Business Administration - Graduate (MBAD)


MBAD 502 - Digital Tools for Business Credit 1

Students will learn how to use leading business technology tools to analyze and resolve business problems in a laboratory setting. Students will learn how to utilize information systems to provide solutions that will be useful for managerial decision-making. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 506 - Marketing from the Management Perspective Credits 3

Students learn to manage the marketing process in the context of the firm's strategies and objectives. Topics include analyzing marketing opportunities, selecting target markets, developing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs, budgeting the marketing program, and implementing and controlling the marketing effort. Students will also be introduced to economic principles that affect marketing decisions. Throughout the course students will reflect on biblical and ethical issues in marketing, and how they potentially affect the marketing management process. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 507 - Economic Fundamentals Credits 3

This overview course is an introduction to the basic tools and principles of economics. Topics include supply and demand theory, theory of consumer behavior, industrial organization, income distribution, market failure, business cycles, monetary and fiscal policy, and international trade. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 508 - Business Law Credits 3

This course will examine the legal and regulatory environment of business including an overall survey of the legal system, torts, contracts, criminal law, employment and labor law, business organizations, international law, as well as ethics and biblical principles and their relationship to and interaction with legal principles. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 516 - Accounting and Finance for Decision Makers Credits 3

The objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to understand the complex accounting and financial data they will receive as operating managers. In particular, students will learn how to use the data as an effective management tool for coordinating managerial and organizational activities. Financial accounting, managerial accounting, and financial management are covered with consideration of international, economic and legal issues. Students also consider the nature of numerical analysis as a description of reality, giving rise to ethical and other biblical issues of interpretation. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 550 - Business Internship Credits 1-3

Business work experience related specifically to field of study, under guidance of the faculty. A proposal describing learning objectives, collateral reading and expected benefits must be submitted and accepted by a supervisor and instructor at the time of registration. Note(s): An Add/Drop Slip and Arranged Course Form must be obtained in the Crowell School of Business. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Approved proposal.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 601 - Intensive: Group Dynamics Credit 1

This intensive course consists of a weekend session that is used to initiate the program. Students will learn the importance of highly productive teams in the modern innovative organization, and will experience how to build a productive team. The learning that takes place here will be used and amplified in the students' future coursework. Students will also be introduced to how a biblical worldview equips the Christian to follow Christ in the workplace. Another important part of the weekend is the introduction of the Master of Business Administration Mentor Program, along with the outstanding individuals who have been selected, and have chosen, to serve as mentors. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $100.

MBAD 604 - Organizational Financial Policy Credits 3

An examination and evaluation of financial decision making in the corporate environment: valuation of future cash flows, characterization of risk and return and evaluation of options available to firms to finance their operations or fund growth opportunities. Students will learn how to analyze financial data to provide information to management decision makers on how to improve the financial performance of their firms and make the best capital investment decisions. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 516 required unless waived through undergraduate coursework.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 605 - Advanced Financial Management and Control Credits 3

This course examines the means for achieving control while exploring improvement alternatives. Topics such as financial statement analysis, budgeting, tax issues, restructuring, reengineering, and current topics in financial management are discussed. Learning focuses on the methods used by managers to guide employee actions in ways that are both financially and biblically appropriate. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 516 required unless waived through undergraduate coursework.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 608 - Marketing Strategy Credits 3

This course is designed to provide students with an analytical framework to conduct (1) marketing planning and strategy, (2) market definition and measurement, and (3) the management and control of marketing programs. The primary objectives of this course are two-fold: (1) provide an environment where each student can develop the necessary professional skills for a successful career in marketing management; and (2) encourage analytic and strategic thinking about marketing programs. Using business-related tenets of economics, students will also learn how to apply economic principles to strategic decision-making. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Online coursework in Marketing is required unless waived through undergraduate coursework; please see advisor.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 610 - Business Intelligence and Data Analysis Credits 3

Students will understand the role that digital technologies and statistical analysis play in the competitive advantage of a business. Includes a review of basic business statistics concepts. Students will work with the latest technologies and methods used for corporate decision-making in a laboratory environment and then apply the results to real-world situations. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): Online coursework in Information Systems required unless waived through undergraduate coursework; please see advisor.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 611 - Management Theory and Practice Credits 3

This course focuses on the development of managerial skills to enhance personal and organizational effectiveness. Students will examine and critique academic articles, professional literature and business cases related to personal and organizational productivity, operations management, human behavior in organizations, leadership and general management. Students will be required to reflect deeply upon the meaning of managerial effectiveness and will further be expected to challenge their own practices in light of these lessons. Special attention will be placed on the development of one's personal faith and a biblical perspective of management. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level.

MBAD 613 - Biblical Management and Ethics Credits 3

Within the context of Scripture, philosophical and ethical principles are identified, discussed, and applied to business problems and situations including the organization's obligation to the individual and to society, and the individual's responsibility to the organization. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 615 - Fundraising for Nonprofit Credits 3

As resources become more difficult to find for the growth of many non-profits, most boards, CEOs and CFOs look to the fundraisers in an organization to ensure the health and future of their programs and mission. And while many leading CEOs are fully engaged in the management, planning, and strategy of their organization, they are less confident in their own skills or responsibility in fundraising. Students in this course will read, discuss and observe the nationally recognized best practices of fundraising. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 620 - Social Entrepreneurship Credits 3

Starting from an understanding that the world is fallen, this course explores the role of social entrepreneurship in facilitating economic, social, environmental, and even spiritual redemption. The course begins with a study of the origin, definitions, and theological foundations of this emerging field. It then looks at the key areas that must be considered when starting or evaluating a social enterprise including mission, financial and legal concerns, governance, business models, impact measurement strategies, and planning. Students will become familiar with the experiences of social ventures and their founders, and will gain an understanding of the evolving landscape of for-profit and non-profit organizations. Students will then engage in a business planning exercise around their own or an existing social enterprise. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 621 - The Innovative Leader Credits 3

Authentic and innovative leaders inspire and navigate their teams through the challenging waters of organizational change. This course focuses on becoming a leader through the understanding and development of essential innovative leadership dimensions. Students will examine leadership through the lens of innovation by surveying and analyzing contemporary constructs and by applying their learnings to their personal lives and organizational workplace. Students will also study biblical examples of innovative leaders and integrate this knowledge into their writing and discussion. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Business Admin (MBAD), Master of Arts Ldrship & Innovation (MBLI), or Master of Mgmt Nonprofit Orgs (MMNP); and Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 622 - Theology of Leadership Credits 3

This course is a study of the biblical principles of leadership from the Scriptures as they shape the foundation for best business practices both in relationships and in developing a healthy culture for great organizations. Students will study leadership lessons from Scripture and identify the principles of godly leadership and how to lead with excellence. Students will develop a Christian understanding of leadership to include practical application in order to effectively lead organizations. Students will engage in personal reflection exploring the crucial role of character and the leader’s heart. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Business Admin (MBAD), Master of Arts Ldrship & Innovation (MBLI), or Master of Mgmt Nonprofit Orgs (MMNP); and Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 623 - Sources of Innovation Credits 3

Organization leaders at all levels must increasingly demonstrate innovative and creative thinking and be able to produce original and useful solutions to the challenges they face. The purpose of this course is to equip you with creative problem solving ideas and strategies that can positively impact your work and leadership. This course is designed to introduce to you skills and strategies for generating creative ideas and building a culture of innovation in any organization. The emphasis is on practices that are supported in the problem solving literature that can be applied in any professional context and used to make decisions and solve problems with originality and inventiveness. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Business Admin (MBAD), Master of Arts Ldrship & Innovation (MBLI), or Master of Mgmt Nonprofit Orgs (MMNP); and Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 625 - Organizational Change and Leadership Credits 3

This course is designed to teach students how to create and manage change for productivity, through individual and group leadership. Students will study traditional and cutting-edge methods for initiating and supporting innovation in new and existing organizations, as well as pitfalls to avoid. The crucial role of leadership in the change process will be examined, and opportunities for experience in innovation and change will be made part of class time and assignments. Students will also study significant variables that influence organizations and individual effectiveness necessary for developing effective leadership in the contemporary workforce while examining the role of change from a biblical perspective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 626 - Fundamentals of Financial Planning Credits 3

This course will teach students the process of formulating, implementing, and monitoring financial decisions into an integrated plan that guides an individual or family to achieve their financial goals. A strong emphasis will be placed on formulating financial goals that are consistent with biblical truth. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $34.

MBAD 627 - Estate Planning Credits 3

This course focuses on the components of estate planning which include property titling mechanisms, tax implications, types of trusts, wealth transfer strategies, and postmortem estate planning techniques. Throughout the course, the student will develop a comprehensive, biblical perspective of wealth within the context of estate planning and wealth transfer. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $34.

MBAD 628 - Retirement Planning Credits 3

This course focuses on analyzing client retirement and benefit needs, differentiating between retirement plans, evaluating the rules and tax implications of retirement plans, applying the Social Security system to the financial planning process, recommending retirement plans for businesses, and selecting suitable client investments. Throughout this course, the student will develop a comprehensive, biblical perspective of retirement and benefits planning. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $34.

MBAD 629 - Tax and Insurance Planning Credits 3

This course provides detailed coverage on the taxation of individuals and businesses, as well as the principles of risk and insurance. These topics will be analyzed through both an economic and biblical lens. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $34.

MBAD 631 - Investments Credits 3

Principles for the individual investor, tests of a sound investment, information sources, types of stocks and bonds, and the mechanics of purchase and sale will be covered. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $34.

MBAD 632 - Capstone of Financial Planning Credits 3

This course synthesizes the principles and practices of financial planning. Students will create a comprehensive financial plan that considers the fundamentals of financial planning, risk management, income tax, retirement, employee benefits, investment, and estate planning. Students will also integrate biblical principles of leadership, discipleship, stewardship, decision-making, question-asking, and goal-setting involved in the financial planning process. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 626, MBAD 627, MBAD 628, MBAD 629, MBAD 631.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Course Fee: $229.

MBAD 633 - Managing Emerging Enterprises Credits 3

This course focuses on the techniques used to create and evaluate new concepts and business opportunities. Students study the process of feasibility analysis of business ventures from the time of concept generation through critical concept analysis, opportunity screening and pre-feasibility analysis, to the development of the written business plan. The goal is to prepare students for starting and running successful or emerging enterprises, or to employ an entrepreneurial mindset in any organizational setting. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 604, MBAD 611; and MBAD 506 or MBAD 608.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 640 - Current/Advanced Topics in Business Credits 1-3

Elective course in current or specialized business topics. Note(s): May be taken up to three times with different topics. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 2.

MBAD 644 - Nonprofit Management Credits 3

The study of the management principles, concepts, and practices in nonprofit organizations. Topics include the development of mission statements, success measures, organization structure, stakeholder management, promotion, fundraising, and strategic decision-making. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 650 - Current/Advanced Topics in Business Credits 1-3

In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the faculty. Note(s): Special approval required; may be taken up to three times with different topics. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 2.

MBAD 651 - Leadership Intensive Credit 1.5

The Leadership Intensive course is a three-day seminar designed for individuals aiming to bolster their adaptive leadership skills in dynamic environments. Through experiential learning, participants engage with leadership theory, reflect on personal models, and experiment with new behaviors. Amidst worldly pressures, the course fosters spiritual awareness, encouraging participants to reconnect with their biblical convictions. Inspired by Genesis 26:22, where Rehoboth represents space for flourishing, the seminar aims to cultivate impactful leadership by reflecting on personal experiences and declaring new leadership behaviors and practices. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Business Admin (MBAD); and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
Course Fee: $75.

MBAD 652 - Innovation Intensive Credit 1.5

The Innovation Intensive is a workshop designed to equip participants with practical skills in creative problem-solving. Through a blend of interactive sessions, group exercises, and real-world projects, attendees will gain hands-on experience in mastering essential concepts such as empathy, problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. By the end of the program, attendees will have developed a set of tools and approaches to drive innovation and bring new ideas or solutions to fruition. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Business Admin (MBAD); and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
Course Fee: $75.

MBAD 653 - Advanced Business Topics Intensive Credit 1.5

In the Advanced Business Topics Intensive, a Christian worldview will be integrated by examining how faith-based principles align with contemporary business challenges. Participants will explore how values such as integrity, stewardship, and servant leadership can inform strategic decisions in areas like emerging technologies, global economics, and sustainability. Case studies and discussions will not only focus on business performance but also consider how leaders can navigate ethical dilemmas and shape cultures that reflect Christ-centered values. By integrating biblical principles with modern business practices, participants will develop approaches that honor God and foster both organizational success and societal good. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be a Master of Business Admin (MBAD); and Graduate Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
Course Fee: $75.

MBAD 670 - Capstone for Leadership and Innovation Credits 3

This capstone course ties together all of the materials covered in the Master of Arts in Leadership and Innovation program. Students will complete an integrated capstone project that demonstrates their mastery of business competencies, innovation and leadership. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 611, MBAD 621, MBAD 622, MBAD 623, MBAD 625.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Arts Ldrship & Innovation (MBLI); and Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 675 - Management Strategy Credits 3

This course focuses on the requirements for building and sustaining a competitive advantage through strategic management, both within existing businesses and new business start-ups. Students will discover that all business projects and initiatives benefit from strategic thinking as they develop an awareness of the range, scope and complexity of the issues and problems related to the strategic management of an organization's resources and capabilities. A strategic planning model will be introduced in the class and students will use the model to create a strategic plan for an existing business or new idea. Students will develop insight into the skills necessary to be an effective general manager through a business simulation project. Students will also explore the biblical implications of strategic management. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 604, MBAD 605, MBAD 608, MBAD 610, MBAD 611.
Restriction(s): Must be Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.

MBAD 685 - Capstone: Nonprofit Organizations Credits 3

This course ties together all of the materials covered in the Master of Management in Nonprofit Organizations program. Students will complete a field study project that demonstrates their understanding of business concepts with the unique challenges that faith-based and nonprofit organization brings. Note(s): This course is in teach-out; it will no longer be offered once the Nonprofit Organizations, MM is fully taught out. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): MBAD 644.
Restriction(s): Must be Master of Mgmt Nonprofit Orgs (MMNP); and Crowell School of Business; and Graduate Level.