academic content standards for Physical Education (Grades 7–12). Single Subject Pedagogy - Science: During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Science candidates relate the state-adopted K–12 academic content standards for students in Science (Grades 7–12) to major concepts, principles and investigations in the science disciplines, including planning, organizing, and implementing effective instruction. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 433 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Corequisite(s): SEED 539.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 534 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Credits 3
Students learn the various aspects of Early Childhood (EC) education as a discipline through relevant discussion of educational theory and practice, theology, and current issues in EC settings, as well as field observation and practical application. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 6-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required and approximately $130 for livescan.
SEED 535 - Child Development: Birth through Adolescence Credits 3
Students learn basic concepts of cognitive development, including psychosocial, moral and language development. Students define concepts related to the development of personality and temperament. Students examine scope of physical development of children and the connections between health and learning. These theories are investigated in light of classroom implications for identifying and describing individual differences in the development of children. Students analyze the impact of genetic, sociocultural and socioeconomic factors on the development of children and young adolescents. Note(s): Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher in order to meet credential requirements; this course is waived if LEDU 335 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 536 - Elementary Health Curriculum and Methods Credit 1
During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Multiple Subject candidates learn content-specific teaching strategies that are effective in achieving the goals of the acceptance of personal responsibility for lifelong health; respect for and promotion of the health of others; understanding of the process of growth and development; and informed use of health-related information, products, and services. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 336 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 537 - Elementary History - Social Science Curriculum and Methods Credit 1
During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Multiple Subject education candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for helping grades K–6 students learn the state-adopted academic content standards for History-Social Science. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 337 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 538 - Elementary Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment Credits 3
Emphasis will be placed on curriculum and instruction through the planning and teaching of a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate instructional strategies for all learners, including Universal Design of Learning and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTTS), differentiation, and assessment. Lecture/Lab Hours: Candidates will complete 60-hours of fieldwork; candidates will design and teach several classroom lessons in local elementary schools; 30 hours required for full-time teachers with department approval. Note(s): Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; this course is waived if LEDU 434 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 330 or SEED 526 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 539 - Secondary Curriculum, Differentiation, and Assessment Credits 3
Emphasis will be placed on curriculum and instruction through the planning and teaching of a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate instructional strategies for all learners, including Universal Design of Learning and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTTS), differentiation, and assessment. Lecture/Lab Hours: Candidates will complete 60-hours of fieldwork; candidates will design and teach several classroom lessons in local secondary schools; 30 hours required for full-time teachers with department approval. Note(s): Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; this course is waived if LEDU 438 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 330 or SEED 526 (may be taken concurrently).
Corequisite(s): SEED 533.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 541 - Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Credits 3
Students acquire knowledge of the theories, programs, and instructional practices for English language development, including first and second language acquisition and individual factors affecting language acquisition. Students discover how to apply theory to classroom practice. Instruction in content area literacy is emphasized. Principles of educational equity, diversity, and cultural and linguistic responsiveness are examined. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 20-hour fieldwork practicum component is required; full-time teachers may apply for a reduction in fieldwork practicum hours. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 341 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or MUSC 205 or SEED 519 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 544 - Elementary Curriculum Fieldwork Credit 1
A fieldwork course to support Multiple Subject Credential candidates in application of teaching pedagogy. Note(s): Fieldwork hours may vary based on department approval; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 546 - Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork Credit 1
A fieldwork course to support Single Subject Credential candidates in application of teaching pedagogy. Note(s): Fieldwork hours may vary based on department approval; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 547 - Early Childhood Reading and Language Arts Credits 3
Teacher candidates discover the methods and materials for teaching reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, comprehension, fluency) and language arts to students in elementary schools. Attention to a variety of evidence-based approaches and techniques will be used to meet the needs of students with varied cultural, language, and cognitive backgrounds. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 35-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 347 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 534; SEED 556, SEED 557, SEED 558, SEED 559 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential (SEPK); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 548 - Collaborative Research Credits 0.25-0.5
Master of Science students will be assigned to a research team in the first semester of their M.S. program. Students must participate on their collaborative research team for a minimum of two semesters and must continue working on their project until 1 credit is completed. This class will involve collaborative research with their professor(s) and peers. Monthly research sessions (virtual or in-person) throughout the program will focus on the following: getting acquainted with professors and peers and supporting shared research interests; library research and literature reviews; defining the scope of each research project; clarifying the research question(s); defining terms, hypotheses, research methodologies, and procedures; assigning roles; working with permissions and university protocols; examining, summarizing, and synthesizing data from one or more research projects; writing articles to report results; planning conference presentations to share results; and planning follow-up research projects. Note(s): Special approval required; must participate and continue on their assigned project until 1 credit is completed; must pass this course with a grade of B or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education (SSSE, SSSN, SSST, SMYT, SSSI, or SMYI) or Curric, Instructn & Publicatn (SSCI); and School of Education; and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 1.
SEED 549 - Studies in Children's Literature Credit 1
Focus is on how to effectively use children's literature to enhance and strengthen children's literacy development. Special emphasis is placed upon connecting students' language, interests, and cultural background in order to increase their motivation and academic achievement. Active engagement in a wide range of responses to literature including art, music, drama, and writing provide current and future teachers with a repertoire of strategies to use in elementary school classrooms. Note(s): This course is waived if LEDU 380 was taken as an undergraduate; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 550 - Literature Study in the Classroom Credits 3
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the historical perspectives on children's literature through picture books and young adult novels reflecting different genres. Literature representative of a variety of cultures and ethnic groups will be analyzed and discussed in order to strengthen cross-cultural understanding. Emphasis will be upon developing responses to literature through art, drama, and writing in order to strengthen children's literacy development in the elementary classroom. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required for credential candidates.
SEED 553 - Writing Literature Reviews Credits 2
This course prepares the graduate student to write papers using the guidelines provided by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students select a topic, search the literature discussing that topic, and use these sources effectively to strengthen the content of their literature review. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be MAT Induction/Clear Credential (SEIN), MAT Single Subject (SEMB), MAT Special Education (SEMD), MAT Early Childhood (SEME), MAT Multiple Subject (SEMM), MAT Personalized (SEMP), MAT Curriculum and Instruction (SEMR), MAT Prelim Ed Specialist Inst Credential (Ml/Md) Student Teaching (SEPC), MAT Prelim Ed Specialist Inst Credential (Ml/Md) Internship (SEPP), MS Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication (SSCI), Special Education Non Credential (SSSN), Special Education Student Teaching (SSST or SMYT), or Special Education Internship (SSSI or SMYI); and School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 554 - Professional Writing and Research Credits 3
This course prepares the graduate student to write APA papers and conduct effective library research. This course also provides opportunities for the graduate student to assess qualitative and quantitative articles using a set of guidelines for evaluation. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be MAT Induction/Clear Credential (SEIN), MAT Single Subject (SEMB), MAT Special Education (SEMD), MAT Early Childhood (SEME), MAT Multiple Subject (SEMM), MAT Personalized (SEMP), MAT Curriculum and Instruction (SEMR), MAT Prelim Ed Specialist Inst Credential (Ml/Md) Student Teaching (SEPC or SMTT), MAT Prelim Ed Specialist Inst Credential (Ml/Md) Internship (SEPP or SMTI), MS Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication (SSCI), Special Education Non Credential (SSSN), Special Education Student Teaching (SSST or SMYT), Special Education Internship (SSSI or SMYI), MAEd Curriculum and Instruction (SECI), MAEd Early Childhood (SEEC), MAEd Induction/Clear Credential (SEIC), MAEd Multiple Subject (SEMU), MAEd Prelim Ed Specialist Inst Credential (Ml/Md) Student Teaching (SEPT or SMPT), MAEd Prelim Ed Specialist Inst Credential (Ml/Md) Internship (SEIS or SMPI), MAEd Personalized (SEPR), MAEd Single Subject (SESB), MAEd Special Education (SESE), MA P-12 Multilingual and Multicultural Education - Bilingual Authorization (SMBS), MA P-12 Multilingual and Multicultural Education - Language Acquisition (SMLA), MA P-12 Multilingual and Multicultural Education - Bilingualism and Biliteracy for Young Learners (SMYL), or MA P-12 Multilingual and Multicultural Education - Personalized (SMMP); and School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 555 - Seminars in Education Credits 1-3
Students attend seminars in legislation, National Board Certification, cooperative learning, curriculum, instruction, instructional media, classroom control and management, organization of schools, management of personnel, public relations, implementation of Christian philosophy, and early childhood education. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit; restricted to School of Education approval. Grade Mode: V.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
SEED 556 - Early Childhood Curriculum Credits 3
Students examine ways to create meaningful curriculum that is aligned with California Preschool Learning Foundations and the California Common Core Standards. Teacher candidates develop curriculum plans that integrate language and literacy, mathematics, and play for children ages 3 to 6. Particular attention is given to the key role of adult-child interactions and teaching strategies supporting Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) for all children. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 9-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 335 or SEED 535.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 557 - School/Family/Community Partnerships in Early Childhood Urban Settings Credits 3
Students examine family, community, societal, and cultural influences on children's schooling and learning. Students discover and incorporate strategies for integrating family members and community resources into the learning process. Students explore culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches that support all children and their families. Lecture/Lab Hours: An 18-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 356 or SEED 556 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 558 - Classroom Management in Early Childhood Settings Credits 3
Students examine an overview of childhood behaviors and effective strategies for managing these behaviors in the classroom, including a review of learning and developmental theories. Students study effective strategies that facilitate active learning and differentiated instructional practices that support diverse learning needs are introduced. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 9-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 356 or SEED 556 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 559 - Observation and Assessment of Young Children Credits 3
This course explores the selection and use of formal and informal assessments to determine initial information for facilitating individual learning strategies and environments. Candidates enhance observational skills, assessment abilities, and communication reporting to families. Particular attention is given to the selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of results obtained from assessments of young children to determine skills and abilities for the purpose of curriculum planning, learning environment design, and accommodations for children with special needs. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 12-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 356 or SEED 556 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 561 - Issues in Special Education Credits 3
Candidates receive basic introduction to the history and educational philosophy of special education, studying mild to moderate support needs (e.g. specific learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and emotional and behavioral disturbances). Candidates examine legal issues and laws pertaining to special education, giving attention to school compliance and student and parent rights. Note(s): Special approval required; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; this course is waived if LEDU 361 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 562 - Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners Credits 3
Candidates are introduced to the types of assessments used to identify strengths and needs of exceptional learners. Students acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary for selecting, administering, interpreting, and reporting results of tests related to cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and social development in order to make informed educational decisions. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 362 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 563 - Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs in Inclusive Settings Credits 3
Candidates gain knowledge of definitions, etiology, and characteristics of learning elements in students with mild to moderate support needs. Candidates obtain the knowledge and skills to make accommodations and modifications (including adaptations with technology) for learners with mild to moderate support needs. Particular emphasis is given to working on IEPs, 504s, and Student Study Teams. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 363 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 564 - Behavior and Classroom Management for Students with Special Needs Credits 3
Candidates analyze principles and procedures for modifying behavior in the classroom with emphasis given to the identification of factors that contribute to behavioral problems, systematic data collection, objective reporting, and implementation of various methods of reinforcement. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 364 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 569 - Course Design and Strategies within Technology Credits 3
Instruction includes the practical construction of teaching in an online environment and emphasizes subjects such as interactive teaching strategies, course design, assessment, student evaluation, and instructional planning. Students design an online course. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Experience in a classroom needed to take this course.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 570 - Introduction to Spiritual Formation for the Educator Credits 3
This introductory study into the nature of spiritual formation helps students understand the fundamentals of one’s new life in Christ, the process of formation in the Spirit, and the directives for cooperating with His work. Attention is given to implications of spiritual formation for the life of the educator and classroom experience. Practical exercise in prayer, soul projects, and various spiritual disciplines are included, as well as a personal all-day retreat addressing one's calling as an educator in Christ. Particular attention is given to how one’s life in Christ can deal with personal issues of guilt, shame and legalism and how to cooperate with the Spirit in transforming the heart in light of the dynamics of original sin, one’s early relational development, and the habits of sin developed over time that affect the classroom. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553, SEED 554, or SEED 556 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 571 - Grant Writing, Book Proposal, and Textbook Credits 3
Students gain practice in researching and writing grants that are credible, scholarly, and comprehensive. Students learn how to promote their books by writing a focused, dynamic, and compelling book proposal to submit to educational publishers. Students also practice the steps in writing informative and credible textbooks that lead to publication. Note(s): Certificate and M.S. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 572 - Learning, Motivation, and Student Engagement Credits 3
This course examines theories of academic motivation and their impact on student engagement. Examining theories provides research-based strategies and explanations to questions such as what tasks do I assign, and how do I group and motivate students. Self-determination, attribution, expectancy value, social cognitive, and goal orientation theories are explored. Note(s): Certificate and M.S. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B" or higher; this course is required for the Master of Science in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication program; it is an elective course for the Master of Teaching and Master of Education programs. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 573 - Curriculum Practicum Credits 3
During a one- to two-week internship, students work alongside national and international publishers to see how textbook publishing companies function; interact with district, county, and/or state educational policy makers and/or administrators; and develop curriculum materials. Note(s): Special approval required; certificate and M.S. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): This course may require travel and housing fees for on-site practicums.
SEED 574 - Current Issues in Education and Education Policy Credits 3
Students explore current state and federal legislation affecting the educational community. Students also examine the key statutes and landmark court cases that have impacted the field of education. Students practice contacting lawmakers and lobbyists in order to express their sentiments on critical issues. Note(s): Special approval required; this course may require travel; certificate and Master of Science in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 576 - Preparing Textbooks for Publication Credits 3
Students examine the complex relationships in writing student texts, teacher's editions, and ancillary materials for gifted, EL, and special needs students. Students receive guidance in providing formal and informal assessment opportunities for teachers using the text. As curricula writers, students become acquainted with concept presentation through visual display, page layout, graphics, color, and type, working with teams of editorial staff. Note(s): Certificate and Master of Science in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 577 - School Leadership and Professional Learning Communities Credits 3
Students discover the essential elements required for productive school leadership as well as those characteristics of leadership that should be avoided. Students examine several models for instructional leadership, including building professional learning communities, coaching, and clinical supervision. Note(s): Certificate and Master of Science in Curriculum, Instruction, and Publication candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 578 - CalTPA Support Credit 1
Course provides individual assistance in completing the CalTPA tasks. Support is only offered to those who need to resubmit a cycle. Note(s): Course by arrangement; students who did not pass CalTPA Cycle 1 and/or 2 may be required to sign up for a 1-unit fieldwork course (up to 30 hours of fieldwork with department approval). Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 1.
SEED 579 - Early Childhood Practicum Credits 3
Child development permit candidates placed in practicum sites explore the relationship between theory and practice. Developmental issues, the role of the early childhood educator, and the relationships between programs and families will be examined. Child Development Permit candidates will explore and practice techniques for the observation and recording of behavior, examine environments; and plan, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant practices for young children. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 75-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Note(s): Child Development Permit candidates must pass this course with a grade of "C" or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for practicum. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 357 or SEED 557, LEDU 358 or SEED 558, and LEDU 359 or SEED 559.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 580 - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders Credits 3
Candidates experience an overview of student characteristics, theory, and teaching applications for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Major theories, teaching approaches, trends, etiological and diagnostic issues, classroom structure and environmental arrangements, research-based instructional strategies, and family involvement will be discussed. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 369 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $25.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 581 - Spiritual Formation for Young Children Credits 3
This course examines biblical models for children's spirituality, historical perspectives on children in the church and school, parent child relationships and spiritual development, children's spiritual experiences, and spiritually nurturing practices for young children. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200 (or equivalent), SEED 535, SEED 556 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 582 - Consultation, Collaboration, and Communication for the Education Specialist Credits 3
Candidates learn how to successfully consult, collaborate, and communicate with other professionals, families, and school systems to effectively educate and support students with mild to moderate support needs. Seminar sessions are designed to present a forum in which professionals evaluate on-going program management and service delivery programs, new research findings, and emerging legal and ethical issues as they relate to working with individuals with mild to moderate support needs. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 20-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Credential and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education Credential (SEIT, SEST, SMSI, or SMST) or Special Education Master's program (SEIS, SEMD, SEPC, SEPP, SEPT, SESE, SMPI, SMPT, SMTI, SMTT, SMYI, SMYT, SSSI, SSSN, or SSST); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $50.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 583 - Curriculum Design for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credits 3
Candidates learn research-based best practices for the instruction of diverse students with mild to moderate support needs. Emphasis will be placed on instructional planning that permits differentiating for the student's IEP goals and objectives within the appropriate age and grade level related to the general curriculum. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 60-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Credential (Mild/Moderate) and Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 532, LEDU 361 or SEED 561, LEDU 362 or SEED 562, LEDU 363 or SEED 563, LEDU 364 or SEED 564, LEDU 369 or SEED 580, SEED 582 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education Credential (SEIT, SEST, SMSI, or SMST) or Special Education Master's program (SEIS, SEMD, SEPC, SEPP, SEPT, SESE, SMPI, SMPT, SMTI, SMTT, SMYI, SMYT, SSSI, SSSN, or SSST); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 584 - Student Teaching in Special Education I Credits 6
Candidates learn how to teach students with mild to moderate support needs in a variety of educational settings. Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be prepared to teach students in K–12th grade with mild to moderate support needs. Note(s): Special approval required; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to formal application and approval. Grade Mode: A.
Corequisite(s): SEED 585.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 585 - Student Teaching in Special Education II Credits 6
Candidates learn how to teach students with mild to moderate support needs in a variety of educational settings. Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be prepared to teach students in K–12th grade with mild to moderate support needs. Note(s): Special approval required; credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; restricted to formal application and approval. Grade Mode: A.
Corequisite(s): SEED 584.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 587 - Language, Literacy and Biliteracy in Early Childhood Credits 3
Introduction to the language and literacy development domain in the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of listening and speaking, reading, and writing. Provides practical considerations for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. A focus on supporting English Learners/Dual Language Learners in developing English literacy skills. An exploration of culturally and linguistically responsive practices designed to promote biliteracy. Students will examine and critically reflect on biblical foundations for teaching interculturally. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 6-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 556.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 589 - Developing and Administering Early Care and Education Programs Credits 3
Introduction to the administration of early care and education programs. Covers program types, budget, management, regulations, laws, development and implementation of policies and procedures. Examines administrative tools, philosophies, and techniques needed to organize, open, and operate an early care and education program. Students explore their role as leaders in the early education setting within the context of program improvement and servant leadership. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 3-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Child Development Permit and PK-3 credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance/fingerprints and negative TB test results required for fieldwork. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 556, SEED 557, SEED 558, SEED 559.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 590 - Latina/o Diversity in a U.S. Context Credits 3
This course focuses on the diversity of Latina/o culture and language in the context of the United States with particular attention to language variety, historical and sociocultural factors, immigration and settlement patterns, and the process of acculturation for individuals and families in California and the U.S. and the influence of these factors on effective pedagogical practices. Note(s): Special approval required; this course is taught in Spanish with readings in both Spanish and English; passage of this course with a grade of "B-" or higher will fulfill one of the major requirements for the Bilingual Authorization in Spanish. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 300, SPAN 301, SPAN 310 or SPAN 311 or placement via assessment in the Modern Languages Department.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 591 - Socio-historical Context for Bilingual Education – Spanish Credits 3
This course focuses on providing future bilingual teachers with an understanding of the philosophical, theoretical, legal, and empirical foundations for bilingual education. Research on the cognitive advantages of bilingualism is considered. In light of the developments in the areas of bilingual theory and research, the course examines the different models of bilingual education and the types of instruction that are required within them. Language transferability as well as other issues related to daily language use (eg., interlanguage and translanguaging) within different models are addressed, as well as the wider contexts of school, home, community, and culture, with consideration for how these can impact student engagement and achievement. Note(s): This course is taught in both Spanish and English; passage of this course with a grade of "B-" or higher will fulfill one of the major requirements for the Bilingual Authorization in Spanish. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 590 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
SEED 592 - Bilingual Methodologies - Spanish Credits 3
The course addresses linguistics, instruction, assessment, and curriculum by focusing on the interrelatedness of the four domains of language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) as well as the structure, form, and function of the primary and target languages of bilingual students. The course prepares candidates to plan, develop, implement, and assess standards-aligned content instruction in both the primary and target languages. Through fieldwork, activities, readings, and assignments, participants will employ a variety of instructional and assessment strategies (formative and summative) to foster student language proficiency levels and higher-order thinking skills. Candidates will acquire knowledge of bilingual instructional models, instructional strategies, and the use of evaluation methods. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 20-hour fieldwork practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; this course is taught in both Spanish and English; must submit Certificate of Clearance forms for fieldwork; passage of this course with a grade of "B-" or higher will fulfill one of the major requirements for the Bilingual Authorization in Spanish. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 590 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Approximately $130 for livescan fees will be required.
SEED 593 - Induction Program: Clear Credential Candidate Professional Development Credits 3
With guidance from their personal mentor, Clear Credential candidates evaluate their beginning levels of teaching proficiency and identify proposed areas in which they wish to grow professionally. Clear Credential candidates receive support in achieving the professional growth goals identified to improve application of skills and knowledge learned during their preliminary credential program. Note(s): Special approval required; restricted to submission of Coach and Placement Information form; may be taken up to four times for credit; a minimum grade of "B" is required. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 3.
SEED 594 - Action Research Credits 3
Graduate students study student, classroom, and school-based problems. Students set up action plans to study results of interventions leading to performance-based improvement. Note(s): Special approval required; a minimum grade of B required for Master's degree (a grade of B- is not sufficient); this course serves as the capstone course for the Master of Arts in Teaching; restricted to petition to graduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 501, SEED 524, SEED 554.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 596 - Professional Development Module Credit 1
Students explore their role as leaders in the educational community, examining the change process within the context of curricular innovations and moral leadership. Paths for the capstone process are examined. Note(s): A minimum grade of B required for Master's degree (a grade of B- is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or SEED 554 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 597 - Independent Studies Credits 1-3
Subject matter and credits earned by arrangement. Note(s): Restricted to School of Education approval. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
SEED 598 - Curriculum Research Project Credits 3
Students may elect to complete an instructional development project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. This option requires a literature review and a curriculum development project. Note(s): Special approval required; a minimum grade of B required for Master's degree (a grade of B- is not sufficient); restricted to petition to graduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 501, SEED 502, SEED 503, SEED 504, SEED 524.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 599 - Thesis Credits 3
Students may elect to complete a published thesis under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The thesis involves a literature review and qualitative and/or quantitative research. Note(s): Special approval required; a minimum grade of B required for Master's degree (a grade of B- is not sufficient); restricted to petition to graduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 501, SEED 502, SEED 503, SEED 504, SEED 524.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 604 - Induction I Credits 3
Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a SB2042 Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and who are in a CTC-approved district induction program may receive up to 12 credits of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Note(s): Special approval required; tuition for induction credits is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 605 - Induction II Credits 3
Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a SB2042 Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and who are in a CTC-approved district induction program may receive up to 12 credits of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Note(s): Special approval required; tuition for induction credits is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 606 - Induction III Credits 3
Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a SB2042 Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and who are in a CTC-approved district induction program may receive up to 12 credits of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Note(s): Special approval required; tuition for induction credits is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 607 - Induction IV Credits 3
Graduates who are practicing teachers holding a SB2042 Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and who are in a CTC-approved district induction program may receive up to 12 credits of induction credit towards their M.A.Ed. or M.A.T. degree. Graduates complete district requirements and meet with Biola professors for monthly support during their first two years of teaching. Note(s): Special approval required; tuition for induction credits is one-third the normal graduate tuition. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Proof of current participation in an induction program.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.
SEED 611 - Special Education Intern Support Seminar I Credits 3
This seminar provides ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers serving students with mild to moderate support needs. This seminar focuses on developing a community of learners in special education classrooms that includes the following: IEP construction, fundamental organization, classroom management, instructional skills, use of assessment batteries, lesson/unit planning, and professional development. A major emphasis in this seminar will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; Education Specialist Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 518, SEED 530, LEDU 361 or SEED 561; LEDU 362 or SEED 562, or LEDU 364 or SEED 564.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 612 - Special Education Intern Support Seminar II Credits 3
This seminar provides ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers serving students with mild to moderate support needs. This seminar focuses on developing a community of learners in special education classrooms that includes the following: IEP construction, fundamental organization, classroom management, instructional skills, use of assessment batteries, lesson/unit planning, and professional development. A major emphasis in this seminar will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; Education Specialist Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 611 (may be taken concurrently with program approval).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 613 - Special Education Intern Support Seminar III Credits 3
This seminar provides ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers serving students with mild to moderate support needs. This seminar focuses on developing a community of learners in special education classrooms that includes the following: IEP construction, fundamental organization, classroom management, instructional skills, use of assessment batteries, lesson/unit planning, and professional development. A major emphasis in this seminar will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; Education Specialist Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 612 (may be taken concurrently with program approval).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 614 - Special Education Intern Support Seminar IV Credits 3
This seminar provides ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers serving students with mild to moderate support needs. This seminar focuses on developing a community of learners in special education classrooms that includes the following: IEP construction, fundamental organization, classroom management, instructional skills, use of assessment batteries, lesson/unit planning, and professional development. A major emphasis in this seminar will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; Education Specialist Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 613 (may be taken concurrently with program approval).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 615 - International Comparative Education Credits 3-6
Graduate students travel abroad to study a particular educational system, including assessment, curriculum, sociocultural values, administration, leadership, finance, accessibility, and spirituality. Note(s): See advisor for details. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 616 - International Education–Fieldwork Credits 3-6
Graduate students collaborate with professors as they participate in K–12 schools and university settings, teacher conferences, or curriculum consultations in international and/or mission schools. Note(s): Special approval required - restricted to School of Education approval; fieldwork required, see advisor for details. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 621 - Elementary Intern Seminar I Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for elementary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 420 or SEED 520.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 622 - Elementary Intern Seminar II Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for elementary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 420 or SEED 520.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 623 - Elementary Intern Seminar III Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for elementary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 420 or SEED 520.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 624 - Elementary Intern Seminar IV Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for elementary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 420 or SEED 520.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 625 - Secondary Intern Seminar I Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for secondary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 425 or SEED 525.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 626 - Secondary Intern Seminar II Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for secondary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 425 or SEED 525.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 627 - Secondary Intern Seminar III Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for secondary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 425 or SEED 525.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 628 - Secondary Intern Seminar IV Credits 3
This seminar is developed to provide ongoing support and guidance to on-the-job intern teachers for secondary education. A major emphasis in this practicum will be sharing experiences and expertise so interns can learn from each other. Note(s): Special approval required; must pass this course with a grade of "B-" or higher; valid Intern Credential and letter of employment from a participating district required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 301 or SEED 519, LEDU 341 or SEED 541, LEDU 425 or SEED 525.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $75.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream Subscription required.
SEED 629 - Culture and Christianity Credits 3
This course examines scriptural principles of cross-cultural diversity and the cultural consonance and dissonance of the gospel message within various cultural, religious, and language groups and communities. Students engage in critical thinking to explore ways to infuse into pedagogy Christian principles related to intercultural competence and develop their own integrated philosophy of education applicable to a multilingual, multicultural context culminating in a personal research project/thesis. Note(s): A minimum grade of B required for Master's degree (a grade of B- is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 7320.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 630 - Culminating Experience Seminar for P-12 Multilingual and Multicultural Education Credits 3
This course is the required capstone course for the Masters in P-12 Multilingual and Multicultural Education. Students choose from a variety of options for a culminating project such as action research, a service-based curriculum project, thesis, or related activity demonstrating the candidate’s ability to analyze and synthesize research and evidence-based practices in the field of multicultural and multilingual education. Note(s): A minimum grade of "B" required for Master's degree (a grade of "B-" is not sufficient). Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 524, SEED 527; SEED 529 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 632 - Reading Assessment and Evaluation for Learners with Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credits 3
Candidates are prepared to integrate theory and practice related to selecting, administering, and interpreting diagnostic tools and techniques for assessing severe and/or multiple difficulties in reading, and applying diagnostic-prescriptive principles to design the most developmentally appropriate remedial plans for students with mild to moderate support needs. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 30-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; candidates must pass this course with a grade of B or higher to count towards any Special Education master programs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education Non-Licensure (SNSN); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 639 - Early Childhood Mathematics Curriculum and Methods Credits 3
Early Childhood Mathematics Curriculum and Methods examines mathematics content and instruction aligned with the California Preschool Learning Foundations and the California Common Core and Content Standards. Teacher candidates develop knowledge and skills in math content and pedagogy, including appropriate methods and strategies for teaching children in grades TK-3. This course includes a focus on integrative technology in the math classroom. Attention is given to the key role of adult-child interactions and teaching strategies supporting physical, social and intellectual development for all children. Field experience required. Lecture/Lab Hours: Candidates will complete 30-hours of fieldwork. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this course with a grade of C or higher; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 439 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 547 and SEED 587 with a grade of C or higher.
Restriction(s): Must be PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential (SEPK); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 660 - Early Childhood Student Teaching Seminar I Credits 6
PK-3 ECE teacher candidates participate in a full-time, 8-week laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Seminar is required. Note(s): Special approval required; restricted to formal application; must pass course with a grade of C or higher; must also register for SEED 661 if completing student teaching in one semester; this course is waived if LEDU 460 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 439 or SEED 639.
Corequisite(s): SEED 661.
Restriction(s): Must be PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential (SEPK); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 661 - Early Childhood Student Teaching Seminar II Credits 6
PK-3 ECE teacher candidates participate in a full-time, 8-week laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Seminar is required. Lecture/Lab Hours: Clinical experience required. Note(s): Special approval required; restricted to formal application; must pass course with a grade of C or higher; must also register for SEED 660 if completing student teaching in one semester; this course is waived if LEDU 461 was taken as an undergraduate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 439 or SEED 639.
Corequisite(s): SEED 660.
Restriction(s): Must be PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential (SEPK); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $120.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 662 - Assessment and Eligibility in Special Education Credits 3
Candidates are introduced to the types of assessments used to identify strengths and needs of exceptional learners. Students acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary for selecting, administering, interpreting, and reporting results of tests related to cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and social development in order to make informed educational decisions. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 362 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 663 - Inclusive Instructional Practices for Learners with Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credits 3
Candidates gain knowledge of definitions, etiology, and characteristics of learning elements in students with mild to moderate support needs. Candidates obtain the knowledge and skills to make accommodations and modifications (including adaptations with technology) for learners with mild to moderate support needs. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 363 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; candidates must pass this course with a grade of B or higher to count towards any Special Education master programs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 664 - Learning Environments for Learners with Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credits 3
Candidates analyze principles and procedures for modifying behavior in the classroom with emphasis given to the identification of factors that contribute to behavioral problems, systematic data collection, objective reporting, and implementation of various methods of reinforcement. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 364 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; candidates must pass this course with a grade of B or higher to count towards any Special Education master programs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 680 - Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders Credits 3
Candidates experience an overview of student characteristics, theory, and teaching applications for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Major theories, teaching approaches, trends, etiological and diagnostic issues, classroom structure and environmental arrangements, research-based instructional strategies, and family involvement will be discussed. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 15-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; this course is waived if LEDU 369 was taken as an undergraduate; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; candidates must pass this course with a grade of B or higher to count towards any Special Education master programs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 682 - Consultation, Collaboration, and Communication in Special Education Credits 3
Candidates learn how to successfully consult, collaborate, and communicate with other professionals, families, and school systems to effectively educate and support students with mild to moderate support needs. Seminar sessions are designed to present a forum in which professionals evaluate on-going program management and service delivery programs, new research findings, and emerging legal and ethical issues as they relate to working with individuals with mild to moderate support needs. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 20-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; candidates must pass this course with a grade of B or higher to count towards any Special Education master programs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 361 or SEED 561 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education Non-Licensure (SNSN); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 683 - Education Programming for Learners with Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credits 3
Candidates learn research-based best practices for the instruction of diverse students with mild to moderate support needs. Emphasis will be placed on instructional planning that permits differentiating for the student's IEP goals and objectives within the appropriate age and grade level related to the general curriculum. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 60-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Special approval required; valid Certificate of Clearance and negative TB test results may be required for fieldwork; Education Specialist Certificate candidates must pass this course with a grade of B- or higher; candidates must pass this course with a grade of B or higher to count towards any Special Education master programs. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): SEED 532 or SEED 632, LEDU 361 or SEED 561, LEDU 362 or SEED 562 or SEED 662, LEDU 363 or SEED 563 or SEED 663, LEDU 364 or SEED 564 or SEED 664, LEDU 369 or SEED 580 or SEED 680, SEED 582 or SEED 682 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be Special Education Non-Licensure (SNSN); and School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 684 - Curriculum in Early Childhood Education Credits 3
Students examine ways to create meaningful curriculum that is aligned with California Preschool Learning Foundations and the California Common Core Standards. Students develop curriculum plans that integrate language and literacy, mathematics, and play for children ages 3 to 6. Particular attention is given to the key role of adult-child interactions and teaching strategies supporting Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) for all children. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 9-hour field practicum component is required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 335 or SEED 535.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 7320 - The Life of Christ for Educators Credits 3
A study of Jesus’ life and ministry on this earth, with special emphasis upon the model He provided as a master teacher. The course will teach skills of interpreting the four Gospels in their historical, cultural, and religious context, provide a composite view of how the events of Jesus’ life fit together, and encourage teachers to follow in the steps of the Master Teacher. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Graduate Level.
SEED 756 - Curriculum in Early Childhood Education Credits 3
Students examine ways to create meaningful curriculum that is aligned with California Preschool Learning Foundations and the California Common Core Standards. Students develop curriculum plans that integrate language and literacy, mathematics, and play for children ages 3 to 6. Particular attention is given to the key role of adult-child interactions and teaching strategies supporting Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) for all children. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 9-hour field practicum component is required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 335 or SEED 535.
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 757 - Early Childhood Partnerships Among Schools, Families & Communities Credits 3
Students examine family, community, societal, and cultural influences on children's schooling and learning. Students discover and incorporate strategies for integrating family members and community resources into the learning process. Students explore culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches that support all children and their families. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: An 18-hour field practicum component is required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 356 or SEED 556 or SEED 756 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 758 - Early Childhood Classroom Management Credits 3
Students examine an overview of childhood behaviors and effective strategies for managing these behaviors in the classroom, including a review of learning and developmental theories. Students study effective strategies that facilitate active learning and differentiated instructional practices that support diverse learning needs are introduced. Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 9-hour field practicum component is required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 356 or SEED 556 or SEED 756 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.
SEED 759 - Early Childhood Observation and Assessment Credits 3
This course explores the selection and use of formal and informal assessments to determine initial information for facilitating individual learning strategies and environments. Students enhance observational skills, assessment abilities, and communication reporting to families. Particular attention is given to the selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of results obtained from assessments of young children to determine skills and abilities for the purpose of curriculum planning, learning environment design, and accommodations for children with special needs.Students complete fieldwork hours in a setting that does not align with California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's clinical hours guidelines which prohibits Biola University from verifying students for credential/licensure. Lecture/Lab Hours: A 12-hour field practicum component is required. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): LEDU 356 or SEED 556 or SEED 756 (may be taken concurrently).
Restriction(s): Must be School of Education; and Post Baccalaureate Level or Graduate Level.
Additional Fee(s): Paid Taskstream subscription required.