Psychology - Graduate (RSPY)
Courses under this designation provide the essential scientific and theoretical foundation for advanced graduate study in clinical psychology.
RSPY 501 - Introduction to Psychotherapy Credit 1
An introduction to the theory and techniques of psychotherapy. Includes an emphasis on the relationship between models of psychopathology and psychotherapy, an overview of various approaches to psychotherapy, and a discussion of foundational therapeutic techniques. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 502 - Advanced Statistics Credits 3
Concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and interpretation of clinical and research data. Lecture and laboratory descriptive and inferential statistics. Major topics include correlation, multiple regression, tests of significance and analysis of variance. Instruction assumes undergraduate background in statistics. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy; this graduate level course may be taken by senior psychology majors with consent of the departmental chair obtained through a permission request form from the Psychology Department (see PSYC 420). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 504 - Evidence-Based Practice: Beyond Treatment Manuals Credits 2
This course is designed to help students bridge the gap between research and practice. As such, a major focus of this course is helping students become knowledgeable about the empirical support for psychotherapy and develop their ability to thoughtfully apply research findings to clinical practice. Throughout the course, students will critically engage the literature regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy, as well as research on important psychotherapy processes that contribute to therapeutic outcomes. Students will also explore the intersection between psychotherapy research and multicultural/integrative considerations, and will discuss how to best answer the question, “What works for whom?” Discussion of research findings will emphasize clinical applications and help students develop and articulate an empirically informed approach to practice. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 507 - Program Evaluation and Consultation Credits 3
In this course, students will acquire a set of skills that will increase the relevance and utility of their research competencies beyond academic environments, this includes learning the distinction between research and program evaluation activities, history of program evaluation, and diverse views of program evaluation approaches. Specifically, students will learn how to assist decisions made by stakeholders, improve interventions that target social determinants of health, instill new ways of thinking, give voice to marginalized groups, and/or test existing theories in the real world. By the end of this course, students should be able to identify and apply a variety of evaluation approaches to bridge the gap between academic and non-academic communities. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 515 - Introduction to Psychopathology Credits 3
This course provides a comprehensive study of the current Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This includes training in diagnosis, and the various psychopathological processes covered in the DSM, as well as honing diagnostic ability and familiarizing students with a range of psychopathology. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 530 - History and Systems of Psychology Credits 3
An overview of the history of psychology and classical systems in psychology. The class also considers issues in the philosophy of science relevant to psychological systems, research, theory, and practice. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy; this graduate level course may be taken by senior psychology majors with consent of the departmental chair obtained through a permission request form from the Psychology Department (see PSYC 440). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 561 - History of Psychoanalytic Thought Credits 2
This course will provide an overview of psychoanalytic theory in order to provide students a foundation for understanding contemporary relational psychodynamic therapies. The course will review Freud's drive/structure model and its developments in Ego Psychology as the historical backdrop for understanding the relational/structure model that emerged in the 1930s and 40s. the course will focus on two theoretical lines that developed out of classical psychoanalysis within the relational/structure model: interpersonal and object relations theories, and attachment theory. the course will trace the development of both of these lines of thought with special attention being given to contemporary relational psychoanalysis and attachment-based psychoanalytic therapy. Clinical applications of the various theories will be discussed throughout the course. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 601 - Research Design Credits 3
Covers the design and analysis of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Basic principles of sampling, measurement, design validity, reliability, multivariate analysis, and research ethics are presented. The role of research as it pertains to evidence based practice in clinical psychology and in the integration of psychology and theology are explored. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 502.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 603 - Cognitive-Affective Aspects of Behavior Credits 3
Presents an overview of cognition and emotion in relation to human functioning. All topics will be covered from the perspective of recent empirical research in the areas of cognitive and affective neuroscience, and will include an integration of cognitive processes with emotional functioning and regulation. Topics include, but are not limited to the social and affective influences on perception, attention, memory, and vision as well as complex cognitive skills such as language, reasoning, and problem solving. Application to clinical practice is discussed when appropriate. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 607 - Biological Aspects of Behavior Credits 3
Examines the anatomy and function of the nervous system with special emphasis on brain neurotransmitters and hormones, reproductive behavior, sensory and motor functions, brain development and change, language, arousal and sleep, emotion, and emotional and neurological disorders. Current research methods pertaining to the above topics are included in the course materials. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 608 - Social Psychology Credits 3
Problems and theories of the person in the social context, including person perception, interpersonal relations, role formation and differentiation, attitude formation, maintenance and change. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 615 - Advanced Developmental Psychology Credits 3
Concepts and processes involved in the development of the person throughout the lifespan are reviewed with emphasis on cultural variations. Major theoretical systems and empirical findings relevant to individual development are examined. Emphasis is upon the study of neurobiological, cognitive, and affective changes manifested throughout the lifespan. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): A survey course (graduate or undergraduate) in developmental psychology, and RSPY 515.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 622 - Multicultural Psychology I: Identity, Humility, and Social Justice Credits 3
This course provides an overview of theories and research on cultural identity development, multicultural competence, and social justice advocacy. Cultural influences are broadly defined to include race, ethnicity, indigeneity, social class, immigration, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ability. Emphasis is placed on cultural humility as a framework for developing multicultural competence, awareness of self and others as cultural beings (e.g., cultural identities, values, and biases), cultural dynamics of privilege and oppression (within intersectional, historical, and social contexts), and considerations around advocacy and social justice. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 626 - Multicultural Psychology II: Conceptualization, Assessment, and Psychotherapy Credits 3
This course applies research and theory in multicultural psychology to provide a foundation to conduct psychotherapy that is conceptually grounded and responsive to client culture, context, characteristics, and preferences. Emphasis is placed on the development of case conceptualization and clinically applied skills. Students will be introduced to multicultural case conceptualization frameworks to be applied to their clinical cases. Readings, written assignments, lecture, roleplay, class and small group discussions, case presentations and other strategies will contribute to the development of culturally responsive conceptualization and psychotherapy competencies. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 623 and RSPY 624; or RSPY 622.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 641 - Measurement and Assessment I: Cognitive Assessment Credits 3
This course is the first in a sequence of courses that are dedicated to promoting psychological-assessment competency. This first course is designed to introduce students to the primary tools included in cognitive assessment batteries that are administered across the human lifespan (e.g., school-based interventions under IDEA 2004, eligibility for test accommodations, and dementia assessment). This course is also designed to help students continue developing foundational competencies in the following key areas: describing examinee mental status and behaviors, conducting clinical interviews, understanding basic psychometric theory, selecting appropriate assessment methods, integrating assessment data, articulating case conceptualizations, developing data-driven recommendations, and writing psychological reports. Furthermore, it is designed to help students develop multicultural competencies in the area of psychological assessment, emphasizing the diversity domains of age and generational influences, gender, ethnic and racial identity, religion and spiritual orientation, sexual orientation, and developmental disabilities and disabilities acquired later in life. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $180.
RSPY 642 - Measurement and Assessment II: Personality Credits 3
This course is the second in a sequence of courses that are dedicated to promoting psychological-assessment competency. This second course is designed to introduce students to the following instruments: the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI-IV), and the Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition (MMSE-2). Opportunities to administer and interpret the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), figure drawing methods, and sentence completion methods are also provided. The overall purpose of this course is for students to develop basic competencies in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the instruments included in two psychological assessment batteries, with a particular emphasis on self-report inventories. This course is also designed to help students continue developing foundational competencies in the following key areas: describing examinee mental status and behaviors, conducting clinical interviews, understanding basic psychometric theory, selecting appropriate assessment instruments, integrating assessment data, articulating case conceptualizations, developing data-driven recommendations, and writing psychological reports. Special interest is given to multicultural competencies in the area of psychological assessment, emphasizing various diversity domains such as age, gender, ethnic and racial identity, sexual orientation, religion and spiritual orientation, and developmental disabilities and disabilities acquired later in life. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 641.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 1.
Course Fee: $180.
RSPY 643 - Measurement and Assessment III: Performance-Based Measure (Rorschach) Credits 3
This course is the third in a sequence of courses that are dedicated to promoting psychological-assessment competency. This third course is designed to introduce students to the Rorschach Inkblot Method (RIM) and incorporate this test into a full psychological assessment. Students will also build on their growing competencies in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of objective and projective measures learned in previous Measurement and Assessment courses. The overall purpose of this course is for students to continue developing foundational competencies in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the instruments included in two psychological assessment batteries, with a particular emphasis on the Rorschach Inkblot Method. This course is also designed to help students continue developing foundational competencies in diagnosis, treatment, recommendations, and report writing. Furthermore, it is designed to help students further multicultural competencies in the area of psychological assessment. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 642.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Course Fee: $30.
RSPY 663 - Human Sexuality Credits 2
An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning, behavior, relationships and feelings. Issues of sexuality are discussed within spiritual, psychological, cultural and medical/health perspectives with implications for clinical treatment of sexual issues. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 681 - Pre-practicum I Credit 1
The first of a two-course sequence designed to facilitate the development of empathic listening, interpersonal skills and basic therapeutic techniques including an introduction to ethics. This first course emphasizes a small, interactive group format for the development of skills. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 682 - Pre-practicum II Credits 2
The second of a two-course sequence designed to facilitate the development of empathic listening, interpersonal skills and basic therapeutic techniques. During this course, direct observation and videotaping of the student's first clinical practicum in the University's counseling center are utilized to provide a closely supervised introduction to the therapeutic process. Grade Mode: C.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 681.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 688 - Practicum Consultation Credits 0-1
This course is designed to provide peer and faculty consultation to students in their first practicum placements -- school settings at which students provide educational/psychological assessments. Consultation groups consist of 6-8 students meeting weekly with a faculty member. Feedback is given about students' assessments to promote knowledge and skills in ethics awareness, understanding of and synthesis of data, professional presentations in written and oral formats, awareness of cultural and diversity issues relevant to cases, adherence to evidence based assessment practices, and the students' openness to feedback. Small group consultation coordinated by the Director of Clinical Training. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 9.
RSPY 689 - Practicum Continuous Enrollment Credits 0
Students beginning a Fall practicum or continuing a Spring practicum in the Summer will register for this 0-credit course. Registration in a Fall or Spring practicum is required. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 682.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 5.
RSPY 691 - Practicum I Credits 2-3
Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations and schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 682.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 692 - Practicum II Credits 2-3
Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations and schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 691.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 693 - Practicum III Credits 2-3
Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations and schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 692.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 694 - Practicum IV Credits 2-3
Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations and schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 693.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 695 - Practicum V Credits 2-3
Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations and schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 694.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 696 - Practicum VI Credits 2-3
Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations and schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 695.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 697 - Practicum Elective Credits 1-3
For students desiring supervised clinical experiences beyond the practicum requirements for their degree. These are used as elective practica. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 682.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
RSPY 698 - Practicum Elective Credits 1-3
For students desiring supervised clinical experiences beyond the practicum requirements for their degree. These are used as elective practica. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 682.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
RSPY 699 - Practicum Elective Credits 1-3
For students desiring supervised clinical experiences beyond the practicum requirements for their degree. These are used as elective practica. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: I.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 682.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
RSPY 704 - Advanced Research Design Credits 3
A continuation of RSPY 601 for Ph.D. students. In this course major emphasis will be given to multiple regression analysis, including validity of assumptions, diagnostics, outliers, transformation of variables. We will also cover the multivariate techniques of canonical correlation, multiway frequency analysis, multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, principal components analysis, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Introduction will be given to structural equation models. Computer implementation and applications will be emphasized. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Philosophy only. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 601.
Restriction(s): Must be Clinical Psychology (RSDR); and Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 706 - Positive Psychology Credits 2-3
This course is designed to be a graduate level introduction to Positive Psychology for clinical psychology students. We will cover the broad contours of the field, with an emphasis on applying Positive Psychology principles and concepts to one’s life and to the context of psychotherapy and organizational consulting. Throughout the course, we will address issues related to integrating Positive Psychology with a Christian worldview and to multicultural issues with respect to the various topics. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 707 - Trauma & PTSD in Clinical Practice Credits 2-3
This course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of therapeutic work with clients who have experienced trauma, endorse symptoms of traumatic stress, and/or qualify for a formal diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To this end, we will seek to provide students with a basic understanding of the post-trauma reaction and the etiology of traumatic distress. Although the focus of the course will be on PTSD, as it is defined by the DSM-5-TR, the topic of complex trauma will also be covered. This course will place emphasis on empirical research and current evidence-based treatments for trauma; completion of the course will lead to certification in one or more evidence-based approaches for trauma. A substantial component of the course will also be integrative in nature, providing students with guided support as they consider the potential impact of trauma and clinical work in trauma on their own faith. To this end, students will read and reflect on theological texts on the topic of theodicy (i.e., the problem of evil). Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 709 - Current Issues in Psychology Credits 1-3
Intensive focus is given to a selected topic of contemporary interest. Note(s): Elective; may be retaken for credit. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
RSPY 711 - Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues Credits 3
A study and discussion of the ethics of professional psychology with an emphasis on the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics, guidelines, and laws that govern the profession. Preparation for the Rosemead Comprehensive Exams, the Professional Qualifying Exam and the written portions of the licensing exam in the state of California is also given emphasis. The challenge to integrate a professional, Christian, and personal ethical code is discussed. Note(s): Required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 712 - Independent Study Credits 1-3
Individual study, directed reading or special problems in psychology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography on the appropriate form available from the Office of the Registrar. Note(s): Required courses may not be taken through independent study; elective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (total number of credits): 6.
RSPY 713 - Principles and Practices in Clinical Supervision Credits 2
A course designed to give students training and practice in supervisory and consultation roles. Mutual supervision and case presentations are used to develop skills. This course is required of Doctor of Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 692.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 714 - Clinical Psychopharmacology Credits 3
A general overview of the drugs used in the treatment of mental disorders, including their specific indications, mechanism of action and effectiveness. Note(s): Elective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 718 - Structural Equation Modeling Credits 3
This course will build on students’ knowledge of multiple regression and factor analysis by delving deeper into structural equation modeling (SEM). This methodology is referred to by many names, including covariance structure analysis (CSA), Latent Variable Analysis, and Causal Modeling. SEM subsumes many other multivariate techniques such as path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the underlying concepts and statistical assumptions, and on the correct application and interpretation of SEM models. At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to design and apply several basic structural equation models, correctly interpret the resulting output, and write up the findings. Note(s): Required for Doctor of Philosophy. Grade Mode: A.
Prerequisite(s): RSPY 704.
Restriction(s): Must be Clinical Psychology (RSDR); and Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 729 - Alcohol and Substance Abuse Credits 1-2
Diagnosis, treatment planning, and recovery process for the alcoholic/addict and family members will be the focus of the class. The disease model of addictions treatment and the utilization of 12-step support groups in the treatment of the recovering person and the family members will be presented. Other compulsive diseases will be discussed such as sexual addiction, eating disorders, etc. Class lecture, special speakers, and assigned reading will be the primary methods of instruction. Note(s): Meets California licensure requirement for training on alcohol and substance abuse; elective. Grade Mode: A.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 730 - Directed Research Credits 1-3
Students may take special courses of study and/or pursue research projects that they design and carry out under the guidance of a resident faculty member. Individual or small group participation in a research project in psychology must be under the supervision of a faculty member. The student must provide a detailed outline of the research and other learning experiences of the course. Note(s): Special approval required; PhD students who have not completed their MA Project by the end of the summer following the RSPY 612 Research Apprenticeship II course are required to register for 3 credits per semester until the MA Project is completed; required courses may not be taken through Directed Research; elective. Grade Mode: D.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 3.
RSPY 740 - Special Topics in Psychology Credits 1-3
Occasional seminars are offered under this course description that specifically identify current issues relevant to the integration of theology and psychology. This designation is to be used for 1-4 day courses offered at various times per year. Note(s): Elective; may be retaken for credit. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 10.
RSPY 741 - Family Therapy: Concepts and Theories Credit 1
This course will provide an overview of the history, foundations and fundamental concepts of family therapy. It will also explore common models of family therapy. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 742 - Introduction to Play Therapy Credit 1
This course will provide an overview of the main theories and various approaches to play therapy with children. Students will learn about the tools, materials, and skills that are essential to utilizing play therapy with children. Students will also learn the benefits of using play in therapy to address various childhood problems. Grade Mode: C.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
RSPY 790 - Leave of Absence Credits 0
For students who have been granted an official Leave of Absence from the doctoral program. Grade Mode: N.
Restriction(s): Must be Rosemead Sch of Psychology; and Graduate Level or Doctoral Level.
Repeat Limit (after first attempt): 9.